

中文摘要 本計畫主要以紙錢集中焚燒清運作業為執行主軸,藉由改善紙錢露天焚燒的情況,集中清運至有防制設備之焚化爐焚化,進而維護本縣空氣品質。108年度屏東縣績優獎勵補助計畫自108年8月1日開始執行至108年12月31日止,成果統計至11月29日,各工作項目已執行完成,在紙錢集中焚燒處理作業方面,針對中元節前夕進行集中焚燒意願調查統計,共計調查176處單位集中清運意願,達成151間加入清運。爲了消除民眾對環保單位用燒垃圾的焚化爐燒紙錢,對神明及好兄弟產生不尊重的想法,在紙錢集中後,針對選定一紙錢焚化爐,舉行淨爐儀式,以達淨化之目的,本年度於8月14日於崁頂鄉焚化廠辦理一場次淨爐法會,現場邀請佛光山法師舉行祈福灑淨儀式,邀請地方仕紳、縣府首長、民意代表參與,由宗教人士主持法會儀式,目的在於週知陰陽兩界。祈福儀式之目的在於表達政府機關對宗教信仰虔誠之嚴肅及敬意,宣導屏東縣集中焚燒政策,達到尊重信仰和環境保護的兼顧目的。今年度中元節紙錢集中收運量達121.72公噸紙錢,其中本計畫支應81.06公噸、40.66公噸由「108年度屏東縣加強農業廢棄物露天燃燒稽查管制及紙錢減量焚燒處理計畫」支應,集中收運後並將其送往焚化爐焚化。另為達到紙錢集中成效,共辦理2場紙錢減量暨集中焚燒處理宣導會,邀請對象除各廟宇代表、公家單位人員、集合式大樓主委外,亦邀請村(里)長參與,藉助村(里)長熟悉地域特性及了解在地需求之優勢,提升民眾接受度,並於會後發放海報張貼於村(里)長辦公室提升推廣之能見度,兩場宣導會於中元節前夕8月8日及8月13日各辦理完成。目前整體計畫工作進度平均已達100%以上
中文關鍵字 績優獎勵計畫


專案計畫編號 經費年度 108 計畫經費 632 千元
專案開始日期 2019/08/01 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 陳滄欣
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 王妙津 執行單位 裕山環境工程股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 屏東縣績優獎勵計畫期末報告.pdf 4MB 期末報告

The project 2019 Subsidies and Incentives for Pingtung was conducted

英文摘要 The project focused on implementing the centralized incineration and disposal of joss paper. To reduce open-air burning and further maintain the air quality, joss paper was collected, disposed, and burned in an incinerator using pollution prevention equipment. The project 2019 Subsidies and Incentives for Pingtung was conducted from August 1, to December 31, 2019. All its tasks were completed, and the results were collected by November 29, 2019. According to a willingness survey conducted prior to the Hungry Ghost Festival, 176 units were willing to participate in centralized disposal, and 151 units agreed to participate. Just in case people considered it disrespectful that a garbage incinerator was used by an environmental protection unit to incinerate joss paper, the incinerator was specially chosen after the joss paper was collected, and a purification ritual was held to purify the incinerator. On August 14, 2019, a purification ritual was organized at an incinerator in Kanding Township. Religious leaders from Fo Guang Shan monastery were invited to conduct the purification ritual. This ritual was meant to notify those in this world and, as it is believed, those in the underworld of the burning; local gentry, the county mayor, and legislators were also present. The purpose of the ritual was to express the government’s respect for religion, in addition to promoting the centralized incineration policy for improving the environment. On the 2019 Hungry Ghost Festival, 121.72 mt (tons) of joss paper was collected, supported by the 2019 Pingtung Enhanced Control and Management over Agricultural Waste, Open-Air Incineration, and Joss Paper Reduction project. Of the 121.72 mt collected, 81.06 mt and 40.66 mt of joss paper were centralized separately and delivered to the incinerator. To increase effectiveness, two publicity events, held on August 8, and 13, before the Hungry Ghost Festival and for joss paper reduction and centralized incineration, were arranged. These events involved village chiefs, chairpersons of apartment complexes, and representatives from temples and the government. Promotion posters were placed in the village chief offices to continue publicizing the project after the publicity campaign. In this project, village chiefs were relied on for their assistance in increasing the citizenry’s acceptance of joss paper centralized incineration. This is because village chiefs are familiar with local conditions. The project was 100% completed.
英文關鍵字 Subsidies and Incentives for Pingtung was conducted