中文摘要 | 本計畫於108年1月25日開始執行,工作執行內容為綠色生活資訊網相關系統以及網站的功能新增、管理與維護,進行系統操作推廣、發布網站訊息、粉絲團經營,並輔導旅館業者取得環保標章認證。 針對系統與功能的開發與維護,環保標章申請與審查系統設計新式環保標章線上申請表單,並強化使用量申報與照片上傳管理功能,提升申請效率與申報比率。對於政府機關綠色採購申報系統,維運重點為新年度評核系統新增以及針對未來平台進行開發與試辦;而民間綠色採購申報系統則著重於評核報表邏輯檢驗與確認,提升評核成果的可靠度。 針對網站維護與管理,本年度於綠色生活資訊網完成響應式網頁之設計,而環保產品線上採購網則持續結合環保集點,以綠點回饋民眾,強化綠色產品銷售,並以歷年採購網數據提出未來營運建議。 針對網頁的內容發布,今年度共完成10篇中翻英訊息、10篇英翻中訊息,發布10則影音訊息,定期寄發電子報與電子型錄,各12期。配合系統推廣,本年度配合各系統推廣說明會派員授課,完成機關綠色採購系統說明會授課共30場次,參與人數3,950人;環保標章申請系統操作說明會4場次宣導,參與人數177人。另外,輔導服務業業者申請環保標章認證,共4家旅館、1家餐館業者成功取得認證。 整體而言,本年度透過系統功能新增與維護、網站經營與推廣,輔導業者取得環保標章等工作推展,獲得良好的成效,提升民眾對於環保標章和綠色消費的認知。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 環保標章、機關綠色採購、綠色採購 |
專案計畫編號 | 經費年度 | 108 | 計畫經費 | 5950 千元 | |
專案開始日期 | 2019/01/25 | 專案結束日期 | 2019/12/31 | 專案主持人 | 溫永利 |
主辦單位 | 管考處 | 承辦人 | 蔣憶玲 | 執行單位 | 環資國際有限公司 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | 107-108年度綠色生活網絡經營暨環保產品輔導第2年(2年計畫)專案工作計畫.pdf | 39MB | 107-108年度綠色生活網絡經營暨環保產品輔導第2年(2年計畫)專案工作計畫-期末報告定稿 |
The 2nd Year Project for Green-living Information Platform Management and Green Mark Products' Application Guidance (2018-2019, Two-Year Project)
英文摘要 | This project began on January 25, 2019, aiming to develop new systems for the Green-Living Information Platform as well as maintain the Green-Living websites. It utilizes various channels for promotion such as workshops, Facebook fan pages, newsletters, online catalogs, and video clips of green consumption to convey its messages to the public. In addition, this project aims to guide hotels to apply for and obtain the Green Mark certification. For the development and maintenance of the Green Mark platform, this project has established an a digital application sheet. It has also enhanced the management of usage count reporting and photo uploading, facilitating the efficiency of application and reporting rate. Regarding the Green Procurement E-Declaring System of the government, this project is focused on setting up the assessment system for the coming year as well as developing and testing the E-Declaring Platform. The primary task regarding the Green Procurement E-Declaring System of the private agencies was to validate and conduct the logic verification of assessment reports, thereby providing reliable results. Concerning website maintenance and management, this project has incorporated responsive web design into the Greenliving Information Platform. To facilitate product sales on the Green-Buy website, this project continues to use a reward system to engage the public by distributing Green-Points upon every order. Moreover, future operation direction has been determined based on the data obtained from the website over the years. Regarding the update of platform content this year, 10 Mandarin as well as 10 English news articles have been translated and published, respectively. In addition, 10 web-videos, 12 e-papers, and 12 online catalogs have also been published. The engineers of this project have provided training sessions to promote the system, including 30 workshops for Government Green Procurement Declaring with a total of 3,950 participants and four promotional campaigns with a total of 177 participants. The promotion of the Green Mark has achieved tremendous results, as this project has guided four hotels to obtain the certification of Green Mark Hotel, and one restaurant to obtain the certification of Green Mark Restaurant. Overall, throughout the efforts to manage systems and websites, to promote the platform, and to guide hotels to apply for the Green Mark certification, this project has obtained desired results and increased public awareness of Green Mark and green procurement. | ||
英文關鍵字 | Green Mark, Government Green Procurement, Green Procurement |