

中文摘要 氣候變遷為未來不可避免現象,本計畫目的在支援環保署推廣氣候變遷調適之概念,以區域型或地方型為重點區域,使用具有調適氣候變遷能力及減緩溫度變異之特性的保水降溫設施,且能與民眾生活環境結合,提高民眾氣候變遷調適能力與意識。本計畫在北投國小與北投捷運站前廣場設置兩處示範設施,並設置水位計與溫度計,以及IoT系統,可即時回傳現場數據。經過約一年的監測結果,兩處設施的實際監測結果皆達降溫2度,以及保水7%的要求。雨水花園溫度比不透水鋪面溫度可降溫高達10度以上,北投國小雨水花園設置地下貯留設施,在多數降雨場次都可達保水率100%。另外,本計畫綜整國內外相關案例,以及本計畫設施經驗,彙整未來相關案例實施之建議,包括設計、監測以及維護。為了協助後續全國性的推廣工作,本計畫提出未來選址原則的SOP,提出兩階段篩選原則與指標,包含環境效益以及監測維護兩大類,協助其他地區在未來推廣時,找尋合適可行的場址進行施作。
中文關鍵字 氣候變遷、雨水花園、調適


專案計畫編號 經費年度 108 計畫經費 9643.341 千元
專案開始日期 2019/06/11 專案結束日期 2020/11/30 專案主持人 陳起鳳
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 鄭玉琴 執行單位 國立臺北科技大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 108A350.pdf 22MB

Pilot project of regional climate change adaption facilities

英文摘要 Climate change is an unavoidable phenomenon. The main mission of this project is to support the EPA to promote the climate change adaption action in a regional or local area. In this project, we used the real facility which is able to mitigate the high temperature and conserve rainwater and the facility should be integrated to civil life environment and then to raise the public awareness on climate change adaptation. The adaptation facilities were built in BeiTou elementary school and in BeiTou MRT square. In order to monitor their performance, several water level meters and temperature meters were placed and integrated with a IoT system. Therefore, the real-time monitoring data can be presented on the specific website. After one year monitoring, the pilot site showed satisfactory results. The temperature in the pilot site is less than 2 °C, comparing with adjacent impermeable pavements. Moreover, the reduced temperature could be up to 10 °C. The rainwater conservation rates are all larger than the required rate, 7%. In the BeiTou elementary school, an underground storage tank was designed in order to reuse rainwater so that this tank could store much rainwater and leaded to 100% water conservation rate in most rainfall events. In this project, the international and local cases were collected and analyzed, combined with the experiences from the two pilot sites, we concluded the suggestions about design, assessment, and future maintenance. In order to assist other cities to implement such adaptation facilities, the standard operation procedure (SOP) of selecting optimal site are conducted, in which two-stage selection and related assessment indicators are included. With the SOP, other cities or regions could be able to find the suitable places to build the similar facility and upgrade their climate change adaptation capacity.
英文關鍵字 Climate change, Rain Garden, Adaptation