

中文摘要 本計畫為彰化縣大城鄉環境重金屬調查兩年計畫的第二年,第一年(107年「彰化及雲林地區環境重金屬調查計畫」)先進行多項目的調查,並建立空氣、水、土壤、農漁產品等調查方法,由當地居民協助完成各項環境介質調查採樣工作,調查結果於室內落塵及飲用水部分無異常,故不持續調查。本計畫持續進行民眾關心的空氣介質監測,並針對較有疑慮的水體、農漁產品等項目擴大調查,另調查項目增加大氣中六價鉻監測、海底沉積物(底泥)及米、魚貝類無機砷分析。 空氣介質調查部分,以PM₁₀手動式採樣,分析調查區域之重金屬空氣品質,比較砷、鎳、鎘、鈹、鉛等在美國環保署整合性風險資料系統(IRIS)分類屬致癌性A級至B2級的物質,本計畫108年8月份2次監測結果和環保署自96年起在國內其他地區一般空品監測站春夏季監測結果相近。另一A級致癌物六價鉻,本計畫108年8月份2次監測結果和國內其他地區一般空品監測站及調查區域特殊性工業區監測站監測結果相似。在排放溯源部分,以重金屬自動連續監測設備在彰化縣大城鄉下海墘堤防分別於西南風及東北風季節進行監測,彙整2年度監測結果發現吹南風、西南風且達一定風速時(大於4 m/s),鈣、鐵、鉀、錳、鍶、鈦等地殼元素監測濃度有升高情形發生,應為受到鄰近裸露地面或濁水溪揚塵影響;鎳及釩在吹北風及低風速時,易有高值情形發生。計畫亦篩選調查區內可能排放重金屬及居民關注的25根次六輕工業區排放源,並承諾調查區居民於計畫內會全數調查完成,其中部分排放源過去環保署及雲林縣環保局已完成檢測,本計畫不重覆檢測。兩年度計畫內檢測16個六輕及4個彰化縣可能排放重金屬的排放源,包含燃煤鍋爐、燃油熱媒鍋爐、焚化爐及使用觸媒的加熱爐等,調查結果顯示各項重金屬排放濃度皆符合法規標準。油品重金屬含量分析發現,車用油品調查結果大致與歐盟、荷蘭相近;重油鍋爐所使用之甲級低硫燃料油其鎳、釩含量則是顯著高於其他油品,與國內其他研究指出鎳、釩為重油燃燒指標污染物結果一致,為調查區域可能排放源之一。 水體介質調查結果顯示,部分地下水樣品重金屬鐵、錳濃度超過第二類地下水監測標準(鐵:1.5mg/L;錳:0.25 mg/L),比對環保署歷年監測資料,計畫區域所在的濁水溪沖積扇地下水區為台灣地區地下水中鐵、錳濃度合格率較低的地區,此為長期存在情形。部分灌溉用水樣品之鐵、錳、砷濃度超過灌溉用水水質標準(鐵:5mg/L;錳:0.2mg/L;砷:0.05mg/L),主要為使用地下水灌溉者。臺灣地區砷污染問題主要出現於嘉南平原、屏東平原與本計畫調查所在區域之濁水溪沖積扇,主要來源為吸附於鐵(錳)氧化物或氫氧化物表面的無機砷,當此類礦物發生還原溶解作用時,同時使砷溶於地下水中 ,使得地下水砷濃度升高。另部分灌排渠道水,亦有鐵、錳高於標準值情形,環保署已請相關權責單位進行後續追查及管制。而計畫檢測地下水及灌溉水超標點位依水源用途同步進行魚貝類及稻米樣品採樣分析,調查結果顯示魚貝類及稻米之重金屬含量無異常狀況。海水樣品重金屬調查結果顯示,部分沿海濕地水質錳濃度高於海域環境分類及海洋環境品質標準(0.05mg/L),與台灣西半部沿海地區河川及排水出海口水質調查結果相似。 土壤調查結果顯示,各項重金屬濃度值均低於我國土壤污染監測標準及食用作物農地之監測標準值。另追蹤107年計畫調查結果有一處表土鉻濃度高於裏土,今年度無異常情形。海底沉積物(底泥)調查結果顯示,與鄰近區域調查結果濃度相近。 兩年度計畫共調查13個食用米及7個農作物,各項重金屬濃度皆符合我國食品中污染物質及毒素衛生標準,其中食用米的重金屬(鉛、鎘、汞、總砷)含量調查結果,均在國內其他調查結果範圍內。調查18個貝類及11個魚類樣品中,有1個貝類的鉛濃度(1.67 mg/L)及1個貝類的無機砷濃度(0.58mg/L)略高於我國食品中污染物質及毒素衛生標準(鉛:1.5mg/L;無機砷:0.5mg/L),而魚貝類樣品之甲基汞濃度均低於標準值。 兩年度計畫檢測調查區之介質(空氣、水體介質、土壤、底泥、農漁產品等) 各項重金屬濃度大多符合相關法規標準,並與其他區域比較無明顯差異。而檢測項目高於法規標準部分,環保署已請相關單位進行後續查處及管制,以維護調查區環境品質及居民健康。
中文關鍵字 環境調查、重金屬、彰化、雲林


專案計畫編號 EPA-108-FA12-03-A346 經費年度 108 計畫經費 12950.000 千元
專案開始日期 2019/06/18 專案結束日期 2020/06/17 專案主持人 陳怡伶
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 周文安 執行單位 環興科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-108-FA12-03-A346.pdf 15MB 公開版

Investigation of Environmental Heavy Metal of Petrochemical Industry Parks in Changhua and Yunlin Area

英文摘要 This project belongs to the second year work of Dacheng environmental heavy metal investigation which is a two-year project. The investigation methods were established in the first year. The environmental investigation was also conducted with the local residents’ assistance. Since the chemical analysis results of indoor dust and drinking water showed no abnormality in the first year, this part of examination were no longer included in this year. This project focused on the ambient air monitoring and investigation of the environmental media that raised public concern including aqueous environment, agricultural goods. In addition, hexavalent chromium ambient air monitoring, submarine sediment and fish and shellfish arsenic investigation were added in this project. For the ambient air and air pollution investigation, monitoring on heavy metals and hexavalent chromium were conducted twice in August 2019 by using portable PM₁₀ monitoring devices. The concentrations of arsenic, nickel, cadmium, beryllium, lead, classified as group A to B2 by Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS), corresponded to the monitoring results at the general monitoring station in other domestic regions conducted by Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA). The concentration of hexavalent chromium, classified as group A by IRIS, showed similar results with the monitoring results at general monitoring stations and nearby industrial site monitoring stations. Continuous monitoring results on heavy metals in ambient air at the Xiahai bang levee (located in Dacheng Township, Changhua County) showed that the concentration of cadmium, iron, potassium, manganese, strontium, titanium and other heavy meatal substances rose when the south and southwest wind speed was higher the 4 m/s. The higher concentration may due to the dust from the nearby bare ground and Zhuoshui River. Both zinc and nickel had higher concentrations when there was north wind or low wind speed. 25 possible emission sources were selected in this project. We promised the local residents that heavy metal stack tests of all the suspected sources will be conducted. Since some of the stack tests were already completed by Yulin Environmental protection Bureau, part of the investigation would not be included in this project. In the past two years, 16 possible emission sources in No. 6 Naphtha Cracking Complex and 4 in Changhua County were investigated. The sources included coal-fired boilers, oil-fired boilers, incinerators and catalytic heaters. The heavy metal stack test results all show full compliance with the emission standards. Heavy metal analysis on motor gasoline, fuel oil for boilers and marine diesel showed that the concentration of nickel and zinc in fuel oil for boilers were significantly higher than others. The statistic corresponds to the studies using nickel and zinc as indicators for fuel oil burning. For the aqueous environment investigation, manganese and iron concentrations in part of the underground water samples exceeded the regulation limits (iron: 1.5mg/L, manganese: 0.25mg/L). The monitoring results conducted by EPA showed that the examined area in this project had the highest frequency of exceeding the underground regulation limits in Taiwan. The relatively high concentration in this region is a long term condition. Part of the irrigation water from the underground had higher iron, manganese and arsenic concentrations. Arsenic pollution issues in Taiwan are mainly located in Chianan Plain, Pingtun Plain and Choushui River Alluvial Fan which is the investigated area in this project. The main arsenic source is the inorganic arsenic adsorbed on the magnesium hydroxide and oxide. Arsenic concentration in groundwater rises when the adsorbate is released. The heavy metal concentration in irrigation water was found exceeding the standard in both this project and 2018 investigation. The ocean samples from the coastal area had a higher manganese concentration than the Marine Environment Classification and Marine Environmental Quality Standards (0.05mg/L). This trend correspond to the EPA investigation results in the western coastal area. The shellfish and rice samples from the locations having higher heavy metal concentration showed no abnormality. According to the heavy metal investigations results of soil, each element demonstrated lower concentration than Soil Pollution and Agricultural Farmland Monitoring Standards. The chromium concentration in topsoil was higher than that in subsoil according to the investigation result in 2017. However in this project the difference was insignificant. The investigation targeting on sediments in marine area showed that the concentrations were similar to the nearby area. The heavy metal concentrations in 13 edible rice and 7 crop samples were fully compliant with the Sanitation Standard for Contaminants and Toxins in Food (SSCTF). Edible rice samples’ heavy metals concentration corresponded to other domestic research. Among 18 shellfish and 11 fish samples, only two of them had a higher lead concentration and higher inorganic arsenic concentration than SSCTF respectively. Methylmercury concentration in fish and shellfish were in compliance with SSCTF. Most of the heavy metal concentrations in the investigated environmental media were compliant with the corresponding regulations. The results were similar to that in other areas. As for the samples that had a higher concentration than the standards, EPA has informed the department concerned to achieve environment protection and secure local residents’ health.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Investigation, HeavyMetal, Changhua, Yunlin