

中文摘要 空氣品質統計至108年11月臺東及關山站AQI<50 「良好」日數比例分別為92.2%及94.2%,介於51~100「普通」日數比例分別為7.8%及5.8%,均未發生「不良」日,截至108年11月各項空氣品質指標項目皆符合空品標準及污防書目標,年均濃度均低於107年。本計畫進一步分析103~108年1-11月同期各項污染物逐時濃度趨勢歷年皆相似,臺東站108年PM10、O3、PM2.5、NO2、SO2濃度相較前五年有明顯改善;關山站108年PM10、O3、NO2濃度相較前五年有明顯改善,PM2.5近三年濃度稍有降低但仍有些微起伏大致成相同趨勢,SO2濃度相較107年明顯降低(107年因測站施作站頂防漏工程影響,明顯高於歷年),接近歷年。 依據TEDS10.0本縣105基準年TSP、PM10、PM2.5總排放量分別為10,284 、4,644、1,827公噸,均以營建/道路揚塵排放量最多,其次為工業及露天燃燒;SOx、NOx、NMHC以及CO年排放量分別為180、2,947、4,890以及6,483公噸,SOx以工業排放量最多,NOx及CO以車輛排放量最多,NMHC以商業、車輛和營建/道路揚塵偏高。以TEDS推估105年卑南溪河川揚塵PM10日小時值最嚴重之7/31臺東站、7/24臺東站、9/26關山站以及10/29臺東站等四個案例排放量,掌握除臺東及關山測站以外,模擬網格點之最高濃度值,重現當年各鄉鎮受風災揚塵影響之程度。 在空氣污染防制計畫管理方面,本計畫每月針對污防書策略項目進行查核,截至11月二行程機車汰舊、二行程機車到檢率、一到三期柴油車汰舊換購以及公私場所道路認養洗掃長度等項目較預期目標落後。另經由執行經驗與持續的討論,提出下一版空氣汚染防制計畫書建議調整修訂之方向,下一版空氣汚染防制計畫書將同步更新本縣區域空氣品質惡化防制措施修訂內容,採用TEDS 10.0 計算方式推估減量目標,且釐清可管制量及實際排放量之差異,並配合署定時程公告,管制策略項目部分提出三點建議,第一檢視本縣推動二行程機車全面汰舊之效益、所需之人、物、資源以及轄內公私場所可推動之認養長度檢討擬定該兩項目短中長程目標;第二不重複計算燃油機車汰舊換購電動機車之污染物削減量;第三刪除營建工程管理之其他工程類別占比。 在空氣品質維護或改善計畫績效管理方面,每月針對各項考評指標項目進行進度及繳交資料品質查核,彙整各計畫提交結果,於每月工檢會請各子計畫提出改善方案追蹤落實,並於環保署規定期限內提交月報表、季報表、半年報表、基金運作、行動方案、行動計畫及引領創新作為之相關資料,完成專家教育訓練三場次提升各計畫執行能量。 推動室內空氣品質管理方面,依據環保署室內空氣品質考評相關規定,本年度除了納入健身中心、托嬰中心、地下室內停車場等3類型非列管場所,並擴大巡檢輔導對象,共計完成47家,經統計CO2平均濃度或最大濃度>1000 ppm有12家,包含健身中心、郵局、政府機關、旅館以及高中以下學校及供兒童、少年教育或活動場所;篩選縣立東海國中、卓越健身、東遊季溫泉渡假村、創世基金會清寒植物人安養院以及市立知本國小附幼等五家,於8-9月間執行場所類別所規定之污染物項目檢測,結果顯示卓越健身二氧化碳及細菌超標,市立知本國小附幼細菌超標。針對列管公告場所查核追蹤,環保署公告之臺東縣第一、二批公告場所計有18家,截至108年11月止,臺東縣第一批9家列管場所均已申請設置專責人員並取得地方主管機關核定,也均於期限內完成第二次定期檢測及環保署系統申報,第二批9家列管場所中,2家完成專責人員設置、定期檢測及網路申報作業,其餘7家因第二次定期檢驗測定期限尚未到期,均未完成網路申報作業,相關檢測數據均建置於臺東縣室內空品資料庫。為使本縣民眾即時掌握及瞭解環保署(局)相關資訊及政策,已辦理2場次室內空氣品質講習會及1場室內空氣品質管理宣導活動。 本計畫自106年新增空氣品質淨化區維護管理查核工項,已完成今年度22處空氣品質淨化區考核作業,後續將結果登錄至網路平臺資料,設置十年以上且淨化功能不佳或轉變為其他功能之空品淨化區基地,建議維護管理單位可提出用地變更申請,或由環保局提出解除列管。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質管理


專案計畫編號 經費年度 108 計畫經費 4400 千元
專案開始日期 2019/01/01 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 潘一誠
主辦單位 臺東縣環境保護局 承辦人 馮志銘 執行單位 鼎環工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 108年臺東縣空氣品質管理計畫期末定稿全文.pdf 29MB 108年臺東縣空氣品質管理計畫

2019 The Taitung County Air Quality Management Project

英文摘要 The data of Air Quality Index (AQI) until November 2019 in Taitung and Guanshan stations showed that days with “good” level (AQI <50) were 92.2% and 94.2% respectively, days with “normal” level (AQI 51-100) were 7.8% and 5.8%, no number of days with AQI over 100 occurred, all the air quality index items met the air quality standard and the targets of pollution control management. The further analysis showed that the hourly concentration trend of each pollutant during 2014-2019 was similar. For Taitung station, the pollution of PM10, O3, PM2.5, NO2, and SO2 were significantly improved compared to the previous 5 years; while for Guanshan station, PM10, O3, and NO2 were significantly improved and the others pollutants seemed mild variation. According to the model of TEDS10.0, total emission amount of TSP, PM10, and PM2.5 based on 2016 would be 10,284, 4,644 and 1,827 tons, mainly contributed by construction and road dust, followed by industry and open burning; the annual emission amount of SOx, NOx, NMHC and CO would be 80, 2,947, 4,890 and 6,483 tons, SOx is mostly from industry, NOx and CO are mostly contributed by vehicles emission, and NMHC is more from business, vehicles, construction or road dust. For the air pollution control management, the inspection was conducted monthly, and only a few items were behind the targets. Besides, this project continues to modified and discussed the contents for the next revised version of the air pollution control plan for Taitung, including air quality deterioration control measures, and set the reduction targets base on the formulas and estimates of TEDS 10.0., clarify the differences between of the real emission amount and the controllable amount. There are three suggestions for management strategy. First, evaluate the resources and benefits in order to set the short term and long term goals more suitable; second, remove the duplicate calculation in the old version; third, delete the item of other types in construction management. For the indoor air quality management, according to the indoor air quality performance evaluation of Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan (EPA), three types of non-announcement management places including fitness center/gym(floor area below 2000 m2), baby-care center and underground parking lot were added as the expanded inspection subjects this year, 47 places were conducted the CO2 inspection, and 12 of them had the concentration over 1000ppm, 5 of these 12 places had been chosen for specific items inspection base on the category of each place. For 9 announcement management places from the first batch and the other 9 from the second batch announced by EPA, all installed dedicated personnel and been certificated by the competent authority, 11 of them conducted the regulated inspection, and all the information had been saved in system of Taitung indoor air quality database. Besides, in order to convey the concept and importance of indoor air quality control to the public and related management places, this project held 2 indoor air quality workshop and 1 propaganda activity.
英文關鍵字 air quality management