

中文摘要 108年度土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫-苗栗縣(以下簡稱本計畫)主要為控管及建立苗栗縣內長期土壤及地下水環境品質資料,以作為後續相關管理政策推動之參考依據,以及適時依法適當進行處置相關緊急應變之需求,協助進行必要之作為。本計畫工作主要包括:地下水監測井巡查及維護、監測井完井作業及異物排除、場置性監測井水質監測作業、加油站測漏管監測、法規說明會辦理及緊急應變措施執行等。各項工作進度皆達預期規劃項目。本計畫108年工作內容及完成成果簡要說明如下: 一、針對本縣區域性及場置性地下水監測井進行巡查、維護、井況評估及再次完井工作,健全監測井功能,以俾後續掌握地下水質變化趨勢,達到預防或監測地下水污染之目的,保護日益珍貴之地下水資源。 1.完成108年度全年監測井巡查作業,並進行22口井體維護更新及18口井體設施修復。 2.完成全年監測井名單及資料進行更新。 3.完成43口井中攝影及資料處理。 4.完成22口監測井再次完井。 5.完成5口監測井異物排除。 6.完成38口水文試驗。 7.完成5口監測井廢井作業 二、辦理推動土壤地下水污染防治相關法令及技術講習 完成辦理1場次土壤及地下水污染法規宣導說明會、10場校園說故事宣導活動、2場高中職校園宣導活動及1場種子講師會議。 三、辦理1場土壤污染控制場址現地評鑑作業。 四、協助辦理土壤及地下水污染事件之緊急應變工作,針對有土壤及地下水污染之虞之場址進行污染調查、查證與相關應變工作,以有效控制污染影響,並減輕或避免場址對環境的可能危害。 已完成4場次土壤及地下水污染緊急應變工作。 1.中油鐵砧山伴產水滲漏事件。 2.永貞段1209地號底泥驗證。 3.高污染潛勢工廠調查廢棄物TCLP試驗。 4.卓蘭鎮水廠段798地號底泥採樣分析。 五、完成公館鄉麻齊寮520地號、頭份市永貞段1209地號、萬豪企業股份有限公司、107年苗栗縣農地土壤污染控制場址改善完成之場址驗證作業。 六、協助審查32筆依據土壤及地下水污染整治法與第8、9條及相關法規,針對土壤污染評估調查及檢測資料申報內容進行完整性、適法性、合理性審查公告事業審查作業。 七、完成污染場址溯源及進度推動工作(設置2口標準井及執行豐枯水期採樣分析各一次,共4口次)。 八、完成高污染潛勢工廠調查,含6點次土壤採樣分析、4口次地下水採樣分析、4口簡易井設置及廢井。 九、完成3家次八、九條公告事業用地調查工作。 十、完成10站加油站地下儲槽系統追蹤(測漏管功能測試及油氣檢測),以及2支GC/FID定量分析。
中文關鍵字 土壤污染、地下水污染


專案計畫編號 經費年度 108 計畫經費 11990 千元
專案開始日期 2019/01/08 專案結束日期 2019/12/20 專案主持人 董仁
主辦單位 苗栗縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 周俐潔 執行單位 亞太環境科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 108土水期末-公開版.pdf 24MB

Soil and Groundwater Contamination Investigation Project in 2019 Environmental Protection Bureau, Miaoli County

英文摘要 The project has conducted the following items: 1.Groundwater Monitoring Wells: (1)218 wells had been inspected twice in 2019. (2)Various maintenance and repair had been completed. 2.Laws and technical seminars related to the prevention of soil and groundwater pollution : 12 briefings on laws and regulations, storytelling activities on elementary school campuses ,and seed lecturer meetings have been held in 2019. Two additional high school seminars had been held this year. The participation of high school students did have better interaction and learning effects. 3.Four emergency response work on soil and groundwater pollution had been completed. (1)The waste sampling and testing results of the high-pollution potential factory investigation showed that total chromium and total lead in the extract of the waste exceeded the business waste identification standard. (2)The sediment of No.1209 in Yongzhen Section, which still exceeded the upper-limit quality of the bottom sediment. The results had been transferred to the destination business authority for source tracing according to rights. (3)The detection result of the leakage incident of associated oil production in Tiejianshan, the soil and groundwater had exceeded the control standard of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Law. The site was announced as a control site on May 16, 2019. The site ’s total pollution potential assessment (TOL) ) with a score of 1200 or more, it was announced as a remediation site on August 30 of the same year. (4)The sediment of No.798 in Water Plant Section, which did not exceed the upper and lower limits of quality of the bottom sediment. 4.Site Verification work: (1)There are 3 soil and 2 sediment samples of K10238 site have been analyzed, and there is no abnormal. This site is the second verification, and the related expenses are paid by the improvement unit. (2)There are 10 soil and 2 sediment samples of K10008 site have been analyzed, and there is one soil sample has been reached the monitoring standard of arsenic. (3)There are 25 soil samples in heavy metal pollution area and 25 soil samples in BTEX pollution area of K10247 site have been analyzed, and there is no abnormal. (4) There are 25 soil samples of farmland site(K10249,K10243,K10244,K10245,K10246) have been analyzed, and there is no abnormal. 5.Completed the source tracing and progress of polluted sites (set up 2 standard wells and perform sampling and analysis 4 times), and some of the measured results of the analysis results reached the groundwater pollution monitoring standards. 6.Investigation of high-pollution potential factories. The heavy metal arsenic S02 at the soil sampling point in Wuqi glass yard reached 84.8mg/kg, exceeding the soil pollution control standard by 1.41 times. It is recommended to announce the control site according to Article 12 of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Law. 7.Completed the survey of land use of the three businesses announced in Articles 8 and 9 of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Law, and there is no abnormal. 8.Completed the tracking of the underground storage tank system of 10 gas stations. Ther were two gas satation exceeded the pollution potential grading warning value. According to GC spectrum screening conditions and interpretation instructions, belong to B2 classification, should be included in the follow-up continuous monitoring and tracking list. 9.Additinal activities: completed 1 regulatory orientation and 2 promotional activities on campus(high school).
英文關鍵字 soil pollution、groundwater pollution