

中文摘要 本計畫主要工作內容包括:(1)執行國內戴奧辛及重金屬等空氣污染物排放調查與環境監測、(2)更新及建置戴奧辛及重金屬(鉛、鎘、汞、砷)排放清冊、(3)協助辦理戴奧辛及重金屬排放減量輔導、污染事件緊急應變等相關事宜。 戴奧辛及重金屬排放調查目的在於建立本土化排放係數,利於提升排放量推估之可信度,本年度分別執行戴奧辛及重金屬排放檢測各3根次;戴奧辛排放調查發現,燃材鍋爐濃度超過固定污染源戴奧辛排放標準,根據採樣當時濾紙判斷及事後現場查驗結果發現,應為濾袋破損所致,目前該廠已完成濾袋更新作業;F1焚化廠對戴奧辛控制已從原本活性碳吸附更新為裝設觸媒濾袋,排放戴奧辛不但符合排放標準且濃度極低,更新後也可降低後續操作費用及飛灰戴奧辛含量;火化場檢測結果與該場過去檢測結果相近,顯示排放較為穩定,且排放係數與其他火化場相較,屬較低者。重金屬部分,E1電廠新設燃煤機組調查結果顯示,重金屬以鎂、鋁、鐵等地殼元素濃度較高,對於一般管制之有害重金屬砷、鎳等重金屬濃度低,和過去排放係數相較顯著降低許多,與新空污防制對粒狀物防制設備採用袋式集塵器對非汞重金屬去除效率較佳,非汞重金屬部分與美國MATS新設或既存標準相較均可符合,且其排放濃度較107年檢測之F1電廠新機組更低;U1水泥窯及U2水泥窯重金屬檢測發現,有害重金屬部分,皆以汞濃度較高,應是受到原物料及代處理廢棄物所影響,建議應進行添加量最佳化配比,降低汞排放濃度。 環境空氣戴奧辛監測部分,本年度持續進行一般空品站監測,於108年四季(2~3月、5月、8月及10月)進行監測。108年第一季平均多氯戴奧辛與多氯呋喃監測濃度為0.030 pg I-TEQ/m³ (0.025pg WHO₂₀₀₅DF-TEQ/m³),多氯聯苯監測濃度平均值則為0.0028 pg WHO₂₀₀₅DF-TEQ/m³;108年第二季平均多氯戴奧辛與多氯呋喃監測濃度為0.020 pg I-TEQ/m³(0.017 pg WHO₂₀₀₅DF-TEQ/m³),多氯聯苯監測濃度第二季平均值則為0.0024 pg WHO₂₀₀₅DF-TEQ/m³;108年第三季平均多氯戴奧辛與多氯呋喃監測濃度為0.014 pg I-TEQ/m³(0.012 pg WHO₂₀₀₅DF-TEQ/m³),多氯聯苯監測濃度第三季平均值則為0.0019 pg WHO₂₀₀₅DF-TEQ/m³;108年第四季平均多氯戴奧辛與多氯呋喃監測濃度為0.021 pg I-TEQ/m³(0.018 pg WHO₂₀₀₅DF-TEQ/m³),多氯聯苯監測濃度第四季平均值則為0.0022 pg WHO₂₀₀₅DF-TEQ/m³,本年度四季監測濃度平均值皆低於過去歷年同期之監測結果,顯見戴奧辛空品持續改善。 環境空氣重金屬監測於一般空品站進行,監測結果看出,重金屬砷、鎘、錳、鎳、鉛、釩及汞濃度之單一測值均未超過美國、歐盟空氣品質目標值及WHO空氣品質基準值,彙整歷年監測數據發現,在各界關切之有害重金屬項目,以鉛及錳濃度較高,本年度第二季之監測結果受西南氣流所引進的境外傳輸影響,重金屬濃度偏高,但長期監測測站歷年空品濃度多數還是呈現逐年下降、好轉趨勢。 更新及建置排放清冊及排放資料庫部分,推估107年臺灣地區戴奧辛排放量為51.01 g I-TEQ/年,主要排放主要來自燃煤、燃油等鍋爐排放及逸散性排放源(火災、稻草及農業事業廢棄物燃燒等),共占整體45.6%,其他固定污染源則以電弧爐、燒結爐及焚化爐為主(約占整體排放量36.9%);重金屬鉛排放量約為32.43公噸/年、鎘排放量約為0.87公噸/年、汞排放量約為1.61公噸/年及砷排放量約為3.31公噸/年。 至於排放標準檢討修訂、重大排放源減量輔導推動及大型廢棄物焚化爐定檢稽核部分部分,本計畫已協助辦理二項固定污染源戴奧辛排放標準含氧校正基準研修、對水泥業空氣污染物排放標準及大型廢棄物焚化爐空氣污染物排放標準檢討部分,均已提出修訂標準草案,下階段亦將持續與業界進行標準研商;總計完成11家排放源減量現場輔導作業,並針對業界所遭遇問題提出建議改善方案,大型廢棄物焚化爐定檢作業查核部份,總計完成24座大型廢棄物焚化爐定檢作業查核工作,查核過程發現相關操作條件與統計各廠一般平常操作條件並無異常之處,顯見定檢操作狀況有一定代表性,對於發現部分大型焚化爐相關操作條件不符合戴奧辛法規操作條件部分,也提出相關後續應改善建議。
中文關鍵字 戴奧辛、重金屬、環境監測


專案計畫編號 EPA-108-FA12-03-A093 經費年度 108 計畫經費 14850 千元
專案開始日期 2019/02/20 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 羅鈞
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 謝知行 執行單位 環興科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 EPA-108-FA12-03-A093N3.pdf 15MB 完成報告

The Project of Emission Investigation and Reduction Promotion Plan for Stationary Sources of Dioxin and Heavy Metals.

英文摘要 The scope of this project includes: 1) Monitoring for the stationary emission and the ambient environment; 2) Establishing and updating of the emission inventory; 3) Assisting the control, reduction and emergency response of dioxins and heavy metal emission. 1) Monitoring for the stationary emission and the ambient environment The ambient dioxin monitoring is targeted on the general monitoring stations. 22 monitoring stations were selected(1 for each province in Taiwan) in this research. 4 times of monitoring were conducted each station separately in February, May, August and October in 2019. The monitored ambient air average dioxin concentration in 2019 is 0.021 pg I-TEQ/m3. The annual average concentration is lower than that in the last year. The monitored concentration of dioxin in February 2019 was 0.030 pg I-TEQ/m³ (0.025 pg WHO₂₀₀₅DF-TEQ/m³) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) concentration was 0.0028 pg WHO₂₀₀₅DF-TEQ/m³, the concentration of dioxin in May was 0.020 pg I-TEQ/m³ (0.017 pg WHO₂₀₀₅DF-TEQ/m³) and PCBs concentration was 0.0024 pg WHO₂₀₀₅DF-TEQ/m³, the concentration of dioxin in August was 0.014 pg I-TEQ/m³ (0.012 pg WHO₂₀₀₅DF-TEQ/m³) and PCBs concentration was 0.0019 pg WHO₂₀₀₅DF-TEQ/m³, in October was 0.021 pg I-TEQ/m³ (0.018 pg WHO₂₀₀₅DF-TEQ/m³) and PCBs concentration was 0.0022 pg WHO₂₀₀₅DF-TEQ/m³. The annual concentration of dioxin and PCBs was lower than the average annual value over the years. The ambient heavy metal monitoring results showed that the average concentrations of arsenic, cadmium, manganese, nickel, lead, vanadium and mercury are mostly under the ambient air quality standards published by EU and WHO. The monitoring results showed that metal elements related to crust and dust have a significantly higher concentration compared with other metal elements. Also, the metal elements related to traffic had a wide range of concentration in the selected 17 monitoring sites. These trends indicated that traffic and dust are the major heavy metal sources. In order to better understand the chemical composition of stationary source emission, a series of emission monitoring were conducted: dioxin emission monitoring for Xindian incinerator, Sambun biomass wood waste boiler and Yilan crematorium; heavy metal emission monitoring for Dalin coal fired power plants and cement klins of Taiwan Cement Corporation and Asia Cement Corporation.Most of the emission level from monitored emission sources are lower than the Environmental Protection Administration(Taiwan) regulations. These results can be ultilized for estimating dioxin and heavy metals emission amount. 2) Establishing and updating of the emission inventory The total dioxin emission quantity in Taiwan is estimated to be 51.01 g I-TEQ/year in 2018. As for the heavy metal emissions in 2018, the total lead emission is 32.43 metric tons/year, cadmium emission is 0.87 metric tons/year, mercury emission is 1.61 metric tons/year, and arsenic emission is 3.31 metric tons/year. 3) Control and reduction of dioxins and heavy metal emission This year the emission standards for incinerator and cement kiln were proposed, lowering the particulate matter, nitrogen oxides and other air polutants emission limit. Also, meetings with 11 selected stationary sources were held, to directly assist companies’ emission reduction and understand the difficulties of their emission control.
英文關鍵字 Dioxin, Heavy Metals, Environmental Monitoring