

中文摘要 本年度計畫以「新北市營建工程資訊整合平台」為主軸核心,此平 台能因應時代潮流而變革,對於營建工程在空氣污染防制之稅收、督察 及跨域資訊整合等業務精進,撤底扭轉公部門工作文化與習慣,提供更 多創新的加值服務,大幅提高行政效能,亦滿足民眾便利性之需求。 計畫執行過程中欲達到各級工程全面管制實屬不易,除了如期達成 環保署今年度考評管制指標之外,本計畫整合了既有的繳費管道並提升 局內帳務核對時效 ; 採納公共工程委員的案件分類原則深入分析,領先 全國試辦其他類工程空污費拆分管制。此外,透過系統的智能派遣方式, 有效落實污染階段進場查核,並輔導轄內業者執行自主環境維護。年度 執行成果可區分為以下六個面向 : 1. 繳費聯單條碼化 每日對帳零時差 108年度整合本市既有的電子化收款業務架構,將臺銀版本的5 聯單與超商、郵局版本的3聯單進行整併,全面啟用虛擬帳號來克服 往年營建空污費未全數、未如期、未依規定或重複繳納等問題,同 時將繳費須知及法規宣導文述,從原先的金融機構存根聯移至繳款 人收執聯以提升宣導效益,目前本市的營建空污費徵收業務,已達 成每日逐筆即時對帳之標竿目標。 2. 市府單位帶頭做 逐年提高申報率 分析近三年民眾使用網路申報系統進行開工申報及完工結算比 率,並取其各年度的月平均值作為使用率消長判定基準。以108年度 網路申報比率與去年同期相比,使用率已從106年度的58.2%提升至 69.2%;網路辦理完工案件族群使用率亦從106年度的46.8%提升至 64.6%。本市逐年推廣的網路申報宣導策略是有效的,大眾對於網路 申報的接受度有所提升,雖受到系統架構改版而有些許波動,但整 體的使用率仍呈現正成長的趨勢。 3. 政策領先全國 強制拆分效果佳 本市於107年度率先提出其他營建工程強制拆分繳納規範,統計 至108年11月為止,共執行1,165件空污費繳納費額超過1萬元的其他 類營建工程拆分為兩期繳納,其中已經超過申報預計施工迄日的案 件有653件,,已提送完工結算申請則有387件,試算完工結算比率 為九成(387÷(653-230)= 91.5%),顯示此策略能有效提升其他類營建 工程的完工結算比率。 4. 智能派遣查核 落實污染掌握 本市自103年啟用營建工程智慧派遣機制後,年度重複巡查案件 逐年下降2%,約減少2.6人/年,已落實精準時機進行查核。統計至 108年11月為止,共執行營建工地查核11,016處次,現階段法規符合 度為84.2%,約納管本市八成(81.8%)的施作工地污染量,換算污染 削減率達50.4%,約減少TSP 3,57.2公噸、PM10 1,981.8公噸、PM2.5 396.4公噸。 5. 業者責任反轉 自主維護好環境 本市推動「營建工程自主回報管制系統」主要目的是希望以源 頭管制的方式,宣導營建工程業主與承包商運用該系統,進行自主 回報缺失改善情形,減少工程所造成之各項污染行為,提升工地管 理績效,希望營建業主及承包商能從被動式轉變成主動提報管制紀 錄行為,達到全面規範轄內營建工程。108年度已轄內第一級RC、 SRC工程為優先推廣對象,統計至108年11月為止,屬於本年度輔導 對象的建築類工程有790處,已有657處加入自主行列,換算系統使 用率為83.2%,其中針對業者自主上傳後之查核紀錄進行統計,顯示 無缺失案件有540處,換算法規符合度為82.2%,有接近8成的業者能 達到自主維護的效益。 6. 全面調查機具 推動加嚴環評工程 本市自105年起調查施工機具,至目前為止,共調查1,332輛(/ 臺),多以進口的二手機具為主,主要來源輸出來源為鄰近的國家如 日本、韓國、中國,有近8成因機身號碼磨損查無出廠年份,其餘出 廠年份平均為1999年。其中不透光率檢測213輛(/臺),引用環保署「營 建工程施工機具污染改善及管制策略研擬專案工作計畫」柴油引擎 施工機具黑煙排放標準草案規定(柴油動力引擎額定輸出功率介於 19kW~560kW間, 103 年10 月以後出廠者不透光率排放標準 0.5m-1),不合格率為5.6%,經分析營建施工機具的出廠年限多寡與 其不透光率量測結果並無呈現相關性。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質、營建工程、污染削減


專案計畫編號 經費年度 108 計畫經費 18576 千元
專案開始日期 2018/12/01 專案結束日期 2019/11/30 專案主持人 陳意淳
主辦單位 新北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 徐禾杰 執行單位 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 108年新北市營建工程空氣污染防制計畫.pdf 15MB

The air pollution control program of construction in New Taipei City in 2018~2019

英文摘要 The execution period of New Taipei City’s air pollution control program of construction projects is 10 months, there are currently 19 executives in total, and all the working items have achieved the set goals. The executive achievements are summarized as follows. 1. Improving the utilization rate of constructing the online declaration system of air pollution fee In 2017, 3,894 projects commenced were registered in the declaration and registration system, including 2,285 projects registered online with a utilization rate of 58.7%. In 2018, 5,497 projects commenced were registered in the declaration and registration system, including 3,314 projects registered online with a utilization rate of 60.3%. By the end of September 2019, 2,779 projects commenced have been registered in the declaration and registration system, including 1,951 projects registered online with a utilization rate of 70.2%. In 2017, 3,971 projects settled were registered in the declaration and registration system, including 1,886 projects registered online with a utilization rate of 47.5%. In 2018, 3,725 projects settled were registered in the declaration and registration system, including 1,996 projects registered online with a utilization rate of 53.6%. By the end of September 2019, 2,504 projects settled have been registered in the declaration and registration system, including 1,615 projects registered online with a utilization rate of 64.5%. The online declaration rate has been improved from 59.7% to 70.2%, and the utilization rate of the online completion registration has been also improved from 52.3% to 64.5%. It seems that the online declaration propaganda strategy generalized year by year in this program is effective. The public acceptance on online declaration has increased. Although there are some fluctuations due to changes in the system structure, the overall utilization rate is still growing. 2. Understanding the status of pollutant emission to achieve an emission rate of 80% under inspection According to the statistics of the monthly pollutant emissions of the construction sites under inspection control during the period from December 1, 2018 to September 30, 2019, 4,542 construction sites were in progress on average each month. During the period, the total dust yield was 22,656.9 tonnes, the total dust reduction was 11,636.2 tonnes, and the total dust emission was 11,020.7 tonnes, which was converted into an average monthly dust emission of 1,102.1 tonnes. During the period, the total TSP yield was 6,321.3 tonnes, the total TSP reduction was 3,246.5 tonnes, and the total TSP emission was 3,074.8 tonnes, which was converted into an average monthly TSP emission of 307.5 tonnes. During the period, the total PM10 yield was 3,511.8 tonnes, the total PM10 reduction was 1,803.6 tonnes, and the total PM10 emission was 1,708.2 tonnes, which was converted into an average monthly PM10 emission of 170.8 tonnes. Generally speaking, during the period of the program, the average pollution reduction was 51.4% [total dust reduction 11,636.2 tonnes ÷ total dust yield 22,656.9 tonnes]. The pollution control for various types of projects under inspection reached 82.7% [17,818.41 tonnes of pollution under inspection ÷ 21,557.31 tonnes of pollution under control], achieving the annual goal of 80% in pollution control. 3. Strengthening on-site investigation and inspection The Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan disclosed in the “executive manual on administrative measures for air pollution control facilities of construction projects” that: in terms of the control of the air pollution resulting from construction projects, air pollution is already prohibited in the air pollution control act, and the economic incentives including air pollution control fee collection, reduction and exemption for construction projects are also used for control. However, there are no regulations on the pollution control facilities required for operation in construction projects. In order to further improve the air pollution resulting from construction projects and to enhance the control effects, according to the authorization of Item 2, Article 23 of the air pollution control act, the “administrative measures for air pollution control facilities of construction projects (hereinafter referred to as administrative measures)” was formulated, so as to regulate the pollution control facilities to be adopted for the construction processes, places and operations of various construction projects that may cause dusts. Regulation compliance shall be calculated in the principle as regulated in the administrative measures, that is, three categories are divided: no absence (0 point), slight absence (less than 10 points) and severe absence (more than 10 points). Regulation compliance refers to that the number of cases with no absence as the numerator and the number of all inspected cases as the denominator (must be unique), with the percentage as the unit. According to the statistics from December 1, 2018 to September 30, 2019, first-grade inspection was conducted to 6,113 construction sites, including a total of 4,182 cases with no absence, which was converted into a regulation compliance of 68.4% currently; and second-grade inspection was conducted to 2,911 construction sites, including a total of 2,162 cases with no absence, which was converted into a regulation compliance of 74.2% currently. 4. Assisting the Environmental Protection Department in reporting air pollution by laws and inspecting disciplinary administration According to the statistics from December 1, 2018 to September 30, 2019, 10 proposed inspection lists were totally reported, a total of 210 construction sites were reported, and 146 construction sites were subsequently inspected. The adoption rate of proposed inspection lists was 69.5%. Because the cases were reported for inspection each month based on the absent points, but for those included in the monthly proposed lists, the undertakers will decide whether they are included according to the status. For the cases included in reports, a time limit for improvement shall be given according to the absence, or those that have been improved shall be removed from the inspection lists. In addition to the monthly proposed inspection lists, the Environmental Protection Administration will report monthly lists according to the emissions and project status. The monthly inspection lists can be obtained by integrating the above two methods. According to the statistics from December 1, 2018 to September 30, 2019, the Environmental Protection Department and New Taipei City Government have carried out 376 inspections in total. Through the statistics of the detailed punishments of commencement and report, a total of 107 construction sites were reported due to violation against the air pollution control act, including 4 cases with dust when inspection and fined NTD 400,000 in total, 90 cases violating the administrative measures for air pollution control of construction projects and fined NTD 5,540,000 in total and 13 cases commencing early (30 days overdue). As of September 2019, the completion rate of improvement was 69.1%. 5. Locking in first-grade construction projects (RC, SRC), and guiding to achieve 80% utilization rate of autonomous reports Because the construction sites would continue to increase during the program execution, the current system utilization rate would be calculated each month for promotion and effect tracking. According to the statistics from December 2018 to September 30, 2019, 1,075 construction projects were the guided objects of this year. However, in order to determine the rationality of the system utilization rate, it was necessary to deduct the cases which are not yet started, special and expected to be commenced. There are 755 actually guided projects, including 651 projects joining the autonomous ranks, which was converted into the system utilization rate of 74.6% (651 sites have joined the autonomous ranks÷a total of 755 sites shall be guided to join the autonomous ranks). In addition, in the inspection records of the 651 construction sites which have joined the independent ranks, there were a total of 579 cases with no absence, a total of 51 cases with slight absence and a total of 14 cases with severe absence, which was converted into a regulation compliance of 88.9%. Nearly 90% enterprises could achieve autonomous maintenance. 6. Promoting and guiding at least 80 construction sites to improve road cleanliness Study reports indicated that earthwork must be carried frequently according to the on-site construction needs and the main factors were the vehicles carrying materials in and out, machines and tools, which increased the moving pollution sources to the surrounding roads, as well as the dust arising from incomplete cleaning. Hence, the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan has been promoting road cleaning and adoption since 2002. There was no specific statutory requirement, but promoting good neighborliness at construction sites and autonomously adopting surrounding roads are important in effective improvement of air quality in work areas. According to the statistics from December 1, 2018 to September 30, 2019, a total of 104 construction sites were signed, and all the scope signed included 75 cases in all work areas. The enterprises were guided to wash the streets with the cumulative length of 58,197.7 km and to sweep the streets with the cumulative length of 21,516.8 km. The streets with a total length of 79,714.5 km were washed, swept and adopted.
英文關鍵字 Air Quality, Construction, Pollution Reduction