

中文摘要 本研究探討以次世代定序方法應用於環境污染鑑識技術開發之可行性。透過採集不同深度之河口底泥(客雅溪、三姓公溪、鹽港溪、二仁溪),分析底泥微生物群落受歷史重金屬污染之影響;此外,分析各深度底泥之重金屬累積,造成微生物功能性基因之變化,以獲得與重金屬污染相關之基因。菌群與環境因子之典型關聯分析結果顯示Bacteroidetes_vadinHA17_ge、GIF9_ge、JS1_ge、Methanolinea、Methanosaeta、Odinarchaeia_ge、Smithella、Vibrio經鎘、鉻、銅、鉛、鎳、鋅篩選下重複於不同深度出現,有機會成為河口重金屬污染之普遍性指標菌屬。而環境基因體學的分析結果顯示銅抗性基因主要來自兩個類群:銅輸出蛋白P-type ATPase及銅氧化酶multicopper oxidase,顯示受污染河口的微生物,包括細菌與古菌,主要透過去毒(將一價銅氧化成低毒性的二價銅)以及銅離子輸出機制來降低銅離子對細胞生理的負面影響。未來將可利用這些抗性基因的多樣性數字化,用以評估銅污染程度。
中文關鍵字 河口底泥、重金屬、垂直分布、微生物菌群分布、次世代定序


專案計畫編號 經費年度 108 計畫經費 3150 千元
專案開始日期 2019/03/25 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 童心欣
主辦單位 環檢所 承辦人 林哲雄 執行單位 國立臺灣大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 次世代定序方法應用於污染鑑識技術開發.pdf 6MB

Application of Next Generation Sequencing to Pollution Source Identification

英文摘要 The objective of this study was to explore the applications of next generation sequencing in pollution source identification. Sediment samples were collected from several estuarine regions (Keiyaxi, Sanxinggongxi, Yangangxi, Errenxi), chemical characteristics, heavy metal contents, microbial diversity and functional genes related to copper resistance were analyzed in different depths. The Canonical Correlation Analysis showed that bacterial genus Bacteroidetes_vadinHA17_ge, GIF9_ge, JS1_ge, Methanolinea, Methanosaeta, Odinarchaeia_ge, Smithella, and Vibrio were positively correlated with the concentrations of cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, nickel and zinc at different depths of sediments. These bacrterial genus may be potential bioindicators for heavy metal pollution in the estuary regions. In addition, the metagnomic analysis showed that copper resistance genes which correlated with copper concentration were mainly P-type ATPase and multicopper oxidase, suggesting that detoxification (lowering toxicity by oxidizing monovalent copper copper to divalent one) and copper ion export are the major detoxification machanims for these microbial communities in estuaries. In addtion, the diversity and abundance of these resistance genes can be applied for pollution sources identification in the future.
英文關鍵字 estuarine sediment, heavy metal, vertical distribution, microbial community profile, next generation sequencing