

中文摘要 屏東縣政府於103年度委託高雄捷運公司建置公共自行車租賃系統,並以「Pbike」為識別名稱,期間完成20座自行車租賃站及購置550輛自行車,且順利於103年12月4日啟用營運,由於Pbike推出後大獲好評,屏東縣政府於105年度繼續在屏東市區擴充10站點(擴充10站分別於105年2月4日啟用2站,餘8站於105年4月29日完工啟用)。另配合屏東火車站新站完工,於站前廣場又增設2站(採企業捐贈模式建置),於106年12月29日啟用。為有效分配站體資源,屏東火車站(唐榮國小站)2同步於106年12月28日遷移至屏東市新興觀光景點-青創聚落,命名為青創聚落站。屏東市區現共32座Pbike租賃站營運。107年底計畫淘汰超過使用年限自行車,購置200輛自行車,配合108年屏東燈會期間東港設置臨時站配置100輛供遊客租借,另100輛配置於屏東公共自行車系統內並淘汰200輛已超過使用年限自行車。 本次營運報告之計畫目標為:一、營運與維護屏東市公共自行車租賃系統。二、維持公共自行車良善可供民眾租賃。三、設置24小時0800免付費客服電話及服務。四、維護及更新屏東市公共自行車租賃系統相關軟體。五、建立屏東市公共自行車減排績效資料等五項,並依據該五項所衍生之各項合約服務項目(包含行政管理及人力支援、營運暨維護屏東市公共自行車租賃系統、公共自行車績效指標、公共自行車維護工作、設置客服電話及服務、屏東市公共自行車租賃系統相關軟體維護及更新、辦理公共自行車宣導活動、建立本縣屏東市公共自行車減排績效資料及其他行政配合事項),本公司皆順利達成既定進度與目標值,持續提供良好的服務品質。 對於設備故障率較高者為讀卡機異常及信用卡機異常,本公司已針對讀卡機電路板防水、連接(線)器保養及加裝風扇/散熱片方式進行改善,信用卡機加強插卡方式文字宣導及滾輪老舊汰換。也針對尖峰時間容易發生多站無車及屏東火車站(站前廣場站)、慈鳳宮站早尖峰時間需求無車可借問題進行調撥策略調整。
中文關鍵字 屏東公共自行車


專案計畫編號 經費年度 108 計畫經費 12870 千元
專案開始日期 2019/01/01 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 黃亮嘉
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 王品婕 執行單位 台灣智能運輸股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 108年度屏東市公共自行車租賃系統營運管理計畫-期末報告(定稿本).pdf 40MB 108年度屏東市公共自行車租賃系統營運管理計畫-期末報告(定稿本)

Pingtung public bicycle rental system operation and management plan in 2019

英文摘要 Pingtung County Government entrusted Kaohsiung Rapid Transit Corporation (KRTC) to build a public bicycle rental system in 2014 with the name "P-bike", which constructed 20 bicycle rental stations and purchased 550 bicycles. The entire system was successfully operated on December 4, 2014. Because P-bike was highly praised by the public, Pingtung County Government continued to expand 10 stations in Pingtung City in 2016 (2 stations were operated on February 4, 2016, and the remaining 8 stations were operated on April 29, 2016). In addition, with the completion of the new Pingtung Station, two additional stations (established by the corporate donation model) were set up at the square in front of the station, which was operated on December 29, 2017. In order to allocate the station resources effectively, Pingtung Station (Tang-Long Elementary School) 2 was relocated to the I/O STUDIO, a new tourist attraction in Pingtung City on December 28, 2017. It was named I/O STUDIO Station. There are currently 32 P-bike rental stations operating in Pingtung City. At the end of 2017, the Pingtung County Government purchased 200 new bicycles. For the 2019 Pingtung Lantern Festival, a temporary station was set up in Donggang during the Lantern Festival, providing 100 new bicycles for tourists to rent. The objectives of this project are as follows: 1. To operate and maintain the public bicycle rental system in Pingtung City. 2. To keep the quality of bicycles for the public to rent. 3. To set up a 24-hour 0800 free customer service line and provide service. 4. To maintain and update the software of the Pingtung Public Bicycle Rental System. 5. To establish database on carbon reduction performance of the Pingtung Public Bicycle Rental System. Regarding the contractual service projects derived from the 5 project objectives (including administrative management and manpower support, operation and maintenance of Pingtung City public bicycle rental system, public bicycle performance indicators, maintenance of public bicycles, setting up customer service line and service, maintaining and updating the software of the Pingtung Public Bicycle Rental System, handling public bicycle propaganda activities, establishing the carbon reduction performance database of Pingtung City public bicycle rental system and other administrative coordination matters), Taiwan Intelligent Transportation Corporation finished the work on schedule and reached the standard. We continue to provide good service quality. In this year, the more frequent failure devices are card readers and credit card machines. KRTC improved the card reader circuit board waterproofing, connector (wire) maintenance and fan/heat sink installation. Furthermore, we added text guide of card-inserting methods to credit card machines and replaced the old rollers. We also adjusted allocation strategies for the empty stations during the peak time.
英文關鍵字 Pbike