

中文摘要 計畫摘要 計畫名稱:108年新竹市低碳永續家園建構推動計畫 主管機關:新竹市環境保護局 執行單位:亞太環境科技股份有限公司 計畫主持人:鍾昭儀 計畫執行人:莊子霆、林昊翰 執行經費:新台幣肆佰壹拾壹萬捌仟元整 工作期程:民國108年1月14日至108年12月31日 摘要關鍵字:低碳永續家園、氣候變遷、溫室氣體、綠屋頂 摘要 新竹市長久以來一向重視環境保護與多樣性發展,不只政策規劃,策略執行亦嚴謹有序,更呼應國際社會朝向低碳家園邁進趨勢,跟進全球資源永續利用與邁向節能減碳具體成效建立之行動;近年來有鑑於溫室氣體導致氣候變遷加劇及熱島效應造成的影響日益顯著,為喚起全民共同參與減緩調適,並營造低碳永續家園,行政院環境保護署補助地方政府依循年度工作重點推動政策。本計畫係環保署補助地方政府辦理因應氣候變遷執行計畫。 本計畫總體經費為411萬8仟元整,工作項目可歸納為「新竹市溫室氣體管制執行方案推動工作」、「維運低碳永續家園評等認證」、「溫室氣體盤查/其它作業」等三大工作主軸;各成果摘要如下。 一、「新竹市溫室氣體管制執行方案」推動工作 透過「新竹市溫室氣體管制執行方案推動小組協調會議」定期檢視新竹市溫室氣體管制執行方案各面向推動策略細項,除可確實掌握執行進度,亦能針對方案內容進行檢視及提出改善建議;本市溫室氣體管制執行方案短期目標(107年-109年)為「節電5,962萬度、約等於減排3,3000公噸」,截至108年11月20日整體達成「節電5,355萬度,相當於減排29,433公噸」達成率已達89.55%,顯示協調會議確有發揮推動溫室氣體減量之功效。 經盤查、彙整歷年本市各部門溫室氣體排放數據,並統計分析排放趨勢於住商部門排放量107年較106年減少約4.5萬公噸,較本市溫室氣體管制執行方案現階段成果高約1.5萬公噸,顯示應可納入更多推動項目及可量化數據,未來可進行本市溫室氣體減量相關推動項目盤點及現有項目目標值檢視,並評估各推動項目於中長期目標之減碳潛力及空間,以確實、有效推動本市溫室氣體減量工作。 二、維運「低碳永續家園認證評等」 完成4處單位獲得銅級認證、12處單位報名成功、4處單位展延成功,並將全市評等認證參與率由40%提升至50%(61里參與評等認證/全市共122個里),為將來新竹市市層級申請銀級認證打下基礎(達50%之村里參與率)。 辦理香山區銅級成果抽查及新竹市銅級認證展延,雖上述作業皆順利結束,然發現有部分行動項目尚有提升空間,而部分行動項目則有成效有降低趨勢,且難以改善,如推動「電動公共運輸車輛(縣市層級)」一項因車輛電池損耗度及成本效益問題,其行駛路線及車輛有減少趨勢,故未來若要提升現有等級至銀級認證將重新審視各行動項目執行現況汰劣擇優,並配合區域環境特色,尋求出亮點項目,例如本市致力推動住商節電計畫除辦理節能設備汰換,還有智慧用電雲端健檢平台等特色服務,故此便可考量將「電動公共運輸車輛(縣市層級)」行動項目更換為「落實連鎖企業、中小型服務業節能輔導(縣市層級)」以利爭取佳績。 三、溫室氣體盤查/其他作業 於108年10月份完成22家廠商溫室氣體排放量查核,其中元隆電子擴散、薄膜製程(無LS)盤查報告書之數據與清冊之數據不一致,華夏玻璃資料與排放報告書不符,上述2家廠商已於11月21日進行複查並確認資料無誤,然納管單位之溫室氣體排放理應經查驗機構確認排放資料應屬無誤,仍於本計畫現場查核時有部分廠商資料不一致之情事,未來為避免相同狀況發生,可於廠商尋洽查驗機構進行驗證時即予以追蹤,並適時給予相關協助,以提升確證率。 今年度彙整本市推動中的各項氣候變遷因應措施、年度節能減碳業務推動成果、填報相關考評資料及配合環保署各項查核工作等,以利報告撰寫,截至108年11月30日自評達成97分,其中「積極推動村里參加低碳永續家園認證評等」為加分項目,每新增1個銅級村(里)加1分,本計畫今年度共4處村里或銅級認證,然其中3處通過時間為12月,而績效評比成果上傳期限為11月30日,故自評得1分,未來協助轄內單位參與評等認證於期程規劃應提前作業時間,避免同樣情事發生。
中文關鍵字 低碳永續家園、氣候變遷、溫室氣體、綠屋頂


專案計畫編號 經費年度 108 計畫經費 411.8 千元
專案開始日期 2019/01/14 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 鍾昭儀
主辦單位 新竹市環境保護局 承辦人 曾香婷 執行單位 亞太環境科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 108年新竹市低碳永續家園建構推動計畫_期末報告定稿.pdf 23MB 期末報告_定稿

Hsinchu City's Low-Carbon Sustainable Homestead Construction Promotion Project in 108

英文摘要 I. Hsinchu City Greenhouse Gas Control Implementation Plan Through the "Hsinchu City Greenhouse Gas Governance Implementation Plan Promotion Group Coordination Meeting", regularly review the Hsinchu City Greenhouse Gas Governance Implementation Plan for each promotion strategy detail. In addition to accurately grasping the implementation progress, it can also review the plan content and make suggestions for improvement; this The short-term goal of the city's greenhouse gas implementation plan (107-109) is "saving 59.62 million kWh of electricity, which is equivalent to a reduction of 33,000 metric tons." As of November 20, 108, it has achieved "saving 55.35 million kWh of electricity, which is equivalent to reducing electricity. The completion rate of "29,433 metric tons" has reached 89.55%, indicating that the coordination meeting has indeed played a role in promoting greenhouse gas reduction. After checking and compiling the greenhouse gas emission data of various departments in this city over the past years, and statistically analyzing the emission trend, the emissions from the residential sector in 107 years were reduced by about 45,000 metric tons compared with 106 years, which was about 15,000 higher than the current stage of the city's greenhouse gas control implementation plan. The metric ton indicates that more promotion projects and quantifiable data should be included. In the future, the inventory of greenhouse gas reduction related promotion projects in the city and the review of existing project target values ​​can be conducted, and the carbon reduction potential and space of each promotion project in the medium and long-term goals can be evaluated. Promote the reduction of greenhouse gases in this city with certainty and effectiveness. Second, the maintenance of "low carbon sustainable home certification certification" Completed 4 units obtained bronze certification, 12 units successfully registered, and 4 units extended successfully, and increased the city's rating certification participation rate from 40% to 50% (61 miles participated in the rating certification / 122 cities in the city ), Laying the foundation for future Hsinchu city-level application for silver certification (up to 50% village participation rate). We conducted spot checks on Xiangshan District ’s bronze achievements and extended the Hsinchu City ’s bronze certification. Although the above operations were successfully completed, we found that some action items still have room for improvement, and some action items have a tendency to reduce effectiveness and are difficult to improve. Promote an "electric public transport vehicle (county-level)" due to vehicle battery depletion and cost-effectiveness, its driving routes and vehicles will decrease. Therefore, in the future, if you want to upgrade the current level to silver certification, you will re-examine all action items The implementation of the current situation to eliminate the poor and select the best, and in accordance with the regional environmental characteristics, seek out bright projects, such as the city's efforts to promote residential energy-saving programs in addition to handling energy-saving equipment replacement, as well as smart electricity cloud health check platform and other unique services, so you can consider The "Electric Public Transport Vehicle (County and City Level)" action item was replaced by "Implementation of Energy Conservation Counseling for Chain Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Service Industries (County and City Level)" in order to obtain good results. 3. Greenhouse gas inventory / other operations In October 108, the greenhouse gas emissions check of 22 manufacturers was completed. The data of Yuanlong Electronic Diffusion and Thin Film Process (No LS) Inventory Report is inconsistent with the inventory data. The data of Huaxia Glass and the emission report are not consistent. The manufacturer has carried out a review on November 21 and confirmed that the information is correct. However, the greenhouse gas emissions of the managed unit should be confirmed by the inspection agency. The emission data should be correct. There will still be some inconsistencies in the manufacturer's data during the on-site inspection of this plan. To prevent the same situation from happening, manufacturers can track it when they contact the inspection agency for verification, and provide relevant assistance in a timely manner to improve the confirmation rate. This year summarizes the various measures for climate change that are being promoted in this city, the results of the annual energy-saving and carbon reduction business promotion, fills in relevant evaluation information, and cooperates with the environmental protection agency's various inspections to facilitate the writing of the report. As of November 30, 108, The score reached 97 points, of which "actively promote the village to participate in the low-carbon sustainable home certification assessment" is an extra point project, each additional 1 copper-grade village (in) plus 1 point, this plan this year a total of 4 villages or Bronze certification, but three of them passed in December, and the deadline for uploading the performance evaluation results was November 30. Therefore, one point was obtained for self-evaluation. In the future, assisting units within the jurisdiction to participate in the evaluation and certification should be operated in advance in schedule planning. To avoid the same thing happening.
英文關鍵字 Low-carbon sustainable homes, climate change, greenhouse gases, green roofs