

中文摘要 我國2017年溫室氣體總排放量為298.658 MtCO2e,其中運輸部門排放量37.018 MtCO2e,占全國總排放量12.39%,其中公路運輸占運輸部門排放之97.54%。國際上已逐步推動能源需求端類別之減量,故運輸業之能源需求與能效提升扮演重要的減碳角色。本計畫為協助推動運輸部門減量,依據溫管法授權推動運輸部門事業減量工作,規劃將運輸業納入未來應盤查對象以及利用抵換專案做為推動減量之工具。 主要執行工作為建立運輸業盤查表單、盤查手冊與查證手冊,研擬與協助建立運輸業盤查登錄(記)制度,以做為未來運輸業盤查法制化之基礎;掌握及研析國內具發展潛力之國際減量方法學,包含燃料轉換、能效提升及個人化運具類型。由研析結果針對具潛力方法學輔導國內客運業者申請微型規模抵換專案、研擬貨運業能效提升減量之本土化減量方法學及建立運輸業微型規模表單之應用等,透過發展抵換專案推動減量及增加誘因。並基於建構業者碳管理能力辦理說明會及座談會,宣導運輸業盤查方法及運輸業微型規模抵換專案。
中文關鍵字 運輸業、溫室氣體、減量


專案計畫編號 108A163 經費年度 108 計畫經費 6650 千元
專案開始日期 2019/03/25 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 楊伊萍
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 葉宇珊 執行單位 環興科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 108A163.pdf 33MB 正式報告

Establish Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan for Transportation

英文摘要 The total greenhouse gas emission in Taiwan was 298.658 MtCO2e in 2017, and the transport sector emission was 37.018 MtCO2e, which was 12.39% of the total emissions. Road transportation was the main emission of the transport sector, which came to 97.66% of the transportation sector. The reduction of energy demands has been gradually promoted internationally. Therefore, improving the energy demand management and energy efficiency of transportation plays an important role. To promote the reduction of greenhouse gas emission in the transportation sector through Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act, this project has studied inventory mechanism as well as micro-scale GHG offset mechanism. This project established inventory forms, an inventory manual, and verification a manual for establishing the inventories and registration system of the transportation industry. This project analyzes CDM methodologies with development potential, including fuel conversion, energy efficiency improvement, and personal transportation transformation. First, we took one passenger transportation company as a demonstration to apply for the GHG offset project, and developed a local reduction methodology for energy efficiency improvements in the freight industry. Next, we pre-filled in the micro-scale GHG offset program forms with CDM methodologies’ applicability and equations to assist the industry to apply for the program independently. Last, we held meetings for the transportation industries to promote the ability of carbon management.
英文關鍵字 Transportation, Greenhouse gas, Emission Reduction