

中文摘要 由於臺北市機車族群眾多,加上機車為都會地區主要空氣污染源 之一,為了使移動污染源管制業管制完善,故由臺北市政府環境保護 局環保稽查大隊委託瑩諮科技股份有限公司執行「108 年度臺北市加 強移動性污染源-機車排放空氣污染物稽查管制計畫」,計畫執行期程 自民國108 年3 月7 日至12 月31 日止。 統計自民國108 年12 月31 日止,計畫執行總進度皆已達100%, 路邊攔檢10,304 輛次,不合格率為8.5%,與機車定檢資料庫比對後, 回檢7,590 輛次,回檢率為74.7%;車牌辨識於本市道路共拍攝104,085 輛次,車牌取唯一55,242 輛次,重複率46.9%,其中設籍本市率38.5%; 針對設籍本市逾期未到檢機車寄發二次通知332,386 件,累計回檢率 為49.5%,逾期未到檢機車寄發雙掛號通知16,610 件,累計回檢率為 57.6%。依環保署公告12 月份設籍本市機車應定檢車輛數為646,075 輛,完成定檢輛次為527,723 輛,到檢率75.6%。 彙整計畫執行結果,在稽查作業部分,透過本年度新增的科技執 法(環保車輛辨識系統),以及本計畫路邊攔檢與車牌辨識的精進配 合,整體近三年未曾稽查過車輛達88.2%,不合格率8.5%,較去年提 升3.1%,明顯大幅管制行駛在臺北市的高污染機車;而在催檢通知 部分,透過歷年執行得知催檢通知能有效提升機車到檢率,本年度大 量且有效的催檢後,雖整體改善率僅五成,但在催檢通知中約65%屬 107 年未到檢機車,其改善後使到檢率再提升4.3%,因此使得機車到 檢率較去年提升4.3%,達到75.6%,屬歷年最高。
中文關鍵字 機車


專案計畫編號 經費年度 108 計畫經費 8999 千元
專案開始日期 2019/03/07 專案結束日期 2020/12/31 專案主持人 胡欣
主辦單位 臺北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 李妍慧 執行單位 瑩諮科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 108北市移污_期末報告_定稿.pdf 2MB 108北市移污_期末報告_定稿

108th "Taipei City Control Plan for Strengthening Auditing of Air Pollutants Emitted by Mobile Pollution Sources

英文摘要 Taipei City has a large number of motorcycle users, and motorcycles constitute one of the main pollution sources in the Taipei metropolitan area. In order to realize effective management of mobile pollution source control operations, in FY 2019 the Environmental Inspection Division, Department of Environmental Protection, Taipei City Government commissioned Envimac Technology and Consultants Corporation to implement the “Taipei City Plan for Strengthening Auditing of Air Pollutants Emitted by Mobile Pollution Sources (Motorcycles).” The Plan implementation period was from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019. As of December 31, 2019, the overall Plan implementation completion rate was 100.0%. A total of 10,304 roadside inspections had been performed, with a failure rate of 8.5%. Cross-checking against the motorcycle periodic inspection database showed that 7,590 of the motorcycles in question were subsequently brought in for re-inspection, giving a re-inspection rate of 74.7%. License plate recognition technology was used to record motorcycles on Taipei City roads on 104,085 occasions; of these, there were 55,242 instances of a license plate number appearing only once, giving a repeat rate of 46.9%. 38.5% of the motorcycles in question were registered in Taipei City. A total of 332,386 second reminder notifications were sent to the owners of motorcycles registered in Taipei City that had not been brought in for inspection. The cumulative rate of completed inspection was 49.5%. A total of 16,610 double-registered-mail were sent to motorcycle owners registered. The cumulative rate of completion of the inspection was 57.6%. According to an announcement issued by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), the total number of motorcycles registered in Taipei City as of December 31 2019 that were required to undergo periodic inspection was 697,704. The actual number of motorcycles that underwent periodic inspection was 527,723, representing a periodic inspection completion rate of 75.6%. The number of motorcycles brought in for inspection that underwent repairs which brought them into conformity with legal requirements was 33,684. Linear source emissions coefficient calculations using the EPA's Taiwan Emissions Data System (TEDS) Version 7.1 showed that the improvement in air pollutant emissions from motorcycles that underwent roadside inspection and subsequent repairs can be estimated to equate to a reduction in carbon monoxide emissions of 947.52 tons per year, and a reduction in hydrocarbon emissions of 109.96 tons per year.
英文關鍵字 motorcycle