

中文摘要 行政院環境保護署(以下稱 貴署)自105年業已透過「空氣品質監測站數據蒐集處理系統計畫」(以下簡稱"前案")開發國家級測站數據蒐集、測站維護、數據品保等功能,提供給 貴署空氣品質監測網等其他系統加值創新應用服務使用。 銓崴國際有限公司承接 貴署「108-109年空氣品質監測站數據蒐集處理系統維護及功能強化計畫」,本計畫主要目的係延續前案 貴署已建置之DAS及IOMS相關系統與信號擷取轉換模組,確保持續維運,服務不中斷,並針對異常進行修復,完成以下工作內容: (一) 延續前案持續維運 本計畫除前案已完成之儀器外,專案期間依 貴署需求持續蒐整新購儀器數據(共新增儀器protocol 12款)、製作新購儀器管理界面(新增儀器維護操作管理界面,另因應測站多款相同儀器進行同測項數據比對之需求,修改界面呈現規則…)、並針對現有IOMS、DAS、信號擷取轉換模組進行異常修復與更換(自2019年8月至2020年10月期間處理維護與操作問題共309次,平均每個月約有20.6次維護操作相關問題)。並依月份統計分析各相關系統異常狀況如儀器數據擷取失敗狀況、備援次數及DAS重啟狀況等,再依較易發生之問題提供改善方案,數據擷取失敗比例從專案期初(2019年9月至2020年3月共17站次)每月平均2站次超過千分之一,直至期末2020年10前已連續三個月沒有任何測站超過千分之一。 (二)前案功能強化 基於環境保護理念的深化,測站儀器變動及維護作業需要,部份功能採漸進式逐步開發強化,本專案期間完成測站權限控管整合功能,使不同職能人員分別依權限操作測站DAS/IOMS系統,另提供圖示化界面依需求直接連入相關測站IOMS系統進行操作。並配合完成維護、修復、品保等工作於中心端顯示。 (三)建立測站統合管理主機 由於測站所需操作參數及各種設定隨儀器之新增勢必逐漸複雜與專業,設立統一控管機制以避免重複性設定時常見之人為疏失顯有其必要性。專案期間於 貴署所提供之軟硬體設備中建置了測站權限控管(包括DAS/IOMS操作權限控管,人員進出門禁系統)、測站端參數設定與比對修改、校正作業群組設定及參數統一控管、DAS/IOMS系統版本控管及更新、測站端自動檢核無效原因統計分析等功能,達到提升異常管理成效之目的。 茲呈報計畫執行期間,我司各項工作內容與成果於後。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質監測、數據蒐集系統 DAS 、儀器操作管理系統 IOMS


專案計畫編號 108A360 經費年度 108 計畫經費 6360 千元
專案開始日期 2019/08/12 專案結束日期 2020/12/31 專案主持人 曹志成
主辦單位 監資處 承辦人 莊惟然 執行單位 銓崴國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 完工結案報告_20210107.pdf 10MB

The Maintenance and Enhancement Project on the Air Quality Monitoring Data Acquisition and Handling System for Year 2019 and 2020

英文摘要 EPA has completed a project in 2016 and 2017 titled “A Project to Develop the Air Quality Monitoring Stations Data Acquisition and Handling System” to upgrade its existent system to meet the current and coming technological demands on monitoring data acquisition, site maintenances, data quality assurance and so on. Chen-Wei International VR Co., Ltd. was awarded by EPA ”The Maintenance and Enhancement Project on the Air Quality Monitoring Data Acquisition and Handling System for Year 2019 and 2020”, which is primarily an extension project on the maintenance, operation, and upgrading for the installed EPA’s DAS/IOMS Systems and related signal conversion modules. The following tasks have been completed: Maintenance for the previous project systems The communications between the analyzers and DAS/IOMS have been established and tested successfully per the protocols specifically for every individual brand and model of the analyzers newly purchased by EPA. (The number of new protocols is 12 ), IOMS’ Instrument Maintenance Reporting Module has been upgraded according to the reporting requirements for newly purchased analyzers and the comparing requirements between the new and old analyzers of the same pollutant, and the corrective maintenance have been conducted 309 times till 2020, October on DAS/IOMS and conversion modules, i.e. monthly average 20.6 times. Three performance indexes, system data missing rate, backup chance, and DAS rebooting chance, have been analyzed and recommended corrective actions accordingly, which resulted in the data missing rate greatly reduced. Enhancements for the previous project systems To meet the growing demands resulted from new analyzers and user experience, some functions have been upgraded with the proceeding of analyzers replacement. These functions include IOMS/DAS access management, improved graphical user interface connecting to each station, and adding a maintenance status flag to monitoring data which can be recognized in the EMC. To build a centralized monitoring stations administration platform With the growing number of new analyzers installed, the following system re-configuration and parameters change greatly increased, and therefore the chance of human misoperation increased as well. A centralized administration platform is needed and has been developed to manage plenty change scenarios expected. The platform provides central access management for station DAS/IOMS system and door security, configuration management for station analyzers, parameter management for analyzers calibrations, application version management for DAS and IOMS systems installation, missing data rate collection and analysis, and so on.
英文關鍵字 Air Quality Monitoring, Data Acquisition System, Instrument Operation Management System