

中文摘要 在現有物聯網系統的佈建與維護上,本計畫完成了中彰投地區所有265個監測點的維護,並更新其內部的感測元件。其次,維護整個物聯網系統與雲端平台的正常運作,並針對使用者的意見修正了App與網頁的功能。第三,我們建立計畫案臉書與官網,讓民眾知道我們的行動。第四,本計畫採用程式分段校正的方式,前一個月的資料,找出各分段的校正參數。第五,本計畫開發簡易窗型過濾扇的雛形,並指導彰化縣五所自造教育與創客中心製作。第六,本計畫開發一套電玩,作為空污教育使用。
中文關鍵字 空氣污染、細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)、微型感測器、志工制度


專案計畫編號 經費年度 108 計畫經費 4600 千元
專案開始日期 2019/04/24 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 戴榮賦
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 簡大詠 執行單位 國立暨南國際大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 200206-發展社區志工推動空氣品質改善及感測器應用_期末報告(定稿版).pdf 55MB 期末報告

Developing the Volunteer Program for Air Protection and the Applicaton of the Local PM2.5 Monitoring System

英文摘要 In this project, the primary goal was to "strengthening awareness of air pollution and establishing basic behavior for citizens", which could be achieved in the following ways: (1) Promote environmental education and publicity: The public awareness could be improved by building understanding of air pollution of PM2.5 through lectures and experience sharing, with ties to science and technology, English, agriculture and other issues, as well as cooperating with different schools, communities, organizations, and institutions to provide occasions and opportunities to publicize awareness of air pollution, that this year alone, 33 events, with approximately 3,284 people attending, were completed. (2) Organize cases of reduction planning: By learning about local actions of organizations and individuals in Puli Township to reduce air pollution as responses in the past, and practices of reducing open-air burning would be discussed among volunteers of Puli Township. Furthermore, volunteers' biographies were to record their long-term experience, along with words and images as promotion, as the relevant information would be published on Facebook and the official website of the project, to allow more people see the possibility of change. (3) Organize volunteer training: First, the existing volunteer network of Community University was adopted to bring all volunteers of Chuishui and Maoluo River Community Universities to jointly organize training and management of these volunteers in dealing with air pollution. Also, the concept of using science and technology in combating air pollution issue would be introduced to co-work with Nantou and Changhua County for setting up voluntary training sessions. Lastly, in addition to enrolling and organizing student volunteers in National Chi Nan University to assist in publicizing air pollution, this project encouraged students to integrate and apply their majors into the issue of air pollution. (4) R&D of teaching materials on air pollution: Various organizations were consulted to discuss about integrating microsensor network of PM2.5 into teaching materials, and meanwhile, several games and mobile phone APPs would be developed with the help of volunteers of self-saving organizations, as well as discussing the possibility of combining with mobile sensors, air test kits and the book of “Triumph over PM2.5!”, as a complete and effective set of promotional materials. In terms of the layout and maintenance of the existing Internet of Things, the project has completed the maintenance of all 265 monitoring points in Central Taiwan area, and updated the internal sensor components. Also, the normal operation of the whole Internet of Things and cloud platform were maintained. The public could observe our actions through Facebook and official website. Furthermore, in this project, subsection correction was adopted to identify all correction parameters of each subsection for the past monthly data. These allowed us to develop the prototype of the simple window filter fan and guide the five self-made education centers in Changhua County. Lastly, the plan was to develop a set of video games as education for air pollution.
英文關鍵字 Air Pollutants, Particulate Matter 2.5, Low-cost Sensor, Volunteer Program