

中文摘要 為提升廢電子電器及資訊物品回收處理體系運作成效,本計畫執行並完成下列工作:(1)調查電子電器及資訊物品市場商品發展趨勢、回收處理現況,提出已公告列管範圍之調整建議,以及建議擴大列管項目及管理措施。(2)回收率現況分析,並針對回收率低項目進行問題分析及研議相關提升措施。(3)分析廢清法修法內容對現行作業之影響,並分別就維持行政作業彈性、釐清與事業廢棄物相關法規的競合、明確定義責任業者等方面提出具體建議。(4)針對衍生物高值化暨回收處理成效提升及新南向商情資訊分享等議題完成座談會辦理,並提出未來推動建議。(5)彙整國內電子廢棄物回收處理產業輸出潛能及產業輸出獎補助措施概況。另蒐集泰國、越南、菲律賓、馬來西亞及印尼等五國電子廢棄物回收處理之最新商情發展資訊。(6)於9/29-10/3赴泰國曼谷完成籌備會議討論及年度會議現勘工作。另於11/28~12/5辦理年度會議。(7)調查廢電子電器及資訊物品再生料及廢棄物流向、用途及處置情形。並擇定以廢塑膠評估廢塑膠循環策略,以及以電子零組件及混合五金廢料為標的,提出馬達、壓縮機及電線再利用提升設備及技術,並分析技術導入前後可提升之效益及資源化再利用率分析。(8)完成回收處理業回收處理成本估算、補貼費率及基金收支影響及變化趨勢分析,提出廢電子電器徵收費率調整方案,並協助完成公聽公告程序。(9)完成回收宣導活動辦理,以結合各業者回收活動,進行聯合回收宣導,促使民眾更了解各類回收管道,進行回收工作,並由業者各自提出回收獎勵誘因。(10)協助辦理廢四機逆向回收相關管理及輔導作業,提出電子化系統規畫書、30家輔導稽查工作、2場教育訓練會議。(11)協助支援辦理資源回收費率審議委員會議召開。
中文關鍵字 廢電子電器、廢資訊物品、廢電子電器及資訊物品回收處理技術、廢電子電器及資訊物品管理制度、國際電子廢棄物回收管理夥伴會議


專案計畫編號 經費年度 108 計畫經費 8160 千元
專案開始日期 2019/02/12 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 林俊旭
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 劉倩 執行單位 財團法人中華經濟研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告-正式報告(公開版)v1.pdf 14MB 期末報告公開版

The Management and Development Exchange of waste home appliances and IT equipment Recycling System

英文摘要 In order to optimize the performance of the national e-waste recycling scheme, this project has accomplished the following tasks:(1)Proposing the coverage of due-recycled items based on the market situation.(2)Analysis on current collection rates and proposing promotion strategies to increase the collection performance with low collection rates.(3)Study on Waste Disposal Act and its current functions especially on its coordination with industrial waste and liability of producers.(4)Holding discussion forums on upgrading value-added recycling processes and market status of e-waste recycling in south-bound countries.(5)Summarizing the export potential of e-waste processing industries and the necessary assisting measures targeting on the markets of Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia. (6)Scoping from September 29th to October 3rd on the annual meeting of the International E-waste Management Network to be held from November 28th to December 5th, 2019. (7)Investigating on the flows and uses of secondary materials retrieved from e-waste. Also, taking waste plastics as an example to develop their circular strategies, and, analyzing reuse and recovery benefits of e-waste parts and mixed scrap from motors, compressors and wires.(8)Calculating recycling fees and subsidy fees as well as proposing the agenda of adjusting e-waste recycling fees to go through the declaration process.(9)Holding the propaganda activities by combing collectors and recyclers to show more incentives and ways of recycling to the general public.(10)Assisting retailors to be familiar with the take-back programs with the e-manifest system solution draft by conducting 30 on-site auditing activities and 2 training seminars.(11)Helping the preparation of the meetings of the recycling-fee reviews committee.
英文關鍵字 Waste home appliances, Waste IT equipment, E-waste Recycling technology, E-waste management system, International E-waste management Network