

中文摘要 逸本年度逸散源管制工作,針對本縣固定污染源逸散性管制名單進行清查,共計查核1,103家次,其中923家次進行法規符合度查核,法規符合度97.62%;每季辦理土石及預拌混凝土業協談作業,分別協談303件及68件;砂石車污染蒐證跟拍61次,共計跟拍684輛次,跟拍結果共計有25輛違規(23輛少一支污水收集管、1輛污水收集桶破損及1輛污水收集管未插入污水收集桶中),已要求貨運行進行改善,並已將改善照片回傳佐證;在推動企業認養道路部份,承諾進行道路認養之企業共計78家認養,認養長度56.25公里,洗掃總長度25,060公里;專案管制部份,分別針對港區及和平地區各執行12次專案巡查管制,各巡查76家次及238家次,對於巡查缺失,已限期業者進行改善;最後,在砂石車車牌辨識自動稽核系統工作部份,港區出入口共計辨識車輛為67,959輛、正確辨識車輛63,079輛,其辨識率92.80%,並未發現有違規車輛。今年大型車牌辨識系統架設位置分別為立霧溪及萬里溪二處,在辨識率統計部分,原萬里溪車輛辨識系統工期結束前共監控47,119輛次砂石車,正確辨識43,351輛次,辨識率達92.00%,並未發現有違規車輛。而豐坪溪車輛辨識系統架設後至108年12月31日止,共監控3,243輛次砂石車,正確辨識2,961輛次,辨識率達91.05%,並未發現有違規車輛。立霧溪疏濬工地車辨系統共監控14,331輛次砂石車,正確辨識13,108輛次,辨識率達91.50%,並未發現有違規車輛。
中文關鍵字 逸散污染源管制、砂石車、臭氧成因分析、風洞試驗


專案計畫編號 EPB108-2-15 經費年度 108 計畫經費 9580 千元
專案開始日期 2019/01/01 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 邱裕謙
主辦單位 花蓮縣環境保護局 承辦人 葉家寰 執行單位 日揚環境工程有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 108年度花蓮縣逸散性粒狀污染物污染源管制、礦場細懸浮微粒風蝕係數建立及臭氧成因分析計畫(期末報告).pdf 26MB

Pollution source control of fugitive particulate pollutants in Hualien County, establishment of wind erosion coefficient of fine suspended particles in mines and analysis plan for the cause of ozone

英文摘要 Checking operations targeting stationary pollution source fugitive control list within Hualien county were carried out, 1,103 checking were done in total, with 923 of it completed regulatory compliance checking, giving regulatory compliance rate of 97.62%; Co-operative negotiations with rock soil and ready mixed concrete industry were being held seasonal , 303 and 68 cases of negotiations were made respectively; Dump truck’s pollution photographic evidence taken 61 times , tracking 684 trucks in total, photographic results showed that 25 trucks’ wastewater collection pipe failure, which has been resolved now; On promoting road adoption program, 78firms participated in adoption, road adoption length summed up to 56.25km, cleaning road lengths up to 25060km; Project inspection control targeting harbor and Heping area are done 12 times respectively, each being inspected 76 times and 238 times, inspected firms were demanded improvement within specific period; About dump trucks automatic vehicle identify system, the system recognized 67959dump trucks at the exit/entrance in harbor area, while precisely identified 63079 of it, giving an identification rate of 92.80%, with 1 vehicle involving traffic violations on failing to dropping down cover net under 15cm, the error has been repaired by now. Vehicle identify system were installed at Yuli town Lele river dredging project on 16 July, then officially operating from 17 July to 31 Dec, in total monitored 4,411 dump trucks, precisely identified 3,943 of it, giving a total identification rate of 91.05%, with no discovery of traffic violations. Another set of large site dump truck vehicle identify system were being set up at Liwu River dredging project(project period holds until 9 August 2019) on 30 Dec 2019, has been officially operating since then.
英文關鍵字 Control of fugitive pollution sources, gravel cars, cause analysis of ozone, wind tunnel test