

中文摘要   廢電冰箱拆解後衍生之硬質聚氨酯泡棉(rigid polyurethane foam;簡稱PUR)因密度低、熱值高,目前以焚化方式處理為主,去化管道十分有限。根據國內外文獻資料顯示,廢棄之PUR主要可採用物理法、化學法、能源法等方式回收再利用。但目前由廢家電處理廠產生之廢PUR因摻雜塑膠、金屬等雜料,並無直接進行再利用。   有鑑於此,本計畫評估開發廢PUR精緻分選技術,期透過系統化整合多種物理分選技術,將處理廠產生之廢PUR進行分選、純化,獲得純度達95%以上的聚氨酯泡棉,以利後續資源再利用,拓展去化管道,同時避免二次污染問題。本計畫已完成3項分選技術篩選與效能測試評估,並依據測試結果完成分選系統設計,規劃採用2條產線、單線每小時處理量為1公噸、年處理量為4,000公噸。再將分選、純化之PUR粉作為填料進行發泡材料應用試作,完成製備2種不同密度之發泡材,確認以廢PUR製作再生泡材具技術可行性。PUR粉添加量占整體泡棉組成10%,所產製的再生發泡材抗壓強度與相同密度等級之新生原料泡材相當。因此,未來若能將廢PUR妥善回收再利用,預計可將廢電冰箱之資源化再利用比率自目前的83.6%提升至94.6%。
中文關鍵字 廢聚氨酯、循環經濟、分選技術


專案計畫編號 EPA-108-XB04 經費年度 108 計畫經費 1900 千元
專案開始日期 2019/01/01 專案結束日期 2019/11/30 專案主持人 隋學光
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 吳隆成 執行單位 綠電再生股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 廢電冰箱聚氨酯泡棉精緻分選技術評估期末報告_1204定稿上傳.pdf 3MB

Assessment of Waste PUR Selection Techonology

英文摘要   Rigid polyurethane foam (PUR) from waste refrigerators has very limited disposal solutions due to its low density and high heating value. According to international research and papers, current approaches to recycle waste PUR include mechanical, chemical, and energy recovery. Since PUR collected from waste refrigerators consists of a mixture of plastics and metals, it cannot be recycled directly.   The aim of this project is therefore to design and develop a system for separating PUR from the waste mixture, and to integrate the different available technologies to achieve a PUR purity of 95%, which would allow further recycling processing and realize circular economy opportunities, as well as to prevent pollution. Three different separation technologies were examined to identify the most suitable and efficienct technique for waste PUR separation. Based on the results, a separation system was designed to include two prodcution lines, each capable of treating 1 tonne of waste PUR per hour, with the annaul capacity of 4,000 tonnes. Finally, the sorted and purified PUR was used as a filler to evaluate the performance of the recycled foaming material, and two kinds of foam materials with different densities were prepared. It was confirmed that the recycled foam material by adding 10% waste PUR was technically feasible, and the compressive strength of the recycled foam material produced was equivalent to that of the new foam. In conclusion, if waste PUR can be properly recycled and reused in the future, it is expected that the recycling rate of waste refrigerators will increase from the current 83.6% to 94.6%.
英文關鍵字 waste rigid polyurethane (PUR), circular economy, separation technology