

中文摘要 本計畫之執行重點在於協助環保局推動轄區內水污染源稽查管制工作以及水質監測工作,確實掌握宜蘭縣轄區內水污染源之水污染防治現況,透過計畫之稽查管制工作,督促轄內列管之事業單位落實水污染防治設施之操作維護,達成轄內各流域測站水質改善之目標。期末報告統計自108年1月1日至108年12月31日之執行成果摘要如下: 一、辦理水污染防治許可審查及資料庫建置 (一)辦理許可審查件數共327件(703件次),許可審查平均天數為6.9天。 (二)協助執行水污染防治相關許可文件資料庫管理、建置、維護、更新作業期末階段建立的水污染源系統相關作業計878件,其中稽查記錄單數量計628件,許可申請案件(排放許可、水污染防治措施計畫、營建工地逕流廢水削減計畫)計239件,另處分案件完成建檔11件。 二、協助水污染源列管事業稽查工作 (一)計畫期間共執行水污染源稽查593家次,其中「屬於水污法定義範圍內之列管事業」有589家次,已達成年度目標值100%。 (二)水污染列管事業別區分,除營建工地外以畜牧業稽查127家次為最多,佔總稽查21.6%,其次為石油化學專業區以外之工業區(不包括科學工業園區)稽查64家次,食品製造業稽查41家次、各類下水道系統稽查36家次。 (三)各流域列管事業稽查,以新城溪流域稽查179家次為最多,其次為得子口溪流域117家次,第三為冬山河流域稽查97家次,三條流域的列管稽查量佔總稽查67%。 (四)得子口溪關鍵測站之集污範圍內水污染源列管事業單位共計有61家(含營建工地21家),計畫期間共計稽查46家,累計執行62家次,關鍵測站之集污範圍內稽查管制率達75%。 (五)水污染源稽查違反水污法相關規定經確認後依法進行告發處分者共計裁處23件次,總罰鍰金額為新台幣6,466,250元整,稽查處分率為3.9%。 三、功能評鑑及廢水處理設施妥善操作輔導 (一)對於108年度廢水處理設施具改善空間之公私場所,已完成3家次水污染源廢水處理設備功能評鑑之初評、單元設施採樣、複評及協商等作業。 (二)103至107年度功能評鑑事業共15家,扣除因情節重大遭裁處停工2家,以及撤銷廢水排放許可證1家外,108年度應複查追蹤家數為12家,計畫期間已完成追蹤複查12家,追蹤複查進度為100%。 (三)廢水處理設施妥善操作輔導,期末階段完成8家輔導事業單位查核作業,經輔導小組現勘後有缺失者,予以限期改善時間,並安排後續複查作業。輔導結果發現,2家偏遠山區餐飲業、觀光旅館(飯店)廢污水處理設施設備有故障失修、曝氣池溶氧偏高、水流方向與許可不符等問題;另6家畜牧業,分別有沉澱池污泥過剩、上浮及溢流堰浮渣等問題,已建議加強排泥及清除底泥,經複查追蹤後均有改善,但仍有賴業者持續落實操作維護及定期迴流排泥,以維持廢水處理設功能。 四、協助執行水質水量自動監測與攝錄影監視系統操作 (一)108年度已連線9家事業各項水量、水質監測項目,利澤污水廠及台灣半導體利澤場外,其餘7家應連線項目皆達到90%以上。 (二)5家應監測懸浮固體及生化需氧量之自動監測設施季有效監測記錄值百分率,發現利澤污水廠COD項目第二季(65.7%)及第三季(51.5%)季有效監測記錄值百分率未達80%,主要原因為利澤污水廠因上述COD自動監測設備故障,辦理自動監測設施措施說明書及確認報告書變更申請,導致上傳率不佳。其他4家事業第一季~第三季SS及COD項目平均每季均達80%以上,其中懸浮固體介於97.7%~100%之間;化學需氧量介於98.1%~100%之間。 五、定期水質監測作業 (一)年度完成河川水質採樣檢測共計22站52點次。 (二)完成五大湖泊水質監測採樣15點次。 六、關鍵測站流域管制 針對宜蘭縣關鍵測站流域內未參與畜牧糞尿沼渣沼液回歸農地肥分使用之畜牧業加強稽查(含暗管及繞流排放稽查及拆除),總數應至少達到35家次,期末階段已查核輔導21家40家次,查核進度為100%,現場查核廢水處理設施均皆正常操作,尚無違法行為。 七、協助辦理水污染防治費徵收 (一)107年第2期(徵收區間為107年7~12月),應於108年1月底申報對象共208家,申報率達100%,水污染防治費應收總金額為5,226,579元。108年第1期(徵收區間為108年1~6月)應申報水污染防治費事業共計217家,截至10月31日止已完成申報217家,完成申報比例為100%,應收總金額4,415,317元。 (二)水污費查核工作統計至12月底止,已完成環保署13家指定查核水污費列管事業及自行篩選20家事業查核,查核達成率為100%(33家/30家)。 八、推動畜牧糞尿沼渣沼液作為農地肥分使用 (一)沼液沼渣作為農地肥分使用計畫說明會辦理已於108年3月28日及108年4月15日辦理完成2場次。 (二)108年定畜牧業沼渣沼液計畫輔導對象共10家,計畫期間已協助7家畜牧業辦理沼液成分、土壤質地、地下水背景檢測及撰寫「沼液沼渣作為農地肥分使用計畫」,其中5已核准通過,2家計畫書審查補正中。 (三)已完成2家畜牧場輔導申請符合放流水標準水資源利用,2場廢水澆灌回收量申請量份別為6 CMD及24 CMD,共計26CMD,放流水資源化回收比例分別為21%及100%。 (四)108年度100頭以上至199頭小型畜牧業共列管28家,經輔導後自行停申請養2家、業者自行評估向農業處申請降養至99頭6家。108年應申請畜牧廢水管理計畫應為20家,其中17家已完成申報,14家已核備取得畜牧廢水管理計畫。 九、協助辦理水環境相關工作 (一)計畫期間共新增3隊(鐵牛力阿卡、錦草慈慧及無尾港水環境巡守隊)及68位義工朋友加入,目前合計有16隊215位河川水環境守望襄助巡守隊隊員,負責巡守宜蘭縣各河段。 (二)彙整水環境巡檢及淨溪等成果,其中污染通報共17次(有舊竹筏、廢棄鐵皮、排水閘門垃圾及浮萍、死雞、河道遭丟棄生活垃圾、報廢燈管、油污異味等),均已通報稽查科查處或相關單位協助處理改善完成。其中巡檢2,047件次,清理處數達1,992件次,進行河岸淨溪活動155場次及參與海岸淨灘3場次,垃圾清除量20,194.74公斤,資源回收量為43,704.34公斤;利用簡易水質檢測包進行河川水質(水溫、pH、DO、濁度)監測共219次,辦理79場次教育訓練,參與人達1,133人次。 (三)協助辦理水環境守巡守隊交流暨鐵牛力阿卡巡守隊成立授旗活動、羅東鎮十六份圳淨溪活動、沼渣沼液澆灌使用宣導、水環境守望襄助巡守隊年終檢討宣導會活動各1場次。 (四)河川髒亂點巡查已巡查通報252處,河岸面污染情形以一般垃圾比80.2%最高,其次為水生植物(布袋蓮、浮萍及雜草等)阻塞河道16.3%。通報管理單位以水利資源處88.1%最高,其次為農田水利會(10.7%)、礁溪鄉公所(0.8%)、第一河川局(0.4%)。估計垃圾總面積約258.3平方公尺,總重量約3,366公斤。 (五)協助蘭陽溪上游種植地區收集並確認蒼蠅數量,108年共協助執行12次108點次。 (六)協助環保局針對自來水及非自來水水質稽查採樣工作,依環保局人力需求配合採樣,108年度已協助執行採樣18工作日142點次。 十、宣導教育 (一)持續每兩週提供及維護更新相關水污染防治措施等相關訊息並於每兩個月完成1次A+等級無障礙規範檢測報告(文件)。 (二)於108年7月15日辦理第一場水污染列管事業單位法規宣導說明會,會議主題為近期水污相關法規修正說明及定期檢測申報操作流程及常見缺失說明,統計報名人數為132人,出席人數為129人。第二場次於12月6日辦理,統計報名人數為78人,出席人數為78人。 (三)於108年1月30日辦理第一場專業課程講座訓練,會議主題為河川水體環境改善業務交流及觀摩,透過觀摩桃園市河川水體推動之績效及經驗,如礫間水質淨化設施、河川水體環教育中心(環教場所)及人工溼地等水污染管制等面向,以作為宜蘭縣未來執行水體污染防治研定方向之參考。第二場於11月19日辦理許可文件標準審查程序及審查實務訓練,訓練對象為環保局水污科相關業務承辦人員及本計畫工作同仁。 (四)配合環保局於108年10月6日大型環境教育宣導活動設攤進行水環境教育宣導,設計情境環教親子遊戲-搶救水質小尖兵,藉由河川魚類水質指標系統、遊戲及問卷回饋方式,讓民眾可迅速研判住家附近河川水質好壞,活動共計456位民眾參與,回收343份問卷,有98.5%民眾可藉由水中魚類簡易判斷水質污染程度。 (五)108年10月18日配合環保局辦理1場次水環境巡守隊年終檢討宣導會活動,活動共計97位志工參與,表揚6隊優良巡守隊以及由林姿妙縣長進行2隊新進巡守隊(錦草慈慧水環境巡守隊及無尾港水環境巡守隊)授旗成立儀式,108年度水環境巡守隊達到16隊,隊員總計215人。
中文關鍵字 水污染源管制、水體環境改善


專案計畫編號 107-11-09 經費年度 108 計畫經費 7280 千元
專案開始日期 2019/01/01 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 陳意淳
主辦單位 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 吳珮貞 執行單位 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 108年度宜蘭縣水污染源管制及水體環境改善計畫(公開版).pdf 0MB 108年度宜蘭縣水污染源管制及水體環境改善計畫

108 Water Pollution Source Control and Water Environment Improvement Project in Yilan County

英文摘要 Summary The implementation of the plan focuses on assisting the Environmental Protection Bureau in promoting the inspection and control of water pollution sources and water quality monitoring in the area under its jurisdiction, ensuring the current situation of water pollution prevention and control in the area under its jurisdiction, supervising and urging the institutions under its jurisdiction to implement the operation and maintenance of water pollution prevention and control facilities, and achieving the goal of improving the water quality of each basin station under its jurisdiction. The summary of the results of the interim report from January 1, 2019 to October 31, 2019 is as follows: 1.Examination of water pollution control permit and establishment of database (1) The total number of reviews was 327 (703), and the average number of days for licensing review was 6.9 days. (2) There are 878 related operations of the pollution source system, including 628 audit records, 239 permit application cases (discharge permit, water pollution prevention and control measures plan, construction site runoff wastewater reduction plan), and 11 other disciplinary cases. 2. Assist in the inspection of water pollution source train management (1) As of October 31, 2019, 593 times of water pollution source inspections were carried out, including 589 times of listed management enterprises within the definition of Water Pollution Control Act , and the annual target value of 100% has been achieved. (2) Apart from the construction site, 127 animal husbandry inspections were conducted for the most times, accounting for 21.6% of the total inspections, followed by 64 inspections in industrial areas (excluding scientific industrial parks) other than petrochemical professional areas, 41 inspections in food manufacturing and 36 inspections in various sewer systems. (3) In terms of management and business inspection, 179 inspections were conducted in Xincheng River Basin, 119 in dezikou River Basin, and 97 in Dongshan River Basin, accounting for 67% of the total. (4) There are 61 water pollution source management institutions (including 21 construction sites) in dekouxi key measuring station. During the planning period, there are 46 inspections, 62 inspections have been carried out, and the control rate of the key measuring station is 75%. (5) There are 23 penalties for violation of the relevant provisions of the Water Pollution Control Act in the inspection of water pollution sources. The total fine is TWD 6,466,250 dollars, and the punishment rate is 3.9%. 3. Function evaluation and guidance on proper operation of wastewater treatment facilities (1) For public and private places with room for improvement of wastewater treatment facilities in 2019, three primary assessment, unit facility sampling, reassessment and consultation of water pollution source and wastewater treatment equipment function assessment have been completed. (2) There were 15 functional assessment enterprises in the period from 2014 to 2018. After deducting two enterprises that were shut down by the tribunal due to serious circumstances and one enterprise whose wastewater discharge license was revoked, there were 12 enterprises that should be rechecked in the year of 2019. By the end of October of 108, there were 12 enterprises that had completed the recheck, and the progress of the recheck was 100%. (3) The waste water treatment facilities shall be properly operated for guidance. At the end of the period, 8 guidance institutions shall complete the audit work. If there is any defect after the current survey by the guidance group, the improvement time shall be limited and follow-up review work shall be arranged. The results showed that the waste water treatment facilities and equipment of two restaurants and sightseeing hotels (restaurants) in remote mountainous areas were in disrepair, the dissolved oxygen in the aeration tank was on the high side, and the water flow direction was inconsistent with the permit; the other six animal husbandry had problems such as excess sludge in the sedimentation tank, floatation and scum in the overflow weir, etc., and it was suggested to strengthen the sludge discharge and removal of the bottom sludge, which were improved after the review and tracking, but still had problems. In order to maintain the function of wastewater treatment equipment, operation and maintenance shall be carried out continuously and sludge shall be returned regularly. 4. Assist in the operation of water quality and quantity automatic monitoring and video recording monitoring system (1) In the year of 2019, 9 enterprises have connected to various water quality and water quality monitoring projects. Besides the Letzer Industrial Park sewage treatment plant and TAIWAN SEMICONDUCTOR CO., LTD Letzer factory, the monthly effective monitoring record percentage of the other 7 projects that should be connected to reach more than 90%. (2) Five automatic monitoring facilities for monitoring suspended solids and chemical oxygen demand are required to monitor the percentage of effective monitoring record value in the quarter. It is found that the percentage of effective monitoring record value in the second quarter (65.7%) and the third quarter (51.5%) of COD project in Letzer sewage plant is less than 80%. The main reason is that Letzer Industrial Park sewage treatment plant handles the change of automatic monitoring facility measures statement and confirmation report due to the failure of the above cod automatic monitoring equipment Application, resulting in poor upload rate. From the first quarter to the third quarter, the average SS and COD projects of the other four enterprises reached more than 80% each quarter, of which the suspended solids were between 97.7% and 100%, and the biochemical oxygen demand was between 98.1% and 100%. 5. Regular water quality monitoring (1) The total number of river water quality sampling and testing is 52 points in 22 stations. (2) The water quality of five lakes was monitored and sampled 15 times. 6. Watershed control of key stations In view of the fact that the key stations in Yilan County have not participated in the inspection of animal husbandry (including the inspection and removal of concealed pipe and bypass discharge), the total number should be at least 35 times. At the end of the period, 21 companies and 40 companies have been audited and tutored, and the progress of the inspection is 100%. The on-site inspection of waste water treatment facilities are normal operation, and there is no illegal act. 7. Assist in collecting water pollution prevention and control fees (1) In the second period of 2018 (the collection range is from July to December of 2018), 208 objects should be declared by the end of January of 2019, with a declaration rate of 100%. The total receivable amount of water pollution prevention fee is TWD 5,226,579 dollars. In the first phase of the year 108 (the collection range is from January to June of the year 2019), 217 water pollution prevention and control fee businesses should be declared in total. As of October 31, 217 have been declared, with the proportion of declaration completed being 100%, and the total amount receivable being TWD 4,415,317 dollars. (2) By the end of October, 13 enterprises designated by the environmental protection department to audit water and sewage fee management and 20 enterprises selected by itself had been audited, with a 100% audit achievement rate (33 / 30). 8. Promoting the use of livestock manure, urine, biogas residue and biogas liquid as agricultural fertiLetzerr (1) The application of biogas slurry and biogas residue as farmland fertiLetzerr has been handled twice on March 28, 2019 and April 15, 2019. (2) There were 10 mentors for the biogas residue and biogas slurry plan of animal husbandry in 2019. By the end of October, 2019, the "biogas residue and biogas slurry as farmland fertiLetzerr utilization plan" had been approved by 5 companies. One company supplemented the central part of the plan, and conducted three tests for biogas slurry composition, soil texture and groundwater background. (3) One (Lin ○ Kun) livestock farm has completed the application for guidance, which is in line with the standard water resource utilization of drainage water. The resource-based proportion of the farm is 31%. Another one is in the process of application for permission change. (4) 28 small-scale animal husbandry enterprises have been assisted to apply for wastewater management plan, 17 of which have applied and 14 have completed the examination and preparation. 9. Assist in water environment related work (1) As of October, three new teams (tieniuliaka, jincaoshui and wuweigang water environment patrol team) and 68 volunteer friends have been added. At present, there are a total of 215 river water environment patrol team members from 16 teams, who are responsible for the patrol of various reaches of Yilan County. (2) Collect the results of water environment inspection and water purification, among which 17 times of pollution notifications (including old bamboo rafts, scrap iron sheets, waste from drainage gates and duckweeds, dead chickens, discarded domestic waste from river channels, scrap lamps, oil pollution and peculiar smell, etc.) have been reported to the inspection office or relevant units to assist in the improvement. Among them, 2047 inspections were carried out, the number of cleaning places reached 1992, 155 river bank cleaning activities and 3 coastal beach cleaning activities were carried out, the amount of garbage removal was 20,194.74 kg, and the amount of resource recovery was 43,704.34 kg; 219 river water quality (water temperature, pH, do, turbidity) monitoring were carried out with simple water quality detection package, and 79 education and training were carried out, with 1133 participants. (3) Assist in the exchange of water environment patrol team and the flag awarding activities of tieniuli aka patrol team, the activities of zhenjingxi in the 16th part of Luodong Town, the propaganda and guidance for the use of biogas residue and biogas liquid irrigation, and the activities of the propaganda and guidance meeting for the year-end review of water environment patrol team. (4) 252 dirty and disordered spots in the river have been inspected and reported. The highest proportion of general garbage is 80.2%, followed by aquatic plants (such as water lilies, duckweeds and weeds) blocking the river 16.3%. The highest percentage was 88.1% in water resources department, followed by Farmland Water Conservancy Association (10.7%), Jiaoxi Township Office (0.8%), the first River Bureau (0.4%). It is estimated that the total waste area is about 258.3 square meters and the total weight is about 3,366 kg. (5) Assist to collect and confirm the number of flies in the planting area of the upper reaches of Lanyang River, and assist to implement 12 times and 108 points in 2019 years. (6) Assist the Environmental Protection Bureau in the sampling work for the inspection of tap water and non tap water quality, and cooperate with the sampling work according to the manpower demand of the Environmental Protection Bureau. As of October of 2019, it has assisted in the implementation of sampling for 142 times in 18 working days. 10. Propaganda and education (1) Provide, maintain and update relevant information on water pollution prevention and control measures every two weeks, and complete A+ level accessibility standard test report (document) every two months. (2) On July 15, 2019, the first publicity and instruction meeting of water pollution management institutions was held. The theme of the meeting was the explanation of recent amendment of water pollution related laws and regulations, the operation process of regular inspection and declaration, and the explanation of common defects. The number of applicants was 132 and the number of participants was 129. The second session is expected to be held on December 6. (3) The first professional course lecture training was held on January 30, 2019. The theme of the seminar is to exchange and observe the business of river water environment improvement. Through observing the performance and experience of river water promotion in Taoyuan City, such as water purification facilities in gravel room, water environment education center (environment education place) and artificial wetland, it will be used as the future implementation of water pollution prevention in Yilan County Reference for the direction of governance and research. The first one is expected to be handled on December 9. (4) On October 6, 2019, the Environmental Protection Bureau cooperated with the large-scale environmental education publicity activities to set up a stall for water environment education publicity, and designed a situational environmental education parent-child game to rescue the water quality spikers. Through the river fish water quality index system, game and questionnaire feedback, the public can quickly study and judge the quality of the river water near their home. A total of 456 people participated in the activity, 343 questionnaires were recovered, 98.5% People can easily judge the degree of water pollution by fish in the water. (5) On October 18, 2019, we cooperated with the environmental protection bureau to hold a year-end review and propaganda meeting for the water environment watch and help patrol team. 97 volunteers took part in the activity. Besides praising the excellent patrol team of the 6th team in 2019, the leader of linzimiao county also held the flag awarding ceremony for the establishment of the new patrol team of the 2nd team (Jin Cao Cihui water environment patrol team and Wuwei port water environment patrol team). The leader of linzimiao county also welcomed the new team Our volunteer friends joined the river patrol to maintain the water environment. Because of the new members, the water environment patrol team in 2019 reached 16, with 215 members in total.
英文關鍵字 Water Pollution Source Control, Water environment improvement