

中文摘要 為達成我國「空氣污染防制行動方案」108年PM2.5紅色警示499站以下之目標,本計畫除定期發布空氣品質週/月報外,並即時統計空氣品質逐月/周變化進行趨勢分析。另協助進行空氣品質行政管制統計分析、計算空氣品質防制區、評估美國各污染物劃定未達標地區(nonattainment area)之各大因子、針對測站污染特徵掌握列管污染源現況,探討空氣品質不良原因,並提供我國空氣品質氣源區劃分資訊,並依美國(以依利諾州為例)各污染物劃定未達標地區(nonattainment area)之各大因子資訊評估納入我國可行性分析;最後,協助各項會議與空氣品質統計相關之資料、召開行政及技術支援及各項交辦任務。 蒐集全國空氣品質測站逐時濃度及氣象參數資料,針對西部五大空品區測站,篩選交通、背景、市區、郊區、山區測站,探討空品區測站特徵。以市區及交通測站PM2.5、NO2、CO濃度較高;郊區視地形及氣流特徵而呈現不同結果,鄰近工廠多SO2高,山區高程會阻隔污染源的影響,受污染傳輸效應產生延遲性濃度效應,如中部空品區代表測站,白天氣流從北邊大里,往南袋狀山谷地形傳輸至南投,部分氣流亦隨著河谷往埔里傳輸,導致埔里晚間時段濃度偏高。 107年空氣污染防制法修法後規定中央主管機關環保署應訂定空氣污染防制方案,並應每四年檢討修正,各地方政府參考本方案改善措施,運用於該縣市之空氣污染防制計畫;而空氣污染防制法規定,各地方政府需同樣每四年向環保署提報空氣污染防制計畫,經核備後據此執行空氣污染防制工作,本計畫已完成中央防制方案,並召開專諮研商會彙整各界意見,提出後續建議;並依據空氣污染防制法施行細則第八條(草案),撰寫地方污防書撰寫指引及中央審核準則。 懸浮微粒物質災害防救以主動防災措施,降低大氣中懸浮微粒物質的濃度,與其他災害需要大量救災人力與物資動員之緊急應變作業不同,彙整及研析國內外重大空氣污染事件、相關法令規範、更新災害防救白皮書懸浮微粒資料等。 彙整美國最新空氣品質管理科技資訊及重大計畫與掌握國際空氣品質管理最新資訊及分析國外空氣品質成效指標計算方式(如:OECD美好生活指數、環境績效指標EPI、WHO世界衛生組織、聯合國全球永續發展目標、洛桑學院IMD世界競爭力、世界經濟論壇之「觀光旅遊競爭力報告」與世界銀行等國際指標),提供我國應用之參考。
中文關鍵字 細懸浮微粒、空氣品質指標、懸浮微粒物質災害防救


專案計畫編號 108A048 經費年度 108 計畫經費 7050 千元
專案開始日期 2019/01/28 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 潘一誠
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 梁喬凱 執行單位 鼎環工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 108A048.pdf 31MB 108A048

Air quality analysis and particulate substance disaster prevention and response.

英文摘要 In order to attain the goal of national PM2.5 red alert poor air quality station days below 499 in 2019, which is part of “Air Pollution Prevention and Control Plan”, the project not only offered weekly/monthly reports regularly, but also provided real-time statistics of changes for trend analysis to EPA. In addition, the air quality statistics and analysis for air quality administrative controls were statistically evaluated and calculated, such as air quality control regions for attainment and nonattainment areas, analysis of the causes of poor air quality days (mainly focused on pollution characteristics of the monitoring station). Moreover, the technology for designating of air quality basins were assessed, we evaluated the major factors for designating the nonattainment areas in the United States (taking Illinois as an example) to estimate the feasibility in Taiwan. Finally, other relevant tasks were completed such as holding administrative conferences and technical supports. To collect the hourly concentration variation and meteorological data, the characteristics of monitoring stations in western Taiwan were explored (traffic, background, urban, suburban and mountain were analyzed respectively). The concentration of PM2.5, NO2, and CO are higher in urban and traffic stations. However, it shows different results in the suburbs and mountain depending on the terrain and airflow characteristics. For example, the concentration of SO2 is higher in nearby industrial areas. Another example is the height of mountains may block the impact of pollution from spreading and then causes a delayed transmission (It’s why PM2.5 is higher in the evening than morning in Puli). EPA announced the amendment of “Air Pollution Control Act” in 2018, and the act requires EPA and local governments to propose/update implementation plan for four years (the locals’ plans should take EPA’s plan as a reference and be approved by EPA). The project has assisted to complete EPA’s implementation plan, and has held consultation conferences to gather opinions to improve the quality of the plan already. Based on the enforcement rules of the act, “The Guidelines for State Implementation Plan (SIP)” and “Audit criteria manual” for local governments were also finished. Particulate substance disaster prevention (response) and other disasters prevention are different. Compared with particulate substance, other disasters prevention consumes more manpower and material resources while the main task of Particulate substance disaster event is to reduce the ambient concentration of high PM. The project completed as follows: 1. Summarized major national and international air pollution incidents. 2. Analyzed related laws and regulations. 3. Updated disaster management white paper for particulate substance and so on. The project also accomplished as follows: 1. Collected and introduced the latest foreign air quality management technology and major plans in the US. 2. Analyzed foreign air quality indicators, including OECD, Yale EPI, WHO air quality database, the United Nations SDGs, IMD World Competitiveness, World Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report and World Bank data.
英文關鍵字 PM2.5、Air Quality Index (AQI) 、Particulate Substance Disaster Prevention and Response