

中文摘要 依據行政院環保署於107年度針對政府機關綠色採購推動成果統計資料顯示,自102年度起政府機關綠色採購達成率每年都有95%以上;以107年度為例,政府機關綠色採購的達成率已達98.4 %。但,對照行政院公共工程委員會之資料,107年度政府機關的總採購金額(含工程、財物及勞務)共計約17,644億元,其中政府機關綠色採購金額卻僅為95.07億元,占政府總採購金額的0.5%。由此可知,政府機關綠色採購金額仍有極大成長空間。然以現有制度,政府綠色採購近三年幾乎連年都有將近百分之百的達成率,預期未來成長幅度極為有限。有鑒於此,計畫執行團隊認為可從擴大認定可採購的綠色產品類別、發展新種類別的配套認定方式,以及提供更多綠色產品採購驅動力量等方式著手,讓綠色採購的總金額在未來數年有明顯的成長。 本計畫以下五項重點工作分項之展開與執行:(1)彙整國際間及國內各公、民營機構對於綠色產品認定之方法,提出擴大綠色採購認定範疇之評估建議;(2)評估生命週期作為綠色產品認定之可行性及其於綠色採購範疇之定位,以及產品碳足跡計算服務平台轉型為綠色產品量化工具之可行性;(3)透過蒐集並彙整國際間對於綠色產品類別規則制定之方法,完成2項綠色產品類別規則之制定;(4)透過產品碳足跡標示之關鍵性審查制度作為綠色產品審查作業流程之可行性評估,確立綠色產品審查之作業流程;及(5)透過綠色評比問卷及企業綠色採購執行狀況,了解企業綠色採購執行績效等,不僅藉此重新檢視我國綠色採購政策,更期望能依據分析結果提出我國綠色採購擴大之策略建議,促使綠色採購金額能由目前僅占政府總採購金額不到1%的情況下,在112年後能有倍增之成效。
中文關鍵字 綠色採購、綠色產品認定方法、生命週期評估、綠色評比


專案計畫編號 經費年度 108 計畫經費 5400 千元
專案開始日期 2019/02/14 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 gaialu@itri.org.tw
主辦單位 管考處 承辦人 邱慈娟 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 FY108 綠採期末報告(定稿) 1225.pdf 12MB 期末報告

The Project of Performance Upgrade for Green public Procurement

英文摘要 According to the data related to the promoting of the green public procurement from Taiwan EPA in 2018, the achievement rate has been over 95% every year since 2013. Take the data in 2018 for example, the achievement rate of green public procurement topped out at 98.4%; however, compared to the data from Public Construction, the amount of the public procurement in 2018 cost a total of NT$1.7644 trillion (e.g. construction, product, and service, etc.), which the public green procurement only cost a total of NT$9.507 billion. It accounts for 0.5% in the public procurement, so it’s easy to learn that there’s still room for improvement; on the other hand, the expected growth rate of the green public procurement may be limited because it has almost topped out at 100% for 3 years. Therefore, we regard that it can start with increasing the green product category, developing the new sort of evaluation criteria, and providing more incentives to the green product procurement. Hope that there will be obvious growth rate of the total amount of the green procurement in the future. The following have listed 5 key points of the project work: (1) Consolidate the evaluation criteria of green product from international, domestic, and private institutions, then propose the recommendation of upgrading the performance of green procurement.(2)Assess whether life cycle assessment is available or not for evaluating the green product and collect and analyze the related software of abroad life cycle assessment.(3)Collect and analyze the information about internationally product category rule, and propose to regulate the product category rule of 2 green product category.(4)Identify whether critical review of product carbon footprint can assess the review process of green product or not.(5)Analyze the performance of green procurement, and propose the strategy about upgrading the green procurement by questionnaire of green performance evaluation. Hope that the amount of the green procurement can be redoubled after 2023 under the condition that it only accounts for less than 1% of the total amount of government procurement so far.
英文關鍵字 Green Public Procurement, The evaluation criteria of green product, Life cycle assessment, Green performance evaluation