

中文摘要 為使GIS圖資工具有效應用於環境污染源鑑識,需仰賴環境檢測數據品質,本計畫屬延續型計畫,本年度計畫主要目標主要包含三個面向,其一是持續維護污染源查找相關輔助鑑識功能及持續蒐整相關資料,其二是持續建立環境樣品檢測履歷之管理方式及作業系統,其三是持續優化現地採樣作業資料記錄及傳輸工具。 污染源查找相關輔助功能,今年度除持續更新所需之污染源特性相關資料外,並定期檢核系統所介接之資料闕漏狀況,以確保資料品質。 環境污染源鑑識需以優良之環境檢測數據作為後盾,因此本計畫建立環境檢測樣品履歷管理方式,自檢測機構申報開始,串連採樣、收樣、檢測乃至數據填報,建立整體性完整之資料。本年度計畫按環境樣品履歷管理架構以及實際業務流程,持續建置相對應之系統工具與律定資料欄位,做為資料數據規格化之基礎;此外,於現地採樣及檢測過程中導入手持設備,進行實時的採樣定位及現地紀錄資訊;於現地錄影影片管理部分,提出影片查核管理機制及建置影片上傳程式,供後續進行勾稽應用,進行管理力度之加強,以達到強化數據完整性、正確性、應用性等目標。
中文關鍵字 地理資訊系統、檢測機構管理、環境污染源鑑識


專案計畫編號 EPA-154108002 經費年度 108 計畫經費 3500 千元
專案開始日期 2019/02/25 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 陳致任
主辦單位 環檢所 承辦人 劉廣尉 執行單位 環輿科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA154108002.pdf 12MB 期末報告定稿本

The Development of an Integrated Information System for Forensic of Environmental Pollution Sources (3/4)

英文摘要 Activating a GIS application as an auxiliary tool for environmental forensic is based on quality of the data. Therefore, the objectives of this project are not only enhancing the existing auxiliary tools but building up a traceability system of sample lifecycle. The objectives of this project in this year contain three operations. The first is collecting data for river pollution continuously. The second is building up a traceability system of sample lifecycle. The third is optimizing data transmission for sampling trip. Traceability system of sample lifecycle is a concept of collecting all of the information from processes of environmental contamination analysis, and to manage accredited laboratories with it. It contains application system, mobile platform and management system. The system programs for sample lifecycle and for business are developed continuously. The data fields of system are specified for information added applications. Sampling information file can be developed from an embryonic form to a specification filled with data. While a sampling trip is carrying out, the sampler can use the mobile platform to get a coordinate of the sampling site and record the time automatically. The sampling positions and time could be checked by using distance and delay. In addition, in-situ sampling process filming can also provide sample credibility. The film uploading program is developed and gave suggestions for film inspection. In conclusion, to build up a data structure with high quality and high applicability, the project in this year is with the aim of developing traceability system of sample lifecycle successively. Traceability system of sample lifecycle is a more complete structure to manage accredited laboratories. In a long-term, it can give both a nice database and high applicability for forensic.
英文關鍵字 GIS, Environmental forensic, accredited laboratories management