

中文摘要 本團隊執行環保署化學局「2019年東南亞地區國際交流暨化災應變培訓計畫」,完成工作項包含如下:05月27日計畫啟動報告,06月12日於雲科大辦理課綱審查會議1場次,07月01日提送計畫執行規劃書化學局核定。07月21日至07月25日計畫主持人洪肇嘉教授、專案助理劉柯宏及吳珮甄等3員赴越南河內市與胡志明市辦理訓練推廣暨交流訪問,3場次分別拜訪越南工商部化學局、河內百科大學及胡志明國家大學/自然科學大學宣傳本年度訓練活動及邀請派員參與11月國際合作班,總與會人數21名。此外,本團隊於交流訪問期間與胡志明市國家大學/自然科學大學共同辦理1場次毒化災應變講習,總參與講習人數60餘人,講習中學員熱烈發問。 本年度臺灣國際化災培訓活動分為「育成班」與「國際合作班」兩班別,透過本校國際事務處、教育推廣中心及歷屆學員推薦等管道進行國際邀請作業。「育成班」總報名人數26人,經資格審核發送錄取通知23名學員(一名回覆因故不參與),08月12日至08月16日於國立雲林科技大學及消防署訓練中心等地點辦理完成,計有越南、印度、印尼、巴基斯坦4國共22名參訓。「國際合作班」總報名人數為52人,經資格審核發送錄取通知25名學員(3名因私人因素臨時取消),11月04日至11月08日於國立雲林科技大學、工業技術研究院中分院及消防署訓練中心等地點辦理完成,計有越南、印尼、馬來西亞3國共22名參訓。本團隊已於合約期程已完成各工作項,並提出結論及發展培訓方向之建議。
中文關鍵字 東南亞、化災培訓課程、緊急應變


專案計畫編號 經費年度 108 計畫經費 2730 千元
專案開始日期 2019/05/22 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 洪肇嘉
主辦單位 化學局 承辦人 蔡洧清 執行單位 國立雲林科技大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 2019年東南亞地區國際交流暨化災應變培訓計畫_公開版.pdf 2MB

2019 Taiwan-Southeast Asia Regional Cooperation and Training Program

英文摘要 Our team had completed the "2019 Taiwan-Southeast Asia Regional Cooperation and Training Program " for the Toxic and Chemical Substances Bureau (TCSB), Environmental Protection Administration (EPA). All tasks were fulfilled, including the project start-up at TCSB on May 27th, and the course review meeting in National Yunlin University of Science & Technology (NYUST) on June 12th, the submission of execution plan and amendment on July 1st, and the visit to Vietnam of Ho Chi Minh and Hanoi City from July 21th to 25th by project leader Prof. Horng, Jao-Jia and assistants Mr. Liu Ke-hong and Ms. Wu Pei-Chen to host three meetings with 21 participants. The itinerary also included visiting Vietnamese Chemical Bureau of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Hanoi University of Technology, the University of Science Vietnam National University Ho Chi Min City (USVNU) to exchange ideas and to promote this year's training program. We also held a seminar in USVNU with 60 participants and many discussions. This year's training course included both “education class” and “International class” with the helps from our Office of International Affair, Center for Extension Education and past participants. There were 26 applicants for the education class with 23 accepted (and one giving up). The class was held from August 12th to 16th at the YunTech and National Fire Agency (NFA) Training Center with 22 participants from Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Pakistan. There were 52 applicants for the international class with 25 accepted (and 3 giving up). The class was held from November 4th to 8th at YunTech, ITRI at Nantou and NFA Training Center with 22 participants from Vietnam, Indonesia and Malaysia. Our team had completed all the tasks before the deadline and proposed the conclusions and suggested the short, middle, and long term suggestions for future operation of training classes.
英文關鍵字 Southeast Asia, chemical incident training, emergency response