

中文摘要 本計畫工作內容包含二行程機車及大型柴油車汰舊補助、烏賊車檢舉案件處理及定檢站管理,為促使二行程機車儘速淘汰進而獎勵二行程機車汰舊及新換購電動二輪車,透過退補件原因分析改善申請流程促使車主更便利來申請,如主動至監理機關列印車籍報廢證明及至環保署回收系統下載車體回收證明等便民措施,使退件率由105年12.8%下降至107年5.2%,並且在106年創下歷年來最高補助數量計有27,564件,為首辦年10倍量之多,而今年(108年)本市參與交通部推出的加碼大眾運輸消費金補助,提供車主多一項補助選擇。為了提升定檢站品質,將常犯缺失改善研議修訂編列於定檢站許可證審查條文中,以利規範定檢站新設及展延審查,在檢驗品質提升上,針對排氣分析儀規定使用年限並加強老舊機齡檢校查核,經查核不合格率9.7%,促使170站更換老舊排氣分析儀,106年起要求新設及展延定檢站於檢測區加裝攝影機,以防止高污染機車使用不正當方式通過排氣檢驗,本年度計查獲8站非檢驗人員驗車。除了上述工作外並辦理烏賊車檢舉通知到檢作業及今年度首度併進計畫之大型柴油車汰舊換新及加裝空氣污染防制設備補助作業,統計107年度共淘汰二行程機車34,624輛,CO、HC分別減量325、229公噸,柴油車共淘汰1,255輛為近三年最高。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 108 計畫經費 15930 千元
專案開始日期 2018/12/17 專案結束日期 2019/11/30 專案主持人
主辦單位 新北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 曾乃禹 執行單位 瑩諮科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 108年度高污染車輛汰舊補助減量及排氣定期檢驗管理計畫.pdf 6MB
英文摘要 This project involves providing subsidies for replacing old two-stroke motorcycles and large diesel vehicles, handling reports of highly-polluting motorcycles, and managing testing stations. It offers incentives for the replacement of two-stroke motorcycles with electric motorcycles in an effort to quickly retire two-stroke motorcycles. The reasons for past cases in which applications were rejected or further information was required were analyzed to make the application process more convenient for applicants. For instance, the active printing of waste vehicle disposal certificates at the motor vehicle office and downloading vehicle recycling certificates from the recycling system of the Environmental Protection Administration, enabled the rejection rate to be reduced from 12.8% in 2016 to 5.2% in 2018. The greatest number of subsidy cases occurred in 2017─27,564, which was 10 times the number during the initial year of implementation. This year (2019), New Taipei City participated in the mass transportation expense project implemented by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, providing motorcycle owners with a new subsidy option. In order to improve testing station quality, the improvement of common shortcomings was included in permit review guidelines, which facilitated standardization of the review of new testing stations and permit extension cases. In addition, the service life of exhaust analyzers was specified and calibration audits for old analyzers were strengthened, and 9.7% of analyzers failed to pass audit; 170 testing stations were urged to replace their old exhaust analyzers. Starting in 2017, new and extended testing stations were required to install cameras in their testing area, so as to prevent highly-polluting motorcycles from using illicit methods to pass exhaust inspection. This year, 8 testing stations were found to have non-inspection personnel inspect motorcycles. Apart from the foregoing tasks, this project also handled the reporting of highly-polluting motorcycles, and began providing subsidies for the replacement of old large diesel vehicles and installation of air pollution prevention equipment this year. A total of 34,624 two-stroke motorcycles were retired in 2018, which reduced CO and HC emissions by 325 and 229 tons. A total of 1,255 diesel vehicles were also retired, the highest in the most recent three years.