

中文摘要 本計畫主要協助環保署推動及辦理底泥品質管理各項工作,計畫期間合計完成242件各類水體底泥品質採樣及檢測計畫書、及135件底泥品質檢測申報資料之審查作業。經彙整研析首輪(103~108年)各類水體底泥品質定期檢測申報結果,其中底泥品質超過指標上限值(風險評估啟動值)而須進一步辦理後續調查評估作業之水體計78處,主要之污染物項目以重金屬為主。經考量各類水體用途與環境特性,已完成底泥品質污染潛勢分級管理策略架構及分級名單清冊,同時挑選11處超過上限值水體辦理底泥品質查核調查作業,並訂定底泥品質項目受區域性自然地質背景因素影響之判定程序。考量底泥品質管理需掌握水體底泥品質及環境特性之長期趨勢變化,計畫中已初步提出底泥品質資料庫整合平台建置架構,並盤點國內現有調查資料。對於近年國內外底泥品質管理所著重關切之物質項目,本計畫亦已蒐羅約400項國內外列管或優先控管的化學物質,並依國際關注、持久性及累積性與毒性危害等面向篩選排序,完成底泥品質指標項目候選物質篩選排序清單。本計畫並協助編繪並印製出版「泥寶搬新家」底泥環境保護童書,教育宣導底泥保護觀念。
中文關鍵字 底泥、管理策略、污染調查


專案計畫編號 108A372 經費年度 108 計畫經費 11500 千元
專案開始日期 2019/09/06 專案結束日期 2020/12/01 專案主持人 賴允傑
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 張良麗 執行單位 瑞昶科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 108A372.pdf 22MB

2019 Project of Sediment Quality Administration

英文摘要 The purpose of this project is to assist the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan (EPA) to achieve it’s yearly goal of implementation of contaminated sediment management strategy. In total, 242 submitted sediment sampling plans and 135 reports of sediment quality survey were reviewed and revised. Results of sediment quality survey in the first run (2014-2019) conducted by corresponding administration of water bodies were also collected and analyzed in this project. Among those results, concentrations of contaminants, mainly heavy metals, in 78 water bodies exceed the upper limit of Taiwan sediment quality indicators, which are required to initiate further risk assessments thereafter. Also, a framework of contaminated sediment management strategy and classification inventory were established based on the role and characteristics of water body and their pollution potential. Meanwhile, 11 water bodies which exceeded the upper limit of Taiwan sediment quality indicators were selected to be further investigated for confirmation. According to those confirmation results, classification procedures of sediment mixing with background substances are also established. In order to better manage sediment, the detailed data of sediment quality and aquatic environmental parameters need to be compiled as a database which was also organized and depicted preliminarily in this study. A list of domestic or foreign concerned emerging chemical pollutants in sediment was reviewed and 400 chemical substances were chosen as candidates to be assessed to add into Taiwan sediment quality indicators by their characteristics including persistence, bioaccumulation and aquatic toxicity. To propagandize the concept of protecting sediment quality in the water bodies, a children’s picture book ‘‘The Adventure of Nippo Moving to its New Home’’ was also completed in this project.
英文關鍵字 Sediment, Management strategies, Pollution investigation