

中文摘要 109年定調為「永續地球年」,以「夠就好生活」為活動主軸,並以「季節」方式規劃一年四季不同主題,提倡各種面向的環保策略,喚起民眾的環保意識。第1季「春耕」以「空氣」為主題,除傳遞空氣污染相關正確知識外,由達人教導民眾生活中如何降低空氣污染對自身健康的影響。第2季「夏耘」以地球日50周年(主題為氣候行動)及臺灣環境50周年回顧為主題,透過回顧過去並展望未來的方式,提醒國人唯有付出守護環境的行動,我們才能取得現在及未來宜居環境決定權。第3季「秋收」以秋盛宴惜食,結合惜食及綠色消費議題,讓「惜食」「綠色消費」成為民眾生活態度。第4季「冬藏」以冬藏尋寶趣,運用循環經濟的思維,愛惜資源做好資源管理,讓每一份資源都用到極致,進而邁向零廢棄、零排放永續發展目標。 為提升學童環境保護知識及對生活周遭環境能有更深的認識,藉由「環境教育繪本」及「環境地圖」推廣讓環境教育往下扎根,「環境教育繪本」徵選活動主題分「生活環保」及「自然保育」2類,徵件數共計93件,由專家學者選出2類共計6本優良環境教育童書,透過生動、有趣繪畫及淺顯易懂文字敘述,啟發孩童了解環境保護的重要性,進而力行生活環保。「環境地圖」 108年示範點依校園所在地之環境型態區分成三種,臺北市松山區民族國民小學為「都市型生態校園」、桃園市新屋區北湖國民小學為「環境議題校園」、屏東縣瑪家鄉長榮百合國民小學為「偏鄉部落生態校園」;「環境地圖」 製作過程以環境資源盤點概念,讓學童透過戶外踏查體驗自然,覺知自然環境的美、平衡與完整性,學習與環境共生共處,力行生活環保,珍惜地球資源。
中文關鍵字 環境教育、2020永續地球年、夠就好生活


專案計畫編號 經費年度 108 計畫經費 11900 千元
專案開始日期 2019/09/06 專案結束日期 2020/12/20 專案主持人 黄琪倚
主辦單位 綜計處 承辦人 張育禎;劉美玲 執行單位 社團法人 台灣環保生活協會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 109年環境教育系列活動規劃及推動計畫正式報告書.pdf 75MB 109年環境教育系列活動規劃及推動計畫正式報告書

2020 Environmental Education Campaign planning and promotion (2019-2020)

英文摘要 The year has been set as the "2020 Sustainable Earth", with “Go Green Living " as the main idea of campaign, and seasonal planning of different themes through the year, promoting various environmental-oriented strategies to arouse people's awareness of environmental protection. The theme of "Spring Farming" in the first season is "Air", in addition to conveying the knowledge about air pollution; the people are taught how to reduce the impact of air pollution on their own health in their lives. With the theme of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day (climate action) and the 50th anniversary review of the environment of Taiwan, the second season of "Summer Day" reminds the public that taking action to protect the environment is the only way that we can achieve the right to decide on the livable environment from now on. The third season of the “Autumn Harvest” with the autumn feast, combined with the ideas of cherishes food and green consumption. Let’s make the value of "cherish food "and "green consumption" become the attitudes of people's lives. The fourth season "Winter Collection" with winter treasure hunt fun, the use of circular economy thinking, cherish resources to do a good job of resource management, so that every resource is used to the extreme, and then towards zero waste, zero emissions sustainable development goals. In order to enhance students' knowledge of environmental protection and to have a better understanding of the environment, environmental education will be promoted through the "Environmental Education Picture Book" and "Environmental Map" to establish students' foundation. The themes of the "Environmental Education Pictures Book" campaign will be divided into "Environmental Protection" and "Nature Conservation ". A total of 93 pieces by experts and scholars selected 6 excellent environmental education children's books. The books through vivid, interesting paintings and easy-to-understand words inspire children to understand the importance of environmental protection, and then to work on environmental protection. The demonstration points of "Environmental Map" are divided into three types according to the environmental pattern of the campus location. Taipei Songshan Minzu Elementary School is "urban ecological campus". Taoyuan Xinwu Peihu Elementary School is "environmental issues campus". Pingdong Majia Evergreen Lily Elementary School is a "remote tribal ecological campus". The "Environmental Map" production process takes into account the concept of environmental resources. Schoolchildren can experience nature through outdoor activities to be aware of the beauty, and integrity of the natural environment. They also learn side by side with the environment, live environmentally friendly and cherish the earth's resources.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Education, 2020 Sustainable Earth, Go Green Living