

中文摘要 本計畫執行車輛噪音、柴油車污染審驗及管理政策規劃工作,整體成果包括1) 機動車輛新車型認證、2)品質一致性管理、及3)協助管理制度規劃及政策實施;說明如下: 1.機動車輛新車型認證:統計至108/10/31,辦理合格證共1,445件,其中柴油汽車238件(目標200件)、噪音1,207件(目標800件),整體較前二年同期平均值1,379件增加66件,提升作業效能4.8%,強化源頭管理。 2.品質一致性管理:執行噪音新車抽驗共計301輛次,其中有2車型分別因電腦診斷接頭故障造成加速性異常,及消音器不當加裝消音塞被判定不合格,其餘執行結果皆臻順利。統計追蹤品管試驗1,422輛次(包括柴油車污染171輛次及噪音1,251輛次),並依環保署要求,針對未依規定執行自主品管者,辦理2車型核章限制作業,另持續追蹤33車型應於12/31前完成品管測試,確保維持整體排氣污染及噪音生產品質一致性。另規劃噪音實車查核制度並累積執行4車型查核案例,提報查核結果由環保署決議要求業者繳回1車型合格證、3車型重新提交測試報告並辦理合格證修改作業。 3.協助管理制度規劃及政策實施:透過柴油車及噪音六期推動使管理制度與國際同步,並精簡管理做法,使申請者可依需求歸類不同型式規格(如消音器、引擎室週邊隔音)於相同車型組,另透過加強品管統計追蹤及調整少量車自主品管取樣(每10輛次加測品管一次)作為配套措施,以維持管制品質。此外,規劃替換型消音器噪音認證制度,由製造商或進口商選定車型及消音器,備齊合格測試報告及相關文件後提交環保署申請認可,共協助2家(合格編號核發共8組)完成認證作業。
中文關鍵字 新車型認證、品質一致性、第六期管制標準


專案計畫編號 經費年度 108 計畫經費 8900 千元
專案開始日期 2019/03/13 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 李建興
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 林志純 執行單位 財團法人車輛研究測試中心


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 108年執行機動車輛噪音及柴油車新車型審驗及品質一致性查核計畫_期末報告.pdf 50MB 期末報告

Implement of the new vehicle type approval with regard to noise and diesel vehicle and quality consistency check project

英文摘要 This project implements motor vehicle noise and diesel vehicle emission inspection and management policy planning. The overall results include 1) Type approval of motor vehicle, 2) Conformity of production, and 3) Assistance in management planning and policy implementation; the description is as follows:  1.Type approval of motor vehicle: 1,445 cases of type approval of motor vehicles, including 238 cases of engine families and 1,207 cases of noise vehicle types, were granted up to 31th October, 2019, and the number of certifications increased by 66 cases compared with the average of 1,379 cases in the same period of the previous two years, which increased efficiency by 4.8% and strengthened source management.  2.Conformity of production: 301 sampling tests of new motor vehicles were carried out, and 2 models were judged to be unqualified individually due to the unusual acceleration from the failure of electronic control unit, and the incorrect installation of exhaust plug. 1,422 quality control tests were investigated (including 171cases of diesel vehicle models and 1,251 cases of noise vehicle types). Since the sampling does not be complied with requirements, 2 authorizations of vehicle models were paused and 33 vehicle models should complete quality control tests before 12/31 to ensure maintain the conformity of production for emission and noise. Otherwise, the reality inspection of motor vehicle were established and 4 inspect cases were conducted. EPA requires returning the certificate for 1 vehicle model, and resubmitting the test report for 3 vehicle models to modify the specification.  3.Assistance in management planning and policy implementation: Promote the synchronization of the management with international societies through the sixth stage of diesel emission and noise control, meanwhile in order to streamline procedure, applicants can classify different types of specifications (such as silencers and engine compartment) in the same noise vehicle type depend on their requirements. In addition, by strengthening the quality control tracking and adjusting a small number of vehicles' independent quality control sampling (adding quality control tests once every 10 vehicles) as a supporting management to maintain control quality. A noise certification system for replacement mufflers is planned. The manufacturer or importer should select the vehicle model and muffler to perform pass-by noise test, then prepares and the submit qualification test report and related documents to the EPA for type approval of replacement muffler. A total of 2 companies (8 certifications) were complete the certification job.
英文關鍵字 Type approval, Conformity of production, sixth- stage regulation