

中文摘要 108年度為強化與落實我國固定污染源管理制度,盤點各項涉及固定污染源許可管理制度及相關管制之規範,著手修正固定污染源許可管理制度、檢討公告條件與許可證管理辦法、擬訂審查原則及相關配套管制措施,並依循本次空污法修正精神與原則,落實污染預防管理制度,以利整體空氣品質改善,故依據計畫目標訂定4大項工作類別分別為「配合空氣污染防制法修正檢討固定污染源許可管理制度與規範」、「固定污染源許可管理制度配套法規檢討」、「協助查核及檢討地方制度落實情形」及「更新擴充系統功能,提昇資料品質」,本計畫已執行10個月,已完成100%的工作內容,以下分別針對各項工作項目內容摘要說明如下: 本計畫108年度配合空氣污染防制法修正,重新檢視與調整固定污染源許可管理制度,盤點固定污染源許可管理辦法應修正內容與方向並修正固定污染源許可證管理辦法,本計畫將空氣污染防制法相關修正內容如一致性審查原則、技師簽證、申請文件與核定內容資料須公開等項目,納入許可管理辦法修正,同時檢討過去各縣市常見問題與解釋函釋意內容,加強簡政便民措施,作為相關法規修正參考;本次在一致性審查原則部分為使許可證審核機關能對於相關許可證審查與核定內容能有一致性原則,避免對於相關辦法與標準解讀有所出入,因此新增一致性審查原則,以利審查機關遵循;資訊公開方面,明定審查機關應於固定污染源設置及操作許可證核發前,公開申請資料,並將民眾意見作為許可證核發之參考,落實資訊公開原則並利民眾參與;技師簽證功能方面,則參酌水污染防治措施計畫及許可申請審查管理辦法相關規定,明定許可證之技術性資料,如固定污染源操作參數、防制設施種類及防制設施參數等應經技師簽證查核,以落實環境工程技師簽證功能,且同時針對申請文件經技師簽證時,審核機關得免再審查之規定,以降低審核機關審查負荷;加強簡政便民措施方面,因應燃料使用許可證納入本辦法併同規範,將操作許可證及燃料使用許可證相關申請規定、登載內容及行政流程予以整併簡化,俾加快許可審查作業、提升行政效率。另針對公告第一批至第八批公私場所之許可證申請文件執行分級簡化工作,同時研提審查程序得簡化之第三類固定污染源。 為因應前述新增之得簡化之第三類固定污染源,本計畫分析我國1到8批管制現況,發現我國管制之粒狀污染物、SOx、NOx及VOCs年排放量皆小於1公噸之製程約有361張許可證,佔許可證核發總數的3.33%,但管制之排放量僅0.04-0.15%,因此擬定此類管制排放量小於1公噸且無酸鹼氣或毒性物質管制需求之製程為第三類固定污染源,並建立相關申請審查程序;而在全廠許可管制制度部分,本計畫評析現行許可管理制度於納管對象及範疇,並參考美國現行許可管理制度及我國總量管制制度,擬定針對總量管制區域實施全廠許可制度。 此外配合本次空污法修正涉及公私場所固定污染源使用燃料及易致空氣污染物質之許可規範及增訂最低可達成排放率控制技術、既存固定污染源應削減污染物排放量、空氣污染突發事故緊急應變措施計畫、固定污染源申請資料之資訊公開等實質審查項目,本計畫修訂「固定污染源空氣污染防制許可或認可證明文件審查費及證書費收費標準」針對因原有審查項目收費費額均不變,以降低業者衝擊,僅針對新增制度增加審查費用,修正後費額多負擔新臺幣9,000至30,000元;而在定期管理制度上為落實整體定期檢測管理制度,並強化檢測過程之監督管理及結果應用可行性,本計畫檢討修正固定污染源定期檢測管理辦法,針對定期檢測管理辦法第3條、第5條、第8條及第10條之條文內容,進行定期檢測頻率、檢測成果申報期程及擇一管道檢測規定進行修正;也因應空氣污染防制法及固定污染源許可管理辦法的修訂,修正許可申請表單以及審查指引與流程說明手冊,並將審查機關針對本次修法常見問題製做為案例說明納入審查指引與流程說明手冊。 為使各項固定污染源管制規範落實推動,本計畫藉由固定污染源許可管理制度人員執行問題掌握與檢討,分析許可申請文件撰寫人員、環工技師及審查人員現況問題,針對許可申請文件撰寫人員擬定撰寫人員管制制度、針對技師研擬空污技師管理與查核方式、針對審查人員建立選育用留制度,提升審查人員素質並減少流動率;而在地方主管機關績效考評制度強化管理制度與管制規範落實上,108年度地方主管機關與受委託機關許可證現場查核作業共執行163件次,主要針對高陳情數對象、高臭氧生成潛勢對象、未裝設防制設備對象、應執行空品惡化緊急應變作業對象、燃料管制對象以及易致空氣污染物質使用對象,發現主要問題以紀錄項目未落實、許可活動強度核定、製程流程圖與現場不一致或使用超量或排放量計算有誤為主。 固定污染源許可管理制度有賴於許可證管制、排放量申報、定期檢測及清查列管資訊等許可管制大數據資料庫的更新與運轉,在各項管制策略的研擬與規劃均能提供完整管制資訊,而為強化固定污染源資訊管理,108年度已完成固定污染源系統權限管理調整、提供環檢所定檢資料介接作業、技師線上確認功能開發及資料庫檢核與資安掃描等工作;另在資料品質提升工作項目,共計列管21,440家工廠,超過7千多家許可納管公私場所,為維護系統及資料品質,本年度持續執行資料檢核作業,至12月01日已執行11次檢核,資料平均符合比率為84.9%。
中文關鍵字 固定污染源、管制策略、許可、資料庫


專案計畫編號 EPA-108-FA12-03-A095 經費年度 108 計畫經費 14620 千元
專案開始日期 2019/02/22 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 張進順
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 江勝偉 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-108-FA12-03-A095.pdf 8MB

Project for Promoting of Management and Counseling Strategies for Stationary Source Permit System and Related Regulations

英文摘要 To improve and practice the management of stationary sources, we made an inventory of the regulations that related to the management system of stationary sources permit and also amend management system of stationary sources, reviewed the list context of stationary sources that need permits and the regulations of stationary sources management system, drafted principles of permit review and supplementary measures. We also followed the concept of the new amendment of the Air Pollution Control Act to practice prevention management of pollution for improving air quality. This project divided into 4 major parts including 1) reviewed amended permit management system to be in concert with the recent amendment of Air Pollution Control Act, 2) reviewed supplementary measures of permit management system of stationary sources, 3) supervised local organization to effectively implement permit management of stationary sources and improve review quality of review authorities, 4) added and expand information system management of stationary source and enhance controlled data quality. This project has been implemented for 10 months, about 100% of this project was completed. The summaries of each part were as follows. This project cooperate with the Air Pollution Control Law amendment by reviewing and adjusting the stationary sources permit management system, checking the content that should be amended of stationary sources permit management regulation and amending the regulation. This project amended the stationary sources permit management regulation in order to following Air Pollution Control Act amendment context including consistent review principles, technician certification, application text and open information. This project also review past common problem from local authorities for amending the stationary sources permit management regulation to simplifying the review processes. To avoiding the different review processes and standard about emission standards, operation condition of stationery sources, operation management of pollution prevention equipment, continuous emission monitoring system regulations, emissions declaration and approval different local authorities, this project made the new review principles for local authorities following. This project also amended regulation to require review authorities should open the application of stationary sources permits for public participation and refer peoples’ opinion to review permits. In terms of technician certification, this project refer Water Pollution Control Plan and Permit review regulation to regulate the technical context that has be certified by technician to practice the technician certification system. In terms of simplifying the review processes, this project combined the management systems of operation permit and fuel use permit, grade the emission level of stationary sources processes to let a part of stationary sources could get permit by simple process, and also let local authorities exempt reviewing technical context that had be certified by technician. To grading the emission level of stationary sources processes, this project analyzed the processes their emissions of particulate pollutants, SOx, NOx and VOCs were lower than 1 tons/year. The result showed that there were 361 low emission permits, it's about 3.33% of the total permits, but their emission were only about 0.04 - 3.15% of total emission. Therefore, this project regulate this low emission processes excluding those could discharge toxic gas to be process-simplified stationary sources process and make the review process. In terms of whole plant permit, this project analyzed the present permit management system in Taiwan and U.S.A. to regulate the whole plant permit system for the air pollution cap control area in Taiwan. Besides, this project amended the Charges of Stationary Sources. We maintained the status of origin charge terms and only added new charge terms for the amendments of Air Pollution Control Law and stationary sources permit management system regulation. The revised fee was more than 9,000 – 30,000 dollars. In terms of periodic management system, in order to improve periodic detection management system and raise the applicability of detection results, this project reviewed the periodic detection management system regulation to revise the frequency of regular detection, detection results reporting period and random pipeline detection. In response to the amendments of the Air Pollution Control Law and stationary sources permit management regulation, this project also modified application and review guideline about stationary sources permit and added answers of common problems from local authorities into the review guideline. In order to promote the implementation of various stationary source control regulations, the project analyzed the execution problems of permit personnel and drew up a control system for writer of permit application documents, developed management and verification methods for air pollution technicians for technicians, and established a system for selection, education, and retention of inspectors to improve the quality of inspectors and reduce turnover This project also evaluates the local authorities through performance evaluation, thereby strengthening the management system and the implementation of regulatory system. This project executed 163 times performance evaluation to local authorities and authorized offices. The performance evaluation targeted highly protested stationary sources, high ozone generation potential stationary sources, stationary sources which were regulated by air quality deterioration emergency response operation regulation, stationary sources used targeted fuel and stationary sources used substances which were easy to cause air pollution. This project found that the main problem was the unimplemented of record work, check of permit activity intensity, work field was inconsistent with process flow chart and the wrong count of air pollutants emissions. The sustainability of stationary pollution sources system depended on the renewal and running of big database from permit management, emission amount report, periodic testing and stationary pollution sources inventory. The database could offer complete information for researching and planning in every control strategies. To enforce stationary pollution source information management, this project adjusted the authority management of stationary pollution sources systems, provided regular detection data to environmental analysis laboratory for interfacing, the development of the technician online confirmation function, check of database and the security scan. From the aspect of information quality improvement work, the permit information system has a total of 21,440 factories, and more than 7,000 permits; In order to maintain the system and data quality, the data inspection operation this year has already been executed for twelve times with 84.9% average compliance rate until November 1, 2019.
英文關鍵字 stationary sources, control strategy, permit, database