英文摘要 |
The total greenhouse gas emission in Taiwan was 298.658 MtCO2e in 2017, and the transport sector emission was 37.018 MtCO2e, which was 12.39% of the total emissions. Road transportation was the main emission of the transport sector, which came to 97.66% of the transportation sector. The reduction of energy demands has been gradually promoted internationally. Therefore, improving the energy demand management and energy efficiency of transportation plays an important role. To promote the reduction of greenhouse gas emission in the transportation sector through Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act, this project has studied inventory mechanism as well as micro-scale GHG offset mechanism.
This project established inventory forms, an inventory manual, and verification a manual for establishing the inventories and registration system of the transportation industry. This project analyzes CDM methodologies with development potential, including fuel conversion, energy efficiency improvement, and personal transportation transformation. First, we took one passenger transportation company as a demonstration to apply for the GHG offset project, and developed a local reduction methodology for energy efficiency improvements in the freight industry. Next, we pre-filled in the micro-scale GHG offset program forms with CDM methodologies’ applicability and equations to assist the industry to apply for the program independently. Last, we held meetings for the transportation industries to promote the ability of carbon management.