

中文摘要 為推動綠色化學全民教育深耕,於小學教育,已建立6種以上綠色化學小學環境教育素材;完成10所小學教育研習活動且超過300人參與;辦理4場小學教師綠色化學種子培訓營,共計116以上人次參加。 在大專校院教育方面,建立8堂大專校院綠色化學通識教材並試教,共蒐集237份學生修課回饋問卷,並有超過8成學生認同可透過教材增進綠色化學相關知識;亦協助6所大專校院或單位開設綠色化學相關課程,超過9成授課學生認同可透過課程增進綠色化學相關知識;辦理第2屆大專校院綠色化學創意競賽,本屆競賽共計46組參賽隊伍報名,來自27所學校、40個相關科系。 為鏈結產業與教育,盤點產學合作資訊及研析合作內容,以科技部產學合作計畫類型最多元,因此大多數欲申請之產學合作計畫多以申請科技部之產學合作計畫為主。 辦理2場次「綠色化學工作坊」,並蒐集產、官、學、研等專家學者針對「環境教育」、「低毒安替」、「綠色金融」三項主題之研析成果及經驗分享,以建立綠色化學未來推動策略。為觸及民眾推行綠色化學概念,協助建置綠色化學整合專區包含安全替代相關資訊平臺。 蒐集2018-2020年國際綠色化學相關會議資訊,並以遠距線上會議參加2020年美國化學工程年會。 為達成減少化學物質對國內環境健康之危害目標,評析國際安全替代成效,提出適合國內化學物質安全替代評估工作項目,並產出安全替代建議作業準則與步驟之7大項原則,包括(1)確認問題、(2)尋找潛在替代物質、(3)替代物質危害評估、(4)替代物質製程功能評估、(5)替代物質生命週期評估、(6)篩選合適替代物質進行試驗計畫、以及(7)正式執行及反饋。研析12項化學物質於6類消費性產品產業(食品容器包裝材料、紡織用品、建材與裝潢塗裝材料、汽車及其組裝零件、居家清潔用品、電子設備產品)使用現況並彙整安全替代實例或研究成果。編纂2019及2020年「綠色化學產業應用推廣年報」。 產業推動策略也藉由綠色金融措施促使產業自發性地減少製程化學物質,彙整美國、德國、法國、日本等4個國家化學物質管理成本內化現況,並探討我國現行化學物質管理成本內化措施,評估國際現有措施導入我國所需具備的法規或相關條件及產業需求。研析國內化學安全管理及推廣等符合綠色化學之相關標章制度及內容,評估納入綠色化學原則或安全替代策略於相關標章對於產業推動綠色化學之效益成果。研析並彙整國際化學品租賃制度作法,包含埃及、塞爾維亞、斯里蘭卡等,並產出10例國際推動成功案例簡報外,檢視化學品租賃作法融合綠色化學適用性,提出適合發展我國推動化學品租賃之建議策略。初步建立綠色化學準則之架構。彙整我國化學物質管理相關主管單位業務,包含環保署、經濟部、勞動部、衛福部、教育部及農委會等六個主要相關部會及轄下之九個相關局處與綠色化學各原則並產出關聯圖。
中文關鍵字 綠色化學、教育推動、產業分析


專案計畫編號 經費年度 108 計畫經費 1143.9328 千元
專案開始日期 2019/06/26 專案結束日期 2020/12/15 專案主持人 王玉純
主辦單位 化學局 承辦人 蕭寶桂 執行單位 中原大學


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期末報告 108A016-公開版.pdf 2MB 綠色化學思維之全民教育深耕與安全替代推動計畫-期末報告-公開版

General Education Sprout Project for Green Chemistry and Safe Alternatives Initiative

英文摘要 This project aims to promote green chemistry development in Taiwan through education, safer alternative chemical, and green finance. For primary education, we established more than 6 types of environmental education materials for primary schools, completion of green chemistry promotion in 10 primary schools in the northern Taiwan, more than three hundreds of participants, and organized 4 green chemistry seed training camps for primary school teachers, about one hundred and sixteen teachers participated. For advance education, we established 8 green chemistry general education teaching materials. We received 237 questionnaires from students who took the lesson, and over 80% students agreed that they can gain some knowledge about green chemistry. We also assisted 6 institutions to set up green chemistry-related courses. We held the second Green Chemistry Creativity Competition for Universities and Colleges. There are 46 participating teams from 27 schools and 40 departments and institutes, including materials engineering, chemistry, chemical engineering, environmental engineering, occupational safety and health, and science education. To link with industry and education, we collected industry-academia collaboration information and research contents, and the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) has the most diverse types of industry-academia cooperation programs for researchers in Taiwan. We designed and set up a webpage to promote the concept of green chemistry and share the related information to the general public. We also analyzed the international trend of green chemistry development, collected the information of international green chemistry conferences from 2018 to 2020. We also participated in the 2020 American Chemical Engineering Conference on-line activities. In order to reduce the hazardous chemical substances to the domestic environment and population health, this study evaluated the effectiveness of safer alternative chemical, listed a domestic chemical substance safety substitution assessments, and develop the procedures and steps for evaluating safer alternative chemicals, including the 7 Principles: (1) identifying the problems, (2) searching for potential alternative substances, (3) hazard assessment of alternative substances, (4) functional assessment of alternative substances, (5) life cycle assessment of alternative substances, (6) selection of suitable alternative substances for test programs, and (7) formal implementation and feedback. By the 2020, the 12 items of chemical substances, were identified and recommended as the first-tier alternative chemicals for their current use in 6 types of consumer products, such as food container packaging materials, textile products, building and decorative materials, automotive and assembly parts, household cleaning products, electronic equipment products. We interview the chairmen of various industries and collected industrial information to compile two annual reports (2019 & 2020 annual report), including the environmental benefits of green chemistry practices by the 1st Green Application and Innovation Award winner. To understand and encourage industries to voluntarily reduce process chemicals through green financial measures, an overview of the current chemical substance management costs in four countries, namely U.S., Germany, France, and Japan, were collected and compiled, in addition, to explore current measures to internalize chemical substance management costs in Taiwan; moreover, the regulations, environments, and industrial needs for the introduction of international measures into Taiwan were evaluated as well. We also analyzed domestic chemical safety management and promotion systems and contents in line with green chemistry, and evaluated the benefits of incorporating green chemistry principles or safe alternative strategies into relevant standards for the promotion of green chemistry in the industries. International cases of chemical leasing, including Egypt, Siberia and Sri Lanka, were collected and analyze to develop 10 successful international case presentations, and we examined whether the applicability of chemical leasing and proposed strategies suitable for Taiwan's development and promotion of chemical leasing. We established a preliminary framework for green chemistry guideline, organized the tasks of the related sectors in charge of the management of chemical substances in Taiwan, including Environmental Protection Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Labor, Minister of Health and Welfare, Ministry of Education, Council of Agriculture, and nine associated bureaus. We also completed a framework for the relationships between Taiwan's chemical substance management authorities and green chemistry principles.
英文關鍵字 green chemistry, education promotion, industrial analysis