

中文摘要 本計畫為協助環保署推動事業廢棄物管理之各項業務,以及負責維護事業廢棄物相關之資訊系統,並提供事業廢棄物系統(IWR&MS)相關問題之免付費諮詢專線服務。本年度計畫工作項目共計72項,依工作屬性可分為強化事業廢棄物系統功能、擴大列管應裝置GPS之清運機具、免付費諮詢專線,以及資料彙整與行政支援等四大項。 於強化系統功能方面,成果包括依循105年規劃之事業廢棄物申報及管理系統改寫期程,將自行清除處理許可系統,以.NET Framework 4.5版本完成改寫,同時將申報頁面進行重新設計;另依照第一線環保機關之建議,精進事業廢棄物清理計畫書審查功能,其中包含審查作業統計、輔導業者填報廢清書功能及資料複合查詢報表等3項服務;並為了推廣遞送聯單App,協助辦理修法與優化App作業流程;最後提升5項系統申報及勾稽功能,包含提升EMS系統各項許可電子付費對帳功能、將EMS及IWR&MS系統導入響應式網頁設計、整合處理與再利用機構產品營運紀錄申報介面、研析與開發事業自行處理產生產品之流向申報,與廢食用油流向勾稽功能,提升環保局與事業單位之管理與申報效率。 於GPS清運機具擴大列管作業,本年度完成第一期程擴大列管作業,現階段之作業逐步掌握全國10,500餘輛應裝置GPS之清運機具,並持續評估、監控及建置擴大列管後之軟硬體平台,此外,亦協助辦理相關法規宣導或說明會,及持續提升清運機具即時監控系統之效能與功能優化勾稽功能。 在提供免付費諮詢專線服務方面,本年度整合事業廢棄物免付費諮詢專線服務,平均每月協助4,160件許可申請、申報及系統操作等相關疑問,並於10月完成諮詢專線滿意度調查,達98.5%之受訪者對於本服務感到非常滿意。 於資料統計與行政支援部份,完成107年年報編撰與提交、於IWR&MS更新12次事業廢棄物申報數據統計等資料彙整作業,及4次廢棄物(資源)統計季報表;另有關系統維運與行政支援部分,則藉由每月定期確認資料庫排程、資料備份及系統重新啟動等作業確保系統可正常運作外,本年度另協助依監資處需求整併事廢及GPS資料庫作業,並進行2次正式主機弱點掃描作業,亦協助環保署辦理GPS專案勾稽及至少349件以上之臨時需求,達到事業廢棄物資訊化管理及資料共享之目標。
中文關鍵字 環境保護、事業廢棄物、GPS監控系統


專案計畫編號 經費年度 108 計畫經費 20211.827 千元
專案開始日期 2019/01/23 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 陳緯豪
主辦單位 廢管處 承辦人 郭偉齡 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 CH0合併.pdf 0MB 108年事業廢棄物管理及維護計畫期末報告公開版

Maintenance and Application of Industrial Waste Management Information System of 2018 and 2019(2nd year)

英文摘要 This project assisted the Environmental Protection Administration in promoting activities concerning the management of industrial waste, performing relevant information system maintenance and providing free consulting services for IWR&MS. The project of this year included 72 project tasks, which could be categorized into 4 major parts: system optimization, expanding the controlled waste clearance vehicles which should be equipped with GPS, free consulting hotline services, and data compilation and administrative support. For the purpose of system function optimization, schedule was reprogrammed for the IWR&MS as had been planned in 2016. The self-clearance and treatment permit system was reprogrammed by using .NET Framework version 4.5, and reporting page was re-designed as well. Examination functions of the Industrial Waste Disposal Plan were upgraded based on the suggestions from the first-line environmental protection authorities. Other related functions include examination statistics, filling in the Industrial Waste Disposal Plans and complex search report. To urge the use of manifest App, this project helped law amendment and optimize App operation procedure. Five functions concerning reporting and examining were improved: enhancing the electronic payment reconciliation function for all kinds of permits in EMS system, introducing responsive web design for the EMS and IWR&MS, integrating the reporting interface for treatment facilities and recycling facilities to file product management records, analyzing and developing checking and examining functions for the flow of products produced from self-treatment industries and waste cooking oil, and improving the management between local environmental protection bureaus and reporting efficiency. For the purpose of expanding the controlled waste clearance vehicles which should be equipped with GPS, the first term for this expansion was completed. 10,500 vehicles which should be equipped with GPS are under control of the current expansion. Software and hardware platforms after the expansion should continue to be evaluated, monitored and established. Besides, this project also assisted in holding workshops for disseminating legislative information, and continued to upgrade the efficacy of real-time monitoring system of clearance vehicles as well as optimization for checking and examining functions. As for free consulting hotline services, this project integrated these services for industrial waste management. An average of 4,160 questions per month concerning permit application, reporting and system operation were answered through the help of free consulting hotline services. Satisfaction survey was conducted in October, 2019, with a satisfaction rate of 98.5% from interviewees. This project has edited and submitted an annual report 2018 as required in Contract. 12 functions concerning industrial waste reporting statistics compilation were updated in IWR&MS. Waste (resources) statistical report were prepared each quarter. For the purpose of system maintenance and administrative support, to make sure the system can operate normally, data base schedule was confirmed monthly on a regular basis, and data backup and system restart were also performed. This project also assisted in integrating industrial waste and GPS data base according to requirements from Department of Environmental Monitoring & Information Management, performing formal system vulnerability scanning and carrying out GPS task force examination as well as more than 349 urgent inquiries to achieve the goal of industrial waste informatization services and data sharing.
英文關鍵字 Environmental protection, Industrial wastes, GPS monitoring