

中文摘要 本計畫執行期間為自107年12月3日至108年11月30日止,依工作內容及 目標可分為「排放量掌握與改善輔導」、「推動餐飲集中區餐飲業及學校油 煙防制」、「餐飲業空氣污染防制教育推動」及「推動餐飲業空氣污染防制 行動專案」等四大工作主軸,以下茲就本計畫執行成果摘要分述說明: 一、排放量掌握與改善導 完成 960 家餐飲業調查(含新設餐飲業 902 家、屢遭陳情 58 家)及集氣效能查 驗253家。其中新設及屢遭陳情餐飲業者管末空污防制設備設置率分別為80%及88%, 主要以EP 為主。另已於陳情地圖中輸入107年至108 年10月陳情資料,做為未來 區域管制之參考。 二、推動餐飲集中區餐飲業及學校油煙防制 進行 10 處餐飲集中區之污染改善輔導,其中新店安和國際觀光夜市、樹林興仁花園夜市、汐止夜市及深坑老街經輔導後,其油煙防制設備設置率複查後已達100%; 金山商圈3處烹飪廢氣排放口排入溝渠行為均完成改善。另完成 20場次高中、國中、國小之學校廚房油煙防制調查及輔導,學校廚房均設有集氣罩:9校設有前處理設備(濾網、擋板、水幕式氣罩),9校設有油煙防制設備(水洗機、靜電機),8 校無空污防制設備已提供相關防制技術資料供學校作為改善之參考。 三、餐飲業空氣污染防制教育推動 (一)完成餐飲業、食材加工、集中市場零售攤販、民有市場零售攤販、麥當勞及摩斯漢堡等6個工會及企業協談。其中,摩斯漢堡發文允諾 109 年第3季前完成轄內店家防制設備設置改善。 (二)與景文科技大學環物系及餐管系進行餐飲業環保教案規劃協談。 (三)完成餐飲業空氣污染防制宣導手冊及摺頁編印,各提報3,500 份,提供1.環保局稽查科同仁與稽查輔導餐飲業者使用、2.召開污染防制宣導會時發送出席業者、3.現場查核輔導餐飲業者時供業者參考及4.經濟發展局商業登記發送。 (四)於108年5月9日、6月4日及6月12日分別針對屢遭陳情業者、新設餐飲業及環保署擬定公告列管對象辦理三場次法規宣導說明會。 四、推動餐飲業空氣污染防制行動專案 (一)已完成 51 家燒烤店查核,均已裝設油煙防制設備,其中空氣處理設備項目中, 以建築法規項目符合率 71%最高,其次為維護保養頻率項目符合率為63%。現場輔導仍要求業者依「新北市政府辦理住宅區餐飲業燒烤店空氣污染防制管理 作業要點」進行改善,降低對其周遭環境之影響。燒烤店已有2家業者依採樣 設施規範完成採樣孔設置,於108年7月15日及7月16日分别完成管道採樣 檢測,異味採樣值為1740(標準值為2000)及 550(標準值為1000),均符合排放標 準。 (二)環保署擬定公告對象查核作業部份,已完成 402 家查核作業,油煙防制設備設置率以其他餐飲 100%最高,其次為中式餐飲 79%,連鎖餐飲業分析中,以三商巧福、吉野家、貴族世家、摩斯漢堡為主要未裝設油煙防制設備之對象,建議未福來應加強管制。 (三)協助高端建置餐飲業管制資料庫開發,規劃餐飲業管制資料庫資料建檔、資料查詢及統計資料三大功能,提供局端後續管制參考及運用。
中文關鍵字 餐飲業、調查及管制輔導


專案計畫編號 經費年度 108 計畫經費 7760 千元
專案開始日期 2018/12/03 專案結束日期 2019/11/30 專案主持人 張素清
主辦單位 新北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 詹蕥如 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 108年新北市餐飲業調查及管制輔導計畫.pdf 24MB

2019 New Taipei City Commercial Cooking Survey and Control Counseling Project

英文摘要 The project was and will be executed from December 3nd, 2018 to November 30th, 2019 and divided based on works and objects into four major tasks which are: “Emission Control and Consulting Service Provision”, “Promotion of the Commercial Cooking Emission Control for Concentration Areas and Schools”, “Air Pollution Control Education for Commercial Cooking" and” Promotion of the Air Pollution Prevention and Control Action Project of Commercial Cooking”. The results of this project up to September 30th, 2019 are summarized as follows: 1. Emission Control and Consulting Service Provision We have surveyed 960 restaurants of which 902 were newly opened and 58 received consecutive grievances, and inspected 253 restaurants for gas collection efficiency. Among them, the installation rate of the end-of-pipe air pollution control equipment for the newly opened and the ones receiving consecutive grievances was, respectively, 80% and 88%, mainly based on EP. Additionally, onto the Grievance Map, we have inputted the grievance data for future area control reference. 2. Promotion of the Commercial Cooking Emission Control for Concentration Areas and Schools We have provided air pollution control consulting service to ten commercial cooking concentration areas. Among them, Xindian Anhe Night Market, Shulin Xingren Night Market, Xizhi Night Market and Shenkeng Old Street have 100% installed oily smoke control equipment; in Jinshan Old Street, three cooking waste gas exhaust pipes which led to the gutters have been corrected. In addition, in sessions of the school kitchen oily smoke prevention investigation and counseling, there were only nine school kitchens which installed air pollution control equipment. We have provided relevant technical information on prevention for schools as a reference for improvement. 3. Air Pollution Control Education for Commercial Cooking (1) We have negotiated with four business/trade unions of the catering industry, food material processing, concentrated market retailing vendors and private market retailing vendors, and two chain businesses of McDonald's and MOS Burger. The MOS Burger has made a written promise that all of their stores in New Taipei City will have completed the improvement in the APCDs installation by the end of the third quarter of 2020. (2) We have negotiated with the Department of Environmental Science and Property Management and the Department of Food and Beverage Management of Jingwen University of Science and Technology for the planning of environmental protection teaching courses in the catering industry. (3) We have helped print 3,500 copies each of the catering industry air pollution prevention and control brochures and leaflets for the distribution to the relevant firms or parties during auditing, counselling, seminars, or on-site checking conducted by environmental protection agencies, or at the registration counter of Economic Development Department. (4) We have helped hold three sessions of the air pollution prevention and control conference regarding the catering industry law and regulations on May 9th, June 4th, and June 12th., 2019 respectively for the three parties of the firms which received consecutive grievances, the newly opened restaurants, and the firms which will be subject to air pollution control according to the law to be promulgated by Environmental Protection Administration. 4. Promotion of the Air Pollution Prevention and Control Action Project of Commercial Cooking (1) We have completed the inspection of 51 grill shops, which have installed APCDs. In the air treatment equipment category, the item of construction regulations had the highest compliance rate of 71%, which was followed by the item of maintenance frequency which had such rate of 63%. We already required the operators to improve according to the “New Taipei City Government's Regulations Governing Air Pollution Control & Management for the Grill Shops in Residential Areas” in order to reduce their impact on their surroundings. Two such shops have set up the sampling holes according to the sampling facility specifications. The flue sampling test was completed on July 15 and 16, respectively. The odor sampling values were 1740 (standard value 2000) and 550 (standard value 1000), with both meeting emission standards. (2) We have inspected 402 of all the operators which will be subject to air pollution control according to the new law to be promulgated by the EPA. Among them, the Other Restaurants had the highest installation rate of APCDs - 100%, followed by Chinese Food Restaurants – 79%. Based on the analysis of the chain catering businesses, we recommended that Mercuries Beef Noodle Restaurant, Yoshinoya, Noble Family Steak House and MOS Burgers should install APCDs for further stricter control in the future. (3) We have assisted the EPD in developing the control database for the catering industry, and planning the three functions of data filing, data enquiry and statistical data for such database. This will provide references and applications for the EPD to conduct follow-up controls.
英文關鍵字 commercial cooking, Survey and control counseling