中文摘要 | 土壤及地下水污染整治法(下稱土污法)於民國89年2月2日公布施行,雖於99年2月3日作大幅度之修正,但實務上仍產生諸多爭議與困境,且近年來公眾環保意識抬頭,總統府就環境法已完成多項司法改革國是會議共識,99年土污法施行迄今已逾9年,本計畫所設定之主要目標即是通盤檢討並修正土污法,並提供法律專業諮詢服務,協助各級主管機關處理土污法在實務上所生法律疑義。本團隊在本計畫已完成之主要工作成果如下: 1.對各級環保主管機關所提出之法律問題,完成法律交辦協助審視行政處分及相關函文4件,並提供法律意見書29則。 2.列席污染場址相關會議7場,針對新竹市香山工業區與臺南市中石化安順廠105年監督計畫個案污染場址等提出諮詢建議,並與環資國際有限公司合作修改土污基管會土壤及地下水資訊管理系統求償界面之優化。 3.就污染場址完成1份求償規劃報告,俾利相關求償業務之推動。 4.蒐集研析美國杜邦旁普湖工廠(Dupont Pompton Lakes Factory)場址整治程序、金鷹煉油廠事業場址與美國加州Modesto地下水污染場址,藉此簡介CERCLA與RCRA差異,並與我國現行土污法比較後,提出適用於我國之具體修正建議。 5.維護及更新土污法及相關法規彙編行動裝置版本內容,使用者能隨時查詢最新、最完整之土污法規。 6.辦理4場善良管理人注意義務認定準則暨土污法規說明會,使民眾得以了解並遵循相關法令規定。 7.研修土壤及地下水污染整治基金及求償作業手冊,已提出修正後之定稿,並已依計畫進度預將土污法之電子法規彙編及求償作業手冊整合製作為行動裝置電子工具書。 8.依土污基金代為支應案件執行情形,及預定求償作業時序,協助推動求償作業,提出108年與109年求償及盤查目標,並依各地方環保局之需求提供專業法律協助。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 土壤與地下水污染污染整治法、修法、法律顧問、求償 |
專案計畫編號 | 經費年度 | 108 | 計畫經費 | 7900 千元 | |
專案開始日期 | 2019/03/14 | 專案結束日期 | 2020/12/31 | 專案主持人 | 張訓嘉 |
主辦單位 | 土污基管會 | 承辦人 | 許位嘉 | 執行單位 | 立言法律事務所 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | 108-109 主計畫期末報告本文 20210201 2037 pan.pdf | 1MB |
Project of Providing Services on Law Amendment and Legal Consultation relating to the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act, 2019-2020
英文摘要 | The Soil and Groundwater Remediation Act (hereinafter referred to as SGRA) was promulgated and enacted on February 2, 2000. Despite a big scale revision on February 3, 2010, the Act still has encountered various disputes and awkwardness in its practice. Furthermore, due to the increasing environmental consciousness in public, the President Office has effectuated reaching consensus on several environmental law topics through National Conference on Judicial Reform Matters. The Act of 2010 version has enacted for more than 9 years, therefore the main purposes set in this Project are to conduct an overall discussion and revision on the Act, to provide specialized legal consultation services and to assist competent authorities of all levels in dealing with legal ambiguities arising from the Act Inpractice. In this Project the team has accomplished main working results as follows: 1.Reviewing 4 administrative dispositions and related documents and providing 29 legal opinions concerning the various legal questions presented by competent authorities of all levels. 2.Attending 7 meetings on polluted sites and providing consultation advices on 5 polluted sites: Xiangshan Industrial Zone at Hsinchu City、Ansoon Plant of CPDC at Tainan City、polluted site at Taoyuan City and , and polluted site at Kaohsiung City participating the meetings in collabaration with ERI Co. Ltd. to optimize the SGM’s user interface.. 3.Drafting 1 report on fee recovery plan relating to polluted site, so as to facilitate the proceeding of claim affairs. 4.Collecting and analyzing information of the following U.S. polluted sites: Dupont Pompton Lakes Factory, Tesoro Golden Eagle Refinery and Modesto ground water contamination site, and using such information to make synopsis of the differences between CERCLA and RCRA, to compare with SGRA and to propose specific amendments to SGRA. 5.Maintaining and updating the versions of SGRA and related regulations on mobile device, to make sure that users can search the latest and most complete SGRA regulations at any time. 6.Holding 4 conferences on explaining “The guidelines for ascertaining due diligence of interested party as a good manager of the polluted land” and related SGRA regulations, to enable people to understand and comply with relevant laws and regulations. 7.Revising and proposing the final draft of the Operation Manual for Fee Recovery of “Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fund”(hereinafter referred to as SGPRF), and facilitating the working out of a mobile device version. 8.Assisting the promotion of fee recovery plan in accordance with the implementation of the SGPRF and the time sequence of the scheduled fee recovery plan, and proposing the goal of fee recovery and its double-check in 2019 and 2020, and giving professional legal assistance to meet the needs of local environmental protection bureaus. | ||
英文關鍵字 | the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act、Amendment、Legal Consultation、Claim |