

中文摘要 為掌握土壤及地下水品質現況,臺中市政府環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局)除針對轄區土壤及地下水執行定期監測、工廠土壤品質調查、緊急事件應變調查、地下儲槽土壤氣體查證外,也進行污染場址驗證、監測井維護管理、宣導活動辦理,遂於108年委託艾奕康工程顧問股份有限公司(以下簡稱本團隊)執行「108年度土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫-臺中市」(以下簡稱本計畫),計畫執行期程為108年1月9日~12月20日,茲說明本計畫工作執行成果摘要如後。 一、監測井維護管理 本年度上、下半年監測井內外部巡查分別完成214口,於修繕維護應完成井況評估39口(區域井4口、場置性井35口),監測井維護20口、井體設施修復10口、監測井再次完井20口、井中異物排除5口及5口廢井作業,且今年度本團隊協助環保局擬定監測井內部維護評分制度,並依據評分結果進行井況評估及功能維護作業,使轄區內監測井達到功能最佳化之效果。 二、地下儲槽稽查 本年度1月、5月及9月應線上申報地下儲槽各有316家、315及315家,並分別於2月、6月及9月完成審查,申報率及審查率均達100%。此外,完成共14家高污染潛勢之地下儲槽查核,其中共有4支測漏管土壤氣體仍高於警戒值,且有2家污染潛勢分級以達A級,分別是仁山加油站及全國文心加油站,依據環保署分級後續原則建議,須執行調查作業,其中仁山加油站以應變經費執行完成調查,因經費考量,全國文心加油站建議明年執行調查。 三、土污法八九條污染潛勢工廠調查 依土污法第7條、第12條精神,針對土污法第8條、第9條申報審查檢測值異常偏高或有其他嚴重缺失情形(如規避、近期有污染意外事件)之工廠進場調查,今年度進行3家工廠調查,檢測出1家工廠用地土及地下水壤超標,金O機械股份有限公司土壤TPH濃度30,800 mg/kg,地下水TCE濃度0.819 mg/L,其檢測污染物種與廠內原料相符,推測為操作不當導致,建議環保局依土污法第12條規定命場址執行控制計畫。 此外,本年度完成豐枯水期合計採集3口次,由檢測結果顯示大里光正路3處地下水鉻污染控制場址雖自102~103年執行地下水控制計畫,但廠區外地下水鉻濃度無明顯下降。從B00466濃度變化可發現枯水季濃度較豐水季低,表示鉻污染來源為B00466上游,並且仍有殘留相導致地下水鉻濃度起伏不定,建議上游3處控制場址應聯合對下游地下水進行改善作業。 四、場址監督驗證 依契約針對列管場址至少每兩個月巡查1次,尤其對於重大污染場址更於環保局承辦人員會同下共同辦理查核增加和頻率,本團隊自民國108年1~11月總共完成496場次巡查,並協助環保局審查60件以上報告。 場址驗證部分,合約執行8處場址驗證,其中台亞關聯加油站應土壤TPH濃度為1,770 mg/kg,未能通過污染改善驗證故持續依土污法第12條列管,並要求提出變更計畫,其他7件均已完成驗證及解除列管。此外,本計畫也協助環保局規劃4場場址驗證作業。 五、農地監督改善驗證工作 本計畫針對19個坵塊26筆地號進行污染改善之監督驗證工作規劃污染改善成效驗證,針對處理過之土壤進行重金屬檢測分析及地力回復檢測,以確定該計畫執行是否符合污染改善目標。農地污染改善案民國108年5月27日完成發包,今年度完成13筆坵塊污染改善驗證作業及客土檢測作業,剩餘6筆邱塊及19筆肥力檢驗由明年度計畫執行。 六、緊急應變作業 截至107年12月20日為止,土壤及地下水應變已完成(1)后里區農地污染土壤事件應變調查、(2)金O機械股份有限公司下游地下水污染範圍調查、(3)仁O加油站土壤調查作業、(4)仁O加油站地下水調查等4件案例,其中仁O加油站土壤檢測出TPH及二甲苯超過管標,實做實算之總經費為604,614元。 七、其他工作成果 協助環保局辦理1場次地下儲槽法令說明會、1場次環保法規講習會、15場次校園宣導、1場次高中職學生1日污染整治體驗營及1場農地污染改善說明會,參與人數均符合契約規定,會後問卷調查結果顯示學員滿意度高,宣導成效良好。因應土測報告回歸地方環保局自行審查,本團隊建立審查與備查流程,108年1月~11月協助辦理土測報告審查共計26件,審查率為100%,常見審查缺失為基本資料前後不一及評估報告敘述不完整。
中文關鍵字 土壤、地下水、臺中市


專案計畫編號 PB10133 經費年度 108 計畫經費 10500 千元
專案開始日期 2019/01/09 專案結束日期 2019/12/20 專案主持人 李明哲
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 李宣樺 執行單位 艾奕康工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 108年度土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫-臺中市.pdf 40MB

2019 Project of investigating and verifying pollution for Taichung soil and groundwater

英文摘要 Taichung Environmental Protection Bureau (TCEPB) has carried out the work to manage the current quality of soil and groundwater, including regular monitoring, emergency treatment and investigation, verification for soil gas near underground storage tanks, testifying pollution sites, management and maintenance of monitoring wells, and educational campaign. In 2019, TCEPB has commissioned AECOM to run “2019 Project of investigating and verifying pollution for Taichung soil and groundwater” (the “project”), and the working period was from January 9th 2019 to December 20st 2019. The following abstract is the interpretation of the project. In 2019, we have successfully completed groundwater sampling for 3 wells in both drought and monsoon seasons, the result indicate the concetration of Cr has not decreasing. In first half year, we have completed exterior and interior patrol and inspection for 214 monitoring wells and 210 in the last half year. Other results including condition evaluation for 39 wells, i.e 4 area wells and 35 site-placed wells , maintenance of 20 monitoring wells, repairing body facility for 10 wells, rebuilding 20 wells, eliminating unexpected substance and photography for 5 wells. The project in 2019 has verified 8 fields and only 1 of them is qualified. The reasons of failing to qualify may be imperfect site investigation in early time, suggesting that the sites be in control list and make pollution range clearly. There are 316 (January), 315 (May) and 315 (September) underground storage tank industries have to complete online application, separately. Our team finish the verification in February, June and September. Both the percentage of application and verification are 100%. According to the pollution potential classification of underground storage stank which is completed by our team, the team has selected 14 highly potential polluted underground storage for verification. Among selected high pollution potential underground storage tanks, there are 4 stations which concentration of soil gas is still higher than regulatory warning standards and 2 of them are belong to level A, and 2 of them is level B1 in a row from followed examination results. As of 20th December 2018, our team have completed 4 soil and groundwater emergencies treatment works. The total funds is 604,614 NTD. Our team assisted TCEPB holding 1 groundwater storage tank laws explanation session , 1 environmental regulation workshop, 15 campus educational propagandas and 1 soil and groundwater remediation camp for high school students. The amount of all activities participants conform to contract and the results of questionnaire shows high satisfaction. Because Report of Investigation and Detection in Soil Pollution will review by TCEPB, our team establish a process of review and memo and set up a website to advocate Article 8 and 9 in Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act. Besides, 37 reports are 100% reviewed and reduce the time of review from 40 days to 35 days with our help.
英文關鍵字 Soil and groundwater, Taichuang , emergency treatment and investigation