

中文摘要 根據行政院農業委員會(以下簡稱農委會)於108年5月所公布的養豬頭數調查報告統計資料,臺灣地區養豬戶數為6,999戶,養豬頭數為5,467,684頭。其中屏東縣(以下簡稱本縣)養豬戶高達1,647戶,養豬頭數達1,237,631頭,數量僅次於雲林縣,為全國第二大養豬重鎮,其中屏東縣境內又以東港溪及高屏溪(武洛溪)流域內之畜牧業者最多。因養豬廢水具有高濃度有機物質、高懸浮固體量、高鹽度以及高污染負荷等特性,若廢水無經過妥善的處理,對於自然環境及民生用水將造成嚴重威脅。 爰上,為降低畜牧糞尿廢水之水體污染,使畜牧糞尿成為有用資源,行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)亦修正公布新增「水污染防治措施及檢測申報管理辦法」第70條計畫與農委會合作,於修正畜牧糞尿作為農地肥分使用規定符合規定條件下,得不適用土壤處理規定、不以廢棄物來認定及管理,畜牧業者可全量或部份將產生之畜牧糞尿沼液沼渣作為農地肥分使用,達畜牧糞尿資源化及再利用目的。 屏東縣政府環境保護局於105年度已積極推動包含「屏東縣麟洛鄉沼液沼渣作為農田肥分示範工程評估及細部設計計畫」、「屏東縣東港溪及武洛溪畜牧糞尿農地肥分使用推動計畫」,106年度推動「106年屏東縣沼液沼渣農地肥分利用推動及關鍵測站總量削減計畫」、107年度推動「107年屏東縣沼液沼渣農地肥分利用推動及關鍵測站總量削減計畫」等計畫,逐步宣導畜牧糞尿農地肥分使用,已獲地方畜牧業者與農戶贊同,盼加強輔導推廣。 爰此,特持續辦理「108年屏東縣沼液沼渣農地肥分利用推動及關鍵測站總量削減計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),冀望透過本計畫之執行持續推動屏東縣內沼液沼渣農地肥分使用,將原本被錯置,視為污染、廢棄物之沼液沼渣資源化,可削減畜牧污染,有效提升屏東縣水質環境,並減少民眾陳情事件發生,本計畫成果摘要如下: 一、屏東縣畜牧業概況 (一)養豬業分布 根據行政院農業委員會108年5月養豬頭數調查報告之資料統計,屏東縣之養豬戶數1,647戶為全國最多(23.53 %),飼養豬隻數量1,237,631頭亦為全國第二(22.64 %),為有效瞭解豬隻飼養分布情形,進一步彙整分析屏東縣各鄉鎮在養頭數,前五名鄉鎮分別為萬丹鄉143,308頭(佔11.61 %)、鹽埔鄉142,091頭(佔11.48 %)、九如鄉141,362頭(佔11.42 %)、內埔鄉99,386頭(佔8.03 %)、長治鄉85,603頭(佔6.92 %);而以屏東縣各鄉鎮畜養戶數排序,其前五名鄉鎮分別為萬丹鄉268戶(佔16.26 %)、內埔鄉171戶(佔10.38 %)、長治鄉141戶(佔8.56 %)、竹田鄉139戶(佔8.44 %)、鹽埔鄉138戶(8.38 %)。 (二)養牛業分布 參考行政院農業委員會108年第2季統計資料,屏東縣之養牛戶數共計199戶,飼養數量共計27,432頭,為有效瞭解牛隻飼養分布情形,進一步蒐集屏東縣各鄉鎮養牛頭數分布,在養頭數最多之鄉鎮分別為萬丹鄉16,440頭(佔59.93 %),其次為鹽埔鄉2,730頭(佔9.95 %)、里港鄉2,089頭(佔7.62 %)、屏東市1,791頭(佔6.53 %)及九如鄉1,693頭(佔6.17 %);畜養戶數最多之鄉鎮為萬丹鄉86戶(佔43.22 %),其次為恆春鎮17戶(佔8.54 %)、屏東市14戶(佔7.04 %)、里港鄉12戶(6.03 %)、九如鄉9戶(佔4.52 %)、新園鄉9戶(佔4.52 %)。 (三)畜牧業污染源定位 綜整環保署「水污染源管制資料管理系統資料」108年11月列管畜牧業資料,經查本縣轄內養豬規模1,000頭以上之畜牧戶為291家,核准飼養總頭數約752,420頭,核准每日總廢水量約19,699 CMD,主要分布於萬丹鄉36戶、鹽埔鄉34戶、內埔鄉26戶、屏東市25戶、九如鄉22戶;養牛規模100頭以上之畜牧戶為52家,核准飼養總頭數約8,260頭,核准每日總廢水量約1,460 CMD,主要分布於萬丹鄉35戶、鹽埔鄉5戶、屏東市4戶、九如鄉2戶、里港鄉2戶。 根據上述統計資料,可瞭解目前屏東縣境內之畜牧業分布狀況,依此規劃優先針對萬丹鄉、鹽埔鄉、九如鄉、內埔鄉、長治鄉等畜牧業數量較高之鄉鎮進行沼液沼渣肥分利用宣導推廣及重點稽查。 二、高屏溪、東港溪關鍵測站削減目標及總量削減措施計畫 依據環保署「108年度河川污染整治(含流域管理)計畫」改善作為及計分說明進行水質改善預計作為規劃,高屏溪以屬嚴重污染測站之九如橋測站及昌農橋測站為關鍵水質測站,而東港溪則屬嚴重污染測站之興社大橋測站為屏東縣之關鍵水質測站,透過環保局相關執行成果,預期可於考核計畫取得88.3分。 三、沼液沼渣肥分利用推動成效分析 本計畫利用歷年關鍵測站核准通過畜牧場家數、核准通過澆灌量、污染削減量、關鍵測站RPI年平均及BOD或氨氮嚴重污染次數來分析沼液沼渣肥分推動成效,其結果顯示,3處關鍵測站中昌農橋測站之沼液沼渣推動成果對牛稠溪水體水質略有改善情形,對於九如橋及興社大橋則無顯著影響,九如橋至107年底核准通過計14場,相較集污區內289家畜牧業數量偏低,因此削減效果有限,興社大橋部分則因東港溪主流污染來源較多且水量較大,集污區內畜牧業計有160家僅上游23家畜牧場通過並進行施灌,所減少廢水量尚不足以影響整體主流水體水質,故較無明顯趨勢。 綜整而言,沼液沼渣肥分利用之推動成效雖甚微,但以近年之BOD及氨氮削減而言,確實已能漸漸改善河川水體水質。 四、沼液沼渣肥分利用宣導及推廣 (一)宣導說明會辦理 為有效推廣沼液沼渣農地肥分使用計畫,減少畜牧廢水對於地面水體的污染,本計畫已主辦/協辦27場宣導說明會,出席人數達1,339人,另為加強畜牧戶及農戶媒合作業,本計畫除計畫工作內容執行外,亦協助經濟部南區水資源局、東港溪保育協會「龍頸溪流域畜牧業者及竹田鄉農民」媒合會議,透過幫助農民與畜牧場尋「沼」好夥伴,期望藉由畜牧糞尿資源循環利用,逐漸改善龍頸溪排水水質,進而改善東港溪水體環境。 (二)沼液沼渣肥分利用新聞稿宣傳 配合各階段沼液沼渣肥分利用推廣成果於網路平台或媒體進行宣傳,提高政策能見度、增加民眾參與度,本計畫已協助提供逾33篇新聞稿,並透過FB社團「D賽變黃金幫」及line群組「屏東異味即時通報」協助宣導作業。 (三)沼液沼渣農地肥分利用計畫輔導及媒合 根據本計畫工作契約內容要求,須優先針對屏東縣養豬規模1,000頭以上/養牛規模100頭以上之畜牧場、東港溪及高屏溪關鍵測站污染削減(關鍵測站上游畜牧業者)、或經環保局同意/指定之畜牧業者等對象進行沼液沼渣農地肥分利用輔導或媒合,本計畫已完成250家輔導,其中81場同意配合辦理沼液沼渣農地肥分利用計畫並進行設施改善作業。 五、重點對象稽查採樣 本計畫合約要求進行60站次之稽查採樣,並配合貴局進行畜牧場擴大稽查,檢測項目為SS、BOD、COD、氨氮(配合考核計畫擇一進行採樣),本計畫已配合擴大稽查或夜鷹早鳥稽查出勤47次,並總計稽查413家次畜牧業及完成放流水採樣60站次,其中水質檢驗合格者為24站次,不合格者36站次。 六、沼液沼渣肥分利用計畫辦理進度 本計畫合約工作要求協助媒合畜牧戶與農地主辦理肥分計畫書78件,目前執行至108年11月30日確定辦理沼液沼渣肥分利用計畫之畜牧場共計81場(養豬業65戶、養牛業16戶),其中6家已核准通過,尚有75家補正或已提送農業處進行審查中。 七、沼液沼渣肥分利用計畫監測報告 根據本計畫合約工作內容,需追蹤本縣已完成沼液沼渣農地肥分利用計畫或放流水澆灌之畜牧戶進行土壤及地下水相關監測作業60件,已協助63家畜牧場157次地下水採樣檢測及63次土壤採樣檢測作業。 八、沼液沼渣肥分利用計畫變更 依契約工作內容,本計畫需協助5場已通過沼液沼渣肥分利用之畜牧場辦理計畫書變更作業,目前已協助6家畜牧場提送變更計畫。 九、水肥車沼液沼渣示範性澆灌 透過與屏東縣各地區巡守隊接洽及農戶自發性要求進行沼液澆灌,目前配合辦理示範澆灌之農戶共80戶,根據本計畫合約工作內容,計畫執行期間內需協助屏東縣環保局管理2部所屬水肥車進行沼液沼渣示範性澆灌960噸以上,本計畫已完成1,020噸沼液提供農民試用,並持續安排提供有需要農民進行示範施灌。 十、廢水管理計畫推動與執行 本計畫工作合約中需協助提送413家畜牧場廢水管理計畫,已完成418家輔導,實際訪勘逾500家次,並已核准通過50家,送件審查中179家,待改善現場設施或補正文件後始得提送148家,現勘疑似停養36家,已改養其他畜禽者5家。 十一、植體分析試驗成果 沼液可供應礦物鹽類、腐植質及胺基酸等植物生長輔助劑,因此若能澆灌於作物園區,對作物的生長應該有所助益。本試驗初步結果顯示,沼液澆灌對於5種作物園區之土壤有機質、磷、鉀、鈣、鎂及微量元素含量大致有提升情形,而酸鹼度及電導度於兩區差異不大,鈉含量有4種作物園區反而是沼液澆灌區低於非澆灌區,此說明了沼液澆灌對於鈉含量的提升幫助不大,因此可免除鈉危害之疑慮;至於植體內營養元素含量,於不同作物表現之結果不盡相同,然而大多仍於沼液澆灌區對植體營養元素含量提升優於非沼液澆灌區,5種作物之沼液澆灌試驗顯示,經由沼液澆灌後,對於5種作物園區土壤多項理化性質皆有提升情形,且對於植體內氮、磷及鉀的提升亦有所助益,至於沼液澆灌後之銅、鋅與鈉等可能造成植物危害的元素影響並不大。
中文關鍵字 沼液沼渣肥分利用、關鍵測站削減措施計畫


專案計畫編號 10802141052 經費年度 108 計畫經費 21020 千元
專案開始日期 2019/04/11 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 許盈志
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 孔乃玉,郭俊興 執行單位 磐誠工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 108年屏東縣沼液沼渣農地肥分利用推動及關鍵測站總量削減計畫_期末報告定稿.pdf 20MB 期末報告

Piggery Waste and Digestate as Farmland Fertilizer and Execution Plan of Rivers Water Pollution Remediation and Reducing Total Maximum Daily Load Strategy in PingTung County, 2019

英文摘要 Pingtung county is a city lives on traditional agriculture. There are a large number of pig farms, cattle farms, chicken farms and duck farms in this place. According to the “Investigation report of the number of pigs (2019.05) “published by Council of agriculture, executive Yuan”, there were 1,647 pig livestock farms in Pingtung County, and the number of pigs up to 1,237,631, which was only less than Yunlin county in Taiwan. And most of them was in Donggang river and Kaoping River. In case of the livestock sewage didn't treat well, it will become a huge problem in our life (such like living environment getting worse, influence of drinking water etc.) ,so Pingtung County promotes the policy of “Biogas slurry as Farmland Fertilizer Plan” to solve the large number of livestock sewage problem since 2016. In 2019, Pingtung County carried out a project of “Biogas slurry as Farmland Fertilizer Plan and Execution Plan of Rivers Water Pollution Remediation and Reducing Total Maximum Daily Load Strategy in PingTung County, 2019”`, and the results as following statements. 1. Overview of animal husbandry in Pingtung County According to the “Investigation report of the number of pigs (2019.05) “published by Council of agriculture, executive Yuan”, there were 1,647 pig livestock farms in Pingtung County, and the number of pigs up to 1,237,631, which was only less than Yunlin county in Taiwan. After analysis, Pig farming mainly distributed in Wandan Township(143,308, 11.61%), Yanpu Township(142,091, 11.48%), Jiuru Township(141,362, 11.42%), Neipu Township(99,386, 8.03%) and Changzhi Township(85,603, 6.92%);Cattle farming mainly distributed in Wandan Township(16,440, 59.93%), Yanpu Township(2,730, 9.95%), Ligang Township(2,089, 7.62%), Pingtung City(1,791, 6.53%) and Jiuru Township(1,693, 6.17%). The amount of pig livestock farms, whose number of pigs is greater than 1,000, have 291 pig livestock farms, 752,420 pigs and 19,699 CMD sewage discharged. The amount of cattle livestock farms, whose number of cattle is greater than 100, have 52 cattle livestock farms, 8,260 cattles and1,460 CMD sewage discharged. 2. The execution plan of rivers rater pollution remediation and reducing total maximum daily load strategy The execution plan of rivers rater pollution remediation and reducing total maximum daily load strategy in Pingtung County, 2019 will submit in December 2019, and expecting to score 88.3 points. 3. Promotion effective of “Biogas slurry as Farmland Fertilizer Plan” We found that Jiouru bridge and Changnon bridge stations(the EPA's key monitoring station in Kaoping River) have improved the water quality gradually by promotion of the “Biogas slurry as Farmland Fertilizer Plam”, but not at Cinsheda Bridge(the EPA's key monitoring station in Donggang river).The mainly reason was there are 160 livestock farms located at upper river of Cinsheda Bridge, but only 23 livestock farms submit the "Biogas slurry as Farmland Fertilizer Plan". So we should enhance promoting “Biogas slurry as Farmland Fertilizer Plan” at upper river of Cinsheda Bridge in next year. 4. The promotion of “Biogas slurry as Farmland Fertilizer Plan" Inviting experts to conduct the publicity conference. A total of publicity conferences is 27 times and 1,339 people attended. (22 times requested in the contract) For promoting the “Biogas slurry as Farmland Fertilizer Plan ", there were 33 press released. There is a FB group named “D賽變黃金幫” and a Line group named “屏東異味即時通報” to post some messages about “Biogas slurry as Farmland Fertilizer Plan”. 5. Key object inspection Priority to inspect the pig livestock farms whose number of pigs is greater than 1,000 and there is no intention to participate the “Piggery Waste and Digestate as Farmland Fertilizer Policy". There had been collecting 60 samples. (60 sampling requested in the contract) 6. The tutorship of “Biogas slurry as Farmland Fertilizer Plan " We have completed over 250 livestock farms’ tutorship, and assisting to submit 81 cases of “Biogas slurry as Farmland Fertilizer Plan"(76 cases requested in the contract) including 6 cases had been approved in this project. 7. Monitoring report for “Biogas slurry as Farmland Fertilizer Plan" There have been submit 63 cases of biogas slurry as farmland fertilizer plan monitoring report(60 cases requested in the contract), including 157 water sampling and 63 soil sampling. 8. Helping Farmers modifying “Biogas slurry as Farmland Fertilizer Plan " We have assisted 6 cases of “Biogas slurry as Farmland Fertilizer Plan " modifying. (5 cases requested in the contract) 9. Exemplary Piggery Waste and Digestate watering We have assisted to transport 1,020 ton of Biogas slurry (960 ton requested in the contract) for farmers in Pingtung county, and most of them think biogas slurry is good for crops and no other bad effect so far. 10. The tutorship of “Wastewater Management Plan” For promoting of “Wastewater Management Plan”, there have been completed 418 live livestock farms’ tutorship, and 50 livestock farms approved, 179 under review, 148 in the progress of improving, 36 abandoned, 5 change raising species. 11. Cooperate with agricultural technology experts to conduct field trials Due to the farmers had no confidence about the policy, Pingtung county government invited Y. H. Lin who is an associate professor in National Pingtung University of Science and Technology to conduct biogas slurry as farmland fertilizer field trials like mango, guava, lotus, date, lemon, coffee, dragon fruit, betel nut, banana and so on. The test results show that: (1) There is no obvious odor in the Biogas slurry application process. (2) Continuously applied Biogas slurry to crop, the nitrogen content of soil was increased significantly. Professor Lin reminded farmers that the application of biogas slurry has positive effects on both the plants and the soil, and no need to worry about Cu, Zn remain in plants and the soil. However, biogas slurry as farmland fertilizer may cause the problem about lack of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer during flowering and fruiting period, farmers should add properly.
英文關鍵字 Piggery Waste and Digestate as Farmland Fertilizer , The execution plan of rivers rater pollution remediation and reducing total maximum daily load strategy