

中文摘要 本計畫為促進廢輪胎及廢鉛蓄電池進入循環經濟體系暨推動多元化回收再利用之調查分析與評估,分別針對資料蒐集研析及現場調查輔導執行本計畫,以提供相關精進措施作為未來政策擬定之參考,執行並完成之工作成果簡述如下:(一)研析並掌握廢輪胎及廢鉛蓄電池回收處理基礎數據與流向,劃分責任區域,研擬去化受阻時之區域調度可行性,以及啟動機制,建立去化量調度管控機制,並調查鉛蓄電池產品重量,而為提升廢輪胎回收系統,輔導銡O公司建立該公司廢輪胎回收流布管理平台,透過與聯合資源再生基金會合作辦理的4場次法令宣導與說明會議,與回收業者進行溝通與說明;(二)蒐集英國、法國、德國、丹麥、芬蘭、瑞典、比利時、義大利、希臘、美國、日本、韓國、澳大利亞、中國等國家廢輪胎與廢鉛蓄電池回收處理技術,廢輪胎技術適合我國為,冷凍研磨膠粉及電弧爐能源與物質回收,廢鉛蓄電池部分則為義大利Engitec CX技術系統;(三)蒐集101年至107年廢輪胎與廢鉛蓄電池環保署創新研究計畫,共計23件,同時研析國外輪胎環保標章規格標準,提出調整PAHs檢測方法,修正我國環保標章規格標準,研擬維持膠片出口並且國家不單一化、膠片作為石化燃料的替代燃料、多樣再生橡膠產品等多元化再利用方式,並配合循環經濟策略,促進資源循環利用;(四)分析廢輪胎與廢鉛蓄電池收購價格、再生料售價與國際煤炭、鉛價關係,並透過信託基金收支餘絀狀況、回收處理淨成本估算,分析成本與補貼費率關係,以使補貼費率符合實際狀況,並且提出廢輪胎以回收清除成本與資源化效益為浮動調整建議,而廢鉛蓄電池以資源化效益為浮動調整依據,再配合清查登記及未登記之責任業者與產品,提供環保署進行後續未登記業者輔導作業。
中文關鍵字 回收流向與管道管理、多元化回收再利用、資源有效循環利用


專案計畫編號 經費年度 108 計畫經費 4320 千元
專案開始日期 2019/01/01 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 王家祥
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 呂春珠 執行單位 毅泰管理顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 促進廢輪胎及廢鉛蓄電池進入循環經濟體系暨推動多元化回收再利用專案工作.pdf 43MB

The Project of Promoting Toward the Circular Economy and Recycling Diversification for Waste Tire and Lead-Acid Battery4320

英文摘要 This project is to investigate, analyze and evaluate the sustainable material management utilization and improvement measures for waste tire and lead-acid battery recycling. The completed work items are as the following: 1. Analysis of basic data of waste tire and lead-acid battery, then grasp the flow of recycling sources on the market. In order to establish dispatch and control mechanism of rubber and lead bullion reuse flow for blocked, we analysis the region of responsibility and assess the startup mechanism. Furthermore, for promoting the recycling system of waste tire, developed a trial operation plan for the integrated management mechanism platform for recycling flow of waste tire and investigate the weight of lead battery products. At the same time, we cooperated with the Joint Resource Regeneration Foundation to complete 4 decree promoting conferences for advocate correct decree awareness and enforcement policies and their effectiveness. 2. Gather recycling system, treatment technologies and regulations of waste tire and lead-acid battery for United Kingdom, France, Germany, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Belgium, Italy, Greece, United States, Japan, South Korea, Australia, China, etc. Analyze and compare the abroad of the effectiveness and benefits of various waste tire and waste lead-acid battery treatment technologies. And the feasibility of recommending the introduction of domestic technology is frozen grind rubber powder, electric arc furnace energy and material recovery and Italian Engitec CX technology system. 3. Gather 23 EPA innovation research projects of waste tire and lead-acid battery from 2012 to 2018 as a reference for expand the direction of recycling pipeline from the perspective of circular economy, including maintain rubber exit but not unitary country, rubber as an alternative fuel for fossil fuel and diversity reclaimed rubber products. Otherwise, gather, analysis and compare foreign environmental label specification standards, and proposed modify domestic testing methods for PAHs. 4. Analyze the relationship among the purchase price of waste tires and waste lead-acid battery, the selling prices of reuse materials, and international coal and lead prices. And investigating and updating the recycling and treatment costs and resource benefits, and then discussing the rate, the subsidy rate, and the floating rate. And we put forward suggestions for the floating rate of waste tire based on recycling costs and resource benefits, waste lead-acid battery based on r resource benefits. Moreover, we check the registered and unregistered responsible enterprise regulated recyclable waste and products, to provide EPA with follow-up guidance for responsible enterprise.
英文關鍵字 Recycling flow and venues management, Multi-recycling programs, Effective cyclical recycling