

中文摘要 各國標章制度之整體審驗與追蹤查核體制發展動態,在過去102~104年曾經進行過詳細分析並提出報告。於今年發現各國計畫之執行體制未有所變動,但因為採取不同嚴謹程度的整體執行體制,所需要的人力與財務資源不同,申請廠商接受度也不同,因此應屬於各國標章計畫依據各自國情與市場狀態所做出的決策結果。正因如此,本年度考量地緣、文化與思考方式之面相,將分析比較轉向對鄰近國家的制度進行對比,發現我國在收費制度上與鄰近國家存在明顯差異,此差異可能造成標章驗證的公信力、永續經營與對外推廣之影響。 關於研(修)訂環保標章產品規格標準,本年度因應107年度之結論優先因應國際趨勢,調整變更顯示器、電腦主機、筆記型電腦、桌上型個人電腦等規格標準,並獲廠商一致認同期望公告後立即實施。整體檢討修正部分共完成二段式省水馬桶、原生碳粉匣、顯示器、電腦主機、筆記型電腦、桌上型個人電腦、墨水匣、回收再利用碳粉匣、列印機、影像輸出裝置、小汽車、機車等12項產品標準,轎車用輪胎在PAHs實驗檢測計算上尚有爭議,故暫緩修正。 而於驗證及追蹤查核部分,主要以風險管理概念,完成抽樣檢驗規劃書,全年度完成209件之產品抽樣測試,檢驗不合格之項目等共計1項產品,亦依照相關要點辦理證書廢止。另針對不合格之品項進行歸納研析,並納入明年度優先再抽樣清單。在販售場所部分已完成共計查核463件產品,未發現不符合或冒用之產品。並配合其他單位回饋資訊,完成21件民眾檢舉標章冒用與標示不符之案件。 實驗室檢測項目認可已完成5案認可作業。另依照規格標準研訂與修訂進度完成提供64項標準英文翻譯。在活化申請項目方面,數度與電視機、電鍋、LED燈泡業者研討標準,並鼓勵廠商申請環保標章。於環境效益統計部分,完成統計政府、民間之綠色採購及環保標章用量資料量化與分析,並配合署內政策推動提供環境效益計算說明、綠色採購環境效益,其中包含節電、省水、節省原生紙漿...等等面向效益計算。 在GEN年會方面,於年會上發表「跨國相互認證研究」與「我國環保標章與綠色消費之執行成果與經驗分享」兩項研究報告,且獲聯合國環境署負責推動綠色採購之Mr. Farid Yaker認同,成功展現我國之技術領先性,返國後亦接獲德國負責國際合作之GIZ公司來信,表示印尼公共採購署有意派員來台研習我國政府永續採購。 在未來推動民間綠色消費方面,應參考國外成功經驗並透過形象獎勵或實質經濟誘因,創造回饋以維持業者合作意願。並持續進行現有標準修訂,廣納意見開發新標準,以避免舊式標準不符合市場實際需求。對於推廣申請標章產品方面,可配合各縣市環保局輔導政策邀請各環保局及其輔導單位參加輔導業者申請說明會,使其了解如何輔導業者進行申請,和申請時會遇到的問題和相關的操作內容,由中央教育向地方外推展以鼓勵業者申請環保標章。 整體計畫依照收集國外資訊、參與國際活動、研修相關標準、獲證產品管理、說明推廣活動等面向維持環保標章之公正性與符合性,以持續增加機關與民眾對環保標章之信賴感。
中文關鍵字 環保標章、規格標準、追蹤查核


專案計畫編號 經費年度 108 計畫經費 8831.4 千元
專案開始日期 2019/02/11 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 林建宏
主辦單位 管考處 承辦人 陳建中 執行單位 財團法人環境與發展基金會


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期末報告 EPA-108- Green Mark Program-N-定稿.pdf 59MB

Enhancement of Green Mark Program and Management of Surveillance for Environmental Protection Products

英文摘要 The current status and development of major ecolabeling programs’ practices for application review, product verification and follow-up surveillance have been thoroughly studied and reported in the project reports for the 2013-2015 period. During 2019, these programs’ implementation practices have been reviewed and found to have little if any change when compared with previous years. Basically, each program has adopted its own implementation practices based on the available manpower and financial resource, as well as the acceptance of respective local market and product manufacturers or retailers. Therefore, each program’s such decision is unique and decided based on its respective national circumstances and market conditions. For this reason, this year’s review has considered the major programs’ geographical and cultural aspects, and placed special focus on the analysis and comparison of Green Mark Program’s practices with those of neighboring programs in the East Asia region. Through this review, it is observed that Green Mark Program’s fee collection scheme is quite different from those of the neighboring ecolabeling programs, and this difference can have huge impacts to the credibility of product verification, and program’s sustainable management and successful promotion. Regarding the development and revisions of Green Mark product criteria, following the conclusion of the 2018 project report to prioritize revisions in response to international trends, the criteria for monitors, computer systems, notebook computers, and desktop computers have been revised, promulgated and implemented after acquiring the consensus of major product manufacturers. In addition, 12 product criteria, including dual-stage water-saving toilets, original toner cartridges, displays, computer systems, notebook computers, desktop computers, ink cartridges, recycled toner cartridges, printers, image output devices, light motor vehicles, and motorcycles, have been reviewed and revised. For the criteria of tires for passenger cars, as there are still some issues with regard to the testing and calculation of PAHs, the revision process has been suspended temporarily. While performing follow-up surveillance activities related to certified Green Mark products, the program’s emphasis has been on the risk management concept and random sampling. During 2019, a total of 209 products have been randomly sampled, and one product was found to be non-compliant and had its license revoked according to relevant administrative regulations. The reason for this non-conformance has been analyzed and included in the list for next year’s priority sampling. In addition, a total of 463products have been checked in various retail venues, and no product was found to be non-conforming or misused the Green Mark. In conjunction with feedback information from relevant organizations, 21 cases of non-conforming products or Green Mark misuses as reported by the consumers have also been processed. Regarding the review of laboratory testing items, five cases have been approved by the project. The English translations for 64 product criteria were also provided following their development and/or revisions. On expanding the product categories, the project has conducted joint criteria development activities with the manufacturers of televisions, electric cookers and LED bulbs, and encouraged them to apply for Green Mark. For the work item on calculations of environmental benefits through program implementation, the project has completed the quantification and analysis of public sector and private sector’s green procurement activities and Green Mark usages, and followed EPA’s policy in promoting provision of environmental benefit calculations for green procurement activities, including benefits from saving electricity and water, and reducing use of virgin pulp. During the 2019 GEN annual general meeting, EDF published two research reports, titled “Multinational Mutual Recognition and Certification” and “Implementation Results and Experience Sharing in Promoting Taiwan’s Green Mark Ecolabel and Green Consumption” respectively. Both reports have demonstrated Taiwan’s technological leadership in the ecolabeling area and are highly regarded by Mr. Farid Yaker, an UNEP official responsible for the green consumption area. Following the presentation, EDF also received a letter from GIZ, the German institution responsible for promoting international cooperation, indicating the intention of the Indonesian Public Procurement Agency to send delegates to Taiwan to study Taiwan’s experiences in promoting sustainable procurement. In order to promote private sector’s future green consumption, Green Mark Program should refer to successful experiences of foreign ecolabeling programs, and create incentives for the industries’ willingness for cooperation through offering rewards of good corporate images or real economic incentives or subsidies. The Program should also continue to revise the existing product criteria and develop new product criteria which incorporate stakeholders’ comments, so as to avoid the issues that existing product criteria not meeting the actual needs of the market. For promotion of greater applications for Green Mark product status, representatives from local environmental protection bureaus and potential Green Mark applicants should be invited to information seminars on Green Mark application process, so that both local environmental officials and potential applicants may know how to initiate the pre-application consultation and conduct actual application process, and understand the issues which may come up during the application and proper process to resolve these issues. These seminars would be helpful in extending central government’s efforts in promoting local awareness of Green Mark and encouraging more applications from product manufacturers and retailers. The overall implementation of the project has focused on collection of foreign ecolabeling related information, participation in international activities, development and revision of relevant standards and criteria, management of certified products, and green consumption information dissemination and promotional activities. The purposes of conducting these activities are to maintain the integrity and conformity of Green Mark, so as to continuously improve the trust of the public institutions and private consumers to the Green Mark ecolabel.
英文關鍵字 Green Mark, Criteria, Tracking and Audit