

中文摘要 氣候變遷對地球生態系統、動植物和人類生存環境的影響日益明顯,其中新興與再興的蟲媒傳染病更是嚴重。聯合國與世界衛生組織為減緩相關蟲媒性疾病,提出相關對應策略和建議。本計畫將以環保署的位階強化工作職掌內容,掌握全球環境衛生與病媒控制趨勢,並建立基礎監測資訊和標準化防治技術,供地方執行病媒防治業務時參考原則施行。本計畫四項調適工作:第一,回顧整理氣候變遷與全球蟲媒傳染病疫情之新近發展趨勢,例如世界衛生組織推動之2017-2035全球病媒控制對策,最後總結氣候變遷下多種病媒同步為患的趨勢,例如蚊蟲傳播的登革熱和屈公病,老鼠媒介的漢他病毒症候群,鼠蚤媒介的鼠疫、蜱媒無形體症、艾利希氏體症和發熱伴血小板減少症候群等蟲媒傳染病,環保衛生部會間宜提早建立協防機制,能回應新興蟲媒病議題之衝擊,並安排情境演練和精進防減災和應變溝通的能力。第二,推動與強化登革熱防治之校園與社區實作教育,落實氣候變遷下的蟲媒傳染病調適策略;搭配12年國教108課綱,推動一校一師一學生,以融入式教學提升病媒傳染疫病防治之素養,參與活動之五校之生物教師,均已完成融入課程之推動,並建立登革衛教宣導與實務操作的課程,並期能逐步修正契合課程之推動。第三,掌握蟲媒生態基礎資料和監測數據。在登革熱部分,實地踏勘台北和台中登革熱本土病例流行區,整理農園生態病媒蚊族群生態特性研究,並發現民眾對登革防治之基本知識仍待加強;在地下家蚊部分,台北市大樓地下室地下家蚊侵入率約83.4%(68/84);全台臭蟲之初步調查,有十個縣市有臭蟲族群分布,以外籍移工集中宿舍(33%)、漁船(25%)和旅館(17%)之臭蟲侵襲率居高。第四,建立在地性、整合性的病媒防治策略和環境改善方案,透過調查和專家經驗交流,建立環境永續和病媒防治的防疫目標。本計畫透過文獻回顧、國內外疫情分析、校園融入式登革衛教、病媒調查研究和防疫專家經驗回饋等面向建立調適性策略,期望能逐步發展臺灣在氣候變遷下的病媒防治策略和調適作為。
中文關鍵字 氣候變遷,病媒控制,登革熱,生態永續,衛生教育,科學防疫


專案計畫編號 108A347 經費年度 108 計畫經費 2800 千元
專案開始日期 2019/05/13 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 蔡坤憲
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 連杉利 執行單位 國立臺灣大學(公共衛生學院環境與職業健康科學研究所)


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期末報告 成果報告.pdf 22MB 期末報告

Plan for adaption strategy to climate change in regard to public, environmental health and control of vector-borne infectious diseases

英文摘要 Climate change impacts evidently on the Earth's ecosystems, including flora, fauna, and even living environment of mankind. One of the consequences is the increasing threat of emerging and re-emerging vector-borne infectious diseases. The United Nation (UN) and the World Health Organization (WHO) both have made suggestions and corresponding strategies to reduce health risks associated with vector-borne diseases in recent years. The current project aimed to strengthen the works in EPA's capacity as the adminisphere, on one hand, to keep track of trends of global environmental health and vector control, and on the other hand, to provide basic surveillance data and standard control measures for local agencies for reference. The above goals were gradually carried out from four aspects. First, literature review: information about climate change and the latest epidemics of vector-borne diseases, such as dengue, chikungunya, rodent-transmitted Hantavirus, rodent or flea-borne plague, tick-borne anaplasmosis, ehrlichiosis, and severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS), was comprehensively reviewed. Recent developments of control strategies for emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases in different countries, for example, the global vector control response 2017-2035 promoted by the World Health Organization, were integrated. Second, implementation of dengue prevention in campuses and communities: adaptation strategies of vector-borne diseases to climate change were actively carried out. The project was to assist local units to mobilize the communities to engage in environmental health and disease prevention, especially dengue fever. In agreement with spirit of the 12-year compulsory education, a teacher and a student from the selected schools were trained as the seeded teachers to pass on the knowledge and promote vector control practically. All five of the schools have started the campaigns in their campuses and communities. Third, establishing background information for vectors: the distribution and population of pests of environmental health importance were monitored systematically. The ecological characteristics of dengue vector mosquitos were investigated in the communities with previous dengue outbreaks in Taipei and Taichung. Breeding sources once removed during the outbreaks were placed back, which revealed the insufficiency of current health education of dengue prevention. As for the nuisance mosquito, Culex pipiens molestus, an infestation rate of 83.4% (68/84) were found in the buildings with underground facilities in Taipei. Another study reported the re-emergence of bed bugs in 10 cities/counties in Taiwan. The infestation rates were highest for foreign worker dormitories (33%), following by fishing boats (25%) and hotels (17%). Fourth, development of a local integrated vector control strategy and environmental improvement program: data accumulating through surveys, experiences exchange between experts, and front-line workers would be used to develop localized, feasible, standardized, and scientific strategies for epidemic prevention which also take sustainability into account. The project involved literature review, analysis of epidemics, health education in campuses, vector surveillance, and experience exchange between experts on epidemic prevention in expectation of developing a sustainable and feasible vector control strategy in Taiwan.
英文關鍵字 climate change, vector control, dengue fever, sustainability, health education, epidemic prevention by scientific means