

中文摘要 (一)許可管制作業 108年計畫執行期間,平均審查日數比前一年度增加0.6日,計畫執行期間總受理件數233件,發證數159件,審查中74件,整體發證比例為68%,其中許可操作及異動發證比例為60%,共57件未發證分析其原因為,6件已完成申請審查發證作業中,21件則為試車階段,其餘40件則在書面審查或工廠補件中,另外許可操作及異動申請,需經過試車階段調整操作條件後進行檢測,確認符合排放標準後才發證,因此所需申請時間亦相對較長。 完成166許可製程之查核,佔許可總製程數之38%,其中查核明顯不符合之製程有12條,整體查核不符率7.2%,108年總計完成166條許可製程查核,占所有操作許可38%為近十年最高,其中12條查核不符,整體查核不符率7.2%,皆已限期完成改善,整體許可不符改善完成率為100%。 另外108年總計清查4家未列管工廠屬公告1~8批應申請設置/操作許可製程,經限期改善後仍未提出申請,已提報計畫承辦人後與本計畫人員赴工廠完成告發處分,處分金額共25萬元。 (二)各列管排放量變動分析 粒狀污染物:粒狀物年排放量經更新後全縣共減少15.672公噸,主要排放量減少行業為瀝青混凝土拌合業及金屬業。 硫氧化物: 硫氧化物年排放量經更新作業後,較更新前資料增加0.542公噸/年,以各行業別檢視發現排放量變化較大行業為廢棄物處理業。 氮氧化物: 氮氧化物年排放量經更新作業後,較更新前資料減少26.3公噸,以各行業別檢視發現排放量減少主要行業為,台電核三廠渦輪發電機柴油用量減少,該廠即減量80.997公噸,為107年度排放量減少主要原因,另外崁頂焚化廠107年度完成大修後,恢復正常焚化量,造成該廠排放量增加60.718公噸,其他行業則呈現小幅變化,總計107年度NOx更新後排放量減少26.3公噸。 揮發性有機物:揮發性有機物之排放量更新後增加55.342公噸,以各行業別檢視發現排放量變化較大行業為廢棄物處理業及汽車表面塗裝業,因崁頂焚化廠恢復正常運作,該廠VOC申報排放量亦隨之增加39.456公噸,以及台灣本田公司操作量明顯增加,該廠排放量大幅增加43.483公噸,另外金屬業中李長榮實業股份有限公司製桶工廠因產量減少以質量平衡計算結果該廠減少13.267公噸,其他行業則互有增減,整體排放量呈現增加55.342公噸。 (三)空污費徵收作業 空污費至108年第三季總計列管家數為436家,107年度核算金額為27,990,321元;108年1~3季總申報金額為21,796,167元,另外持續推動申報空污費與進銷貨憑證比對作業,總計完成3家空污費深度查核,比對後總計溢繳9146元。 另外針對五家工廠加強原物料VOCs含量確認查核,分別為春發科技股份有限公司、台灣格瑞特工業股份有限公司、開發工業股份有限公司屏東廠、日高工程實業股份有限公司及臺豪鋼鐵股份有限公司,針對上述工廠進行塗料類型(水性、油性、UV、粉體等)、揮發性有機物含量、單位產品之塗料用量、防制設備處理方式確認及盤查作業,查核結果臺豪鋼鐵股份有限公司漏申報油漆品項,已補齊申報資料。其餘工廠之原物料VOC含量及個別物種含量與其提供之SDS核對並無發現不符之情事。而春發科技股份有限公司塗料中V值偏高,經確認其接著劑底漆(原料代碼CHEML OK 205 TW)揮發性有機物含量為98%,認定依據為該廠提供安全資料表(SDS),其中丁酮含量30~35%、乙酸丁酯25~30%、二甲苯5~10%、乙苯5~10%,固成份分別為二氧化鈦1~5%及碳黑1~5%,依據環保署認定方式提供成分百分比不足100%,以扣減固成分方式進行揮發性有機物含量認定,以成分範圍最小值進行扣減,因此認定該原料揮發性有機物成分百分比為(100-2)%,同時也告知業者如對認定方式有疑義,可提供經合格檢測機構出具之成份檢驗報告做為認定依據,業者未提供則以SDS資料為成分百分比認定。 (四)防制設備調查 108年度調查兩座廢氣焚化設備,其中蓄熱式焚化爐削減每公斤VOCs所需成本約25元,其中燃料成本約68萬元,另一座直燃式焚化爐削減每公斤VOCs所需成本則高達337元,主要原因為直燃式焚化爐燃料使用量大,107年購買燃料用量即達1600萬,兩者燃料使用量為造成操作成本主要差異,因此如操作條件允許以輔導改用蓄熱式焚化爐為優先選擇。 明揚、開發及李長榮三家塗裝廠皆採用洗滌塔+活性碳附設備,削減每公斤VOCs所需成本則落在67~99元之間,顯示洗滌塔+活性碳附設備初設成本不若蓄熱式廢氣焚化設備高昂,但後續操作成本則明顯偏高,且處理效率也無法達90%甚至更高。 國統國際股份有限公司使用洗滌塔,污染源為鋼鑄造,以氣罩收集最大風量可達900m3/min,以抽風機馬力及每日操作時數推估,年用電費即高達29萬,但可去除污染物僅109公斤,因此削減每公斤污染物所需成本高達2752元;另統固優脂蛋白企業社也因使用電費偏高,及去除污染量小,造成操作成本相對偏高。 其餘慶發、勤德、璇億等燃材鍋爐採用集塵設備串聯洗滌塔對粒狀物即可有90%以上去除效率,且操作成本亦不高,削減每公斤粒狀物所需成本約在6~22元間。 (五)稽查檢測及巡查作業 檢測作業皆依合約完成,而陳情稽查檢測污染源4根次為燃材鍋爐另1根次為瀝青拌合廠乾燥爐,4根次燃材鍋爐檢測粒狀物皆不符排放標準,已完成告發處分作業,處分金額為85萬元,而4廠鍋爐後端皆設有防制設備,皆要求限期完成改善,目前輔導各廠改善做法為評估增設及調整現有防制設備操作條件及改用其他低污染燃料。 (六)逸散性粒狀物管理辦法符合度查核 逸散性粒狀污染物管理辦法法規符合度108年查核符合率為91%,比107年提升8%,不符管理辦法工廠共5家,缺失項目以堆置場周邊無阻隔設施、覆蓋或灑水面積不足占50%最多,主因為堆置場因大型機具多,常會造成阻隔或灑水設施損壞,如未即時修復則會違反管理辦法規定,建議持續宣導業者平時應加強設備巡檢及維護作業,同時與砂石場專案計畫橫向聯繫加強違規工廠巡查頻率,以提升業者自主管理意識,以提升法規符合度。 (七)污染減量作業 108年度減量工作預計執行許可排放量減量輔導6家及工廠減排措施輔導6家次,目前共輔導17家許可減量作業及54家次工廠減排措施輔導工作,其中配合推動鍋爐汰換或改造政策,總計108年共53家93座鍋爐完成改善,排放削減量分別為粒狀物6.643公噸、硫氧化物72.291公噸、氮氧化物31.647公噸及揮發性有機物0.668公噸,改善鍋爐數量為107年344%。 檢視108年1~3季空污費硫氧化物申報量已比107年明顯減少37公噸,減少約14%排放量,氮氧化物申報量已比107年明顯減少84公噸,減少約18%排放量,隨著鍋爐汰換作業陸續完成,109年度排放量將進一步減少;揮發性有機物空污費申報排放量為620公噸,比107年同期減量49公噸,主要減量工廠為境內塗裝廠台灣格瑞特公司斥資3000萬更新蓄熱式焚化爐去除效率提升、申豐化工廠設備元件處分後改善以及屏南金皇公司改用水性塗料總計減量約20公噸。 (八)總量管制 高屏總量管制第一期程未依規定指定削減工廠共兩家,分別為明揚國際科技股份有限公司及承松企業有限公司屏南廠,已於108年5月21日處分及限期改善,其中承松企業有限公司屏南廠107第三季至108年第四季已符合目標年排放量,已於期限內完成改善,明揚國際科技股份有限公司則已規劃針對改用低污染原料及加裝防制設備著手,無法於限期90日內完成改善,已依空污法第82條規定輔導提出展延改善期限申請,並依改善計畫內容定期檢核是否依改善進度執行,未依計畫進度改善將中止改善期限,並加重處罰。 屏東縣目前可供抵換量分別為粒狀物:19,525公斤、硫氧化物:2,469公斤、氮氧化物:39,651公斤、VOCs:17,204公斤,108年度新增削減量差額工廠為台灣格瑞特工業股份有限公司,該廠遷往新址因此依固定污染源空氣污染物削減量差額認可保留抵換及交易辦法,核發第一期程目標年排放量之削減量差額給該廠,新廠經試車檢測後應抵換之排放量,其中粒狀物不足以抵換,該廠向高雄市東南水泥交易取得75公斤排放量,目前已完成抵換作業同時核發許可完成。 (九)崁頂焚化廠製程改善 崁頂焚化廠105~107年因爐體老舊操作狀況不佳依空污法處分共12件金額315萬元,經製程改善後,以排放量分析106年度因配合檢修作業焚化量減少,單位排放係數為0.95公斤/公噸,108年完成大修後1~3季單位排放係數已降為0.69公斤/公噸,每單位(公噸)排放係數減少約27%排放量,排放狀況已比107年前明顯改善。 (十)屢遭陳情工廠管制 108年度為有效減少屢遭陳情案件及排放減量,針對遭陳情工廠進行輔導改善工作,合約規定完成3家輔導作業,已完成輔導3家,108年屢遭陳情輔導工廠中,非列管工廠飛台農業生物科技股份有限公司陳情數高達88件,已於108年11月赴該廠進行輔導,該廠已就輔導意見進行改善,包含改善集氣設施、加強吸引風量與評估使用酵素去除效率,該廠完成改善後排定於12月12日再次邀情專家學者現勘完成,該廠並已於12月16日提出試車復工申請,並承諾試車時關閉所有門窗、於水塔內每20分鐘添加等量酵素、每日試車時間早上08:30~11:30,下午則僅從事包裝作業。環保局已於12月20日有條件核准該廠恢復試車,仍遭民眾陳情目前持續進行改善作業中。 (十一)空品不良日管制成果 108年本縣預警一級事件日總計28日,指定配合實施制訂防制計畫工廠共33家,總計減量為粒狀物2公噸、硫氧化物4公噸、氮氧化物8公噸及揮發性有機物13公噸。 在空品不良季節同時也推動大型固定污染源於此期間進行歲修,總計6家工廠配合進行歲修加總歲修日數為148日,預估減量為粒狀物1公噸、硫氧化物5公噸、氮氧化物5公噸及揮發性有機物3公噸。 (十二)微型感測器運用 108年度本計畫配合屏南工業區及臭味計畫,針對該工業區進行聯合巡查、稽查檢測及資訊交換等橫向聯繫作業,以工業區微型感測器熱點鄰近工廠進行稽查檢測結果,共告發5件分別為億揚周界異味超標以及聯超實業法蘭元件發現每分鐘滴漏35滴、興惟屏南廠巡查時發現明顯粒狀物逸散、新加坡商傑樂公司鍋爐故障排放黑煙及環拓科技股份有限公司屏南一廠目測判煙不合格,共4件現場發現污染行為,已立即由環保局承辦人依空污法第20、32或33條裁罰,處分金額共50萬元。
中文關鍵字 許可、固定污染源


專案計畫編號 經費年度 108 計畫經費 8600 千元
專案開始日期 2019/01/04 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 賴宏志
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 蕭智元 執行單位 元律科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 108-期末-定稿.pdf 11MB


英文摘要 Summary of Results The project items include assisting Environmental Protection Bureau on examination of stationary source permitting, licensing checks, inspection of surrounding factories, Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems check, case counseling, regulatory factory database update works, on-site permitting documents, examination, flue monitoring and examining works, decree revision workshop, and fugitive particulate matter management practices conformity check. This project progresses in line with expectations. The following description Summary of Results. 1.Permit review: There are 233 applications received, and 159 were permitted in the program during the execution. After the permit review, approval ratio of 68%. In addition, some cases are tested after trial operation, and only after they are confirmed to meet the emission standards can they be issued. A total of 166 processes was checked, with the 38% of a total process number. The results of all checked processes indicated that there were 12 unqualified processes, in terms of unqualified rate of 7.2%. 2. Analysis of Pollutant Discharge Changes Particulate Contamination:As of November 30, 2019, particulate emissions have been reduced by 15.672 tons per year in the overall control process. The main reasons for the decrease in emissions are the asphalt concrete mixing industry and the metal industry. Sulfur oxides:After the database update and maintenance operations, sulfur oxides 0.542 tons increments. The main reason is that the pollution of waste treatment industry changes greatly. Nitrogen oxides:After the database update and maintenance operations, nitrogen oxides 26.3 tons decrement. The main reason is that the pollution of Reduction of diesel consumption of turbo generators at Taiwan Power Company Anshan Nuclear Power Plant. The plant has reduced NOx emissions by 80.997 tons in 2018. On the other hand. Ping-Tung Resource Recovery Plant has increased its nitrogen oxide emissions by 60.718 tons due to increased incineration. Other industries show small changes in pollution emissions. Volatile organic compounds:After the database update and maintenance operations, volatile organic compounds 55.342 tons increments. In which a substantial change in emissions of pollution, waste treatment industry and automotive surface coating industry. Ping-Tung Resource Recovery Plant has increased its volatile organic compounds emissions by 39.456 tons due to increased incineration. And the increase in the amount of paint applied by Honda Taiwan Motor Co., Ltd., resulting in an increase of 43.483 tons of pollution. 3. Air Pollution Control Fee Collection System: By the third quarter of 2019, the number of air pollution control fee system regulators is 439. Annual accounts for 2018 amounted to NT$27,990,321. From the first quarter to the third quarter of 2019, the declared amount is NT$21,796,167. 4. Air Pollution Control Equipment: Study two combustion exhaust air pollution control equipment in 2019. The cost for RTO (Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer) to reduce VOCs per kilogram is NT$25, of which fuel cost is about NT$680, 000. That TO (Thermal Oxidizer) reduce the cost of VOCs per kilogram is NT$337, and the cost of fuel in 2018 is about NT$16 million. The main reason is that TO uses a lot of fuel, and will coach the retrofit RTO if the field conditions are right. Within the jurisdiction of the three coating plants are using scrubbers in a series of active carbon attached to the equipment. The cost for that Control Equipment to reduce VOCs per kilogram is NT$67~99. Although the installation cost of the display device is not high, but the high cost of operation, and has a poor processing efficiency. Within the jurisdiction of the three wood-fired boiler exhaust gas resulting from the use of the washing column bag house tandem process, the removal efficiency of 90% the effects of contaminant particulate matter. 5. Emission Standard inspection: According to statistics until November 30, 2019, 4 of the discharge pipeline inspections performed due to public incidents were punished for exceeding the emission standards. The punishment amount of these factories is NT$850, 000, and all of them are required to complete the improvement within a time limit. 6. Management Regulations for Facilities to Control Fugitive Dust Air Pollution from Stationary Pollution Sources: In terms of implementation of Management Regulations for Facilities to Control Fugitive Dust Air Pollution from Stationary Pollution Sources. The qualified rate of regulations increased from 53% in 2010 to 91% in 2019. Will continue to advocate the factory should strengthen equipment inspection and maintenance work, and with other related project plans to strengthen the frequency of illegal factory inspection. Promote factory self-restraint, thereby improving regulatory compliances. 7. Stationary sources of air pollution reduction practices: In 2019, tutored 17 factories to reduce pollution emissions and 53 factories to improve control measures. Implement boiler replacement or improvement policies. A total of 93 boilers in 53 factories completed improvements in 2019. Improved boilers by 344% over 2018. The particulate emissions have been reduced by 6.643 tons, the Sulfur oxides reduced by 72.291 tons, the Nitrogen oxides reduced by 31.647 tons, the Volatile organic compounds reduced by 0.668 tons per year. 8. Total Quantity Control On June 30th, 2015 " Total Quantity Control Plan was set in Kaohsiung and Ping-Tung Areas " as the primary area to be implemented. This project is accomplished by EPA with the aim of promoting the “Total Quantity Control Plans in Kaohsiung and Ping-Tung Areas”, also including “the criteria for the authorization of the pollutant emissions quantities of existing stationary pollution sources” and the “Regulations for the Authorization of the Emissions Reduction Quantities Difference for Banking”, Offsetting or Trading” and other regulations of officially announce. End of the first phase of this plan in 2019. There are still two factories that have failed to meet their targets. A factory has been completed in the fourth quarter of 2019, another is to improve extension period is put forward in accordance with the law. Failure to improve as planned will result in suspension of the improvement period and increased penalties. Pingtung County's current exchangeable amounts are Par.: 19,525 kg, SOx: 2,469 kg, NOx: 39,651 kg, VOCs: 17,204 kg. 9. Ping-Tung Resource Recovery Plant project improvement Ping-Tung Resource Recovery Plant , the furnace is old and the operating condition of the poor. Frequent violations of environmental laws between 2016 and 2018. Pollution emissions have improved significantly after completion of the overhaul in 2019. Emission factor reduced from 0.95 kg per ton of waste to 0.69 kg. Reduce about 27% of pollution emissions. 10.Control of factories of Nuisance Petition In order to be effective in reducing nuisance petitions cases. Coaching improvements for three nuisance petition factories have been completed. Among them, Feitai Agricultural Biotechnology Co., Ltd. was petitioned up to 88 times. The plant has been improved gas gathering facilities, strengthening attract wind and evaluation scrubber using a catalyst removal efficiency. EPB has conditionally approved the factory to commissioning on December 20. However, it is still petitioned by the public, and improvement work is continuing. 11.Control results of poor air quality AQI days Designate 33 factories to implement pollution prevention plans on days of poor air quality. Until the end of December, the reducing amount of Par., SOx, NOx and VOCs is 2、4、8 and 13 tons. At the same time, during this period to promote large-scale plant annual survey. A total of 6 factories cooperate. Estimated pollutant reduction Par.1 ton, SOx 5 tons, NOx 5 tons and VOCs 3 tons. 12.Applications of Low-cost Sensor Strengthen illegal factory inspections with other related project plans. Check with Low-cost Sensor hotspots or high values in industrial areas. Results 5 pieces, fines totalling NT$500, 000.
英文關鍵字 permitting, Stationary pollutant