

中文摘要 計畫執行期間107年11月05至108年12月31日,完成移動污染源空氣污染防制費申報初審作業,於空污費初審作業未發現業者有申報數量錯誤或檢測報告不符情形,截至108年1月至10月共計徵收汽油空污費248,080萬元(約24.8億元)、柴油空污費161,988萬元(約16.1億元),而汽油申報量比例依序為台灣中油桃煉廠佔34.0%、台灣中油大林廠46.7%、台塑麥寮廠19.2%,柴油申報量比例依序為台灣中油桃煉廠佔44.8%、台灣中油大林廠31.9%、台塑麥寮廠23.5%;移動污染源空氣污染防制費申報及油品檢測紀錄網路申報系統維護,107年12月24日已完成架設申報系統擴充修正及新建置撥交系統,至108年1月1日起,即停止運行就有申報系統,啟用新建置系統,另建置撥交系統、船舶及航空污費申報系統;完成107年7月至108年9月移動污染源空氣污染防制費徵收會計簽證查核報告15份,抽查結果未有發現申報資料與現場資料不符情形;對製造者或進口者查核相關資料或檢測汽柴油品質,共計完成75組汽油與75組柴油、20組船舶燃油及20組航空燃油樣品採樣檢驗工作,油品抽測檢驗結果,各測項均符合「車用汽柴油成分管制標準」;協助「車用汽柴油成分管制標準」等法規修訂,彙整國內外油品(含車用燃油、船舶燃油及航空燃油等)管制規範,擬訂車用燃料標準汽油中苯含量加嚴至0.8%、柴油多環芳香烴調整至8%,以及增訂航空硫含量最大值為0.2%、船舶燃油硫含量標準最大值為0.5%;彙整國內外油品管制規範及替代燃料推動相關資料,已蒐集煉油製程對汽柴油各成分項目影響、國內外油品所使用氧化合物添加劑(包括MTBE等)及酒精汽油、生質柴油等其替代品現況趨勢、地方環保局移動污染源油品稽查專案等文獻資料進行分析,做為後續移動污染源空污改善政策研擬之用。
中文關鍵字 空氣污染防制費,燃料規範,抽樣檢驗分析,生質燃料


專案計畫編號 EPA-107-FA13-03-A233 經費年度 108 計畫經費 14500 千元
專案開始日期 2018/11/05 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 楊家源
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 陳庚鴻 執行單位 威陞環境科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 成果報告.pdf 4MB 成果報告

The Auditing of the Air Pollution Control Fee for Mobile Sources and the Quality Inspection of Vehicle Fuels

英文摘要 In this project, we conduct the review for air pollution fee application of mobile source and accounting certification check according to “Air Pollution Control Fee Collection Regulations”, check relevant data as well as inspect the gasoline and diesel quality upon the plant area, storage tank of finished products, oil terminal, sale location, and other public and private places of manufacturers and importers according to “Sale and Import License and Management Regulations of Automobile Gasoline and Diesel Fuels” and “Standards for the Composition of Automobile Gasoline and Diesel Fuels”, and conclude the relevant data of control specifications of foreign and domestic fuels (including automobile fuels, vessel fuels, and aviation fuels, etc.) as well as alternative fuels (including renewable diesel, such as HVO, and biodiesel, etc.). According to statistics of this project, the gasoline air pollution fees collected were approximately 2.33 billion NTD, and diesel air pollution fees 1.339 billion NTD from Jan. to Dec. in 2017, approximately 3.67 billion NTD in total. Compared with 2016, the collected fees increased by 18.7%. The annual applied quantities of gasoline and diesel was 150,497 kl in 2017, which was slightly decreased compared to the 154,585 kl in 2016. Such dramatic increase of overall collected fee for air pollution was due to the fact that the price of gasoline and diesel was adjusted from 0.2/l to 0.3/l for gasoline and 0.4/l foe diesel since Sep. 1st, 2017. In terms of the on-line application of air pollution fee, the project has amended and added new functions aiming at relevant systems, and assists the operators in solving the issue of reporting. According to the system weakness scanning of the later-half year, no potential risks may exist. Additionally, the open data of Environmental Protection Administration as well as the information of applied air pollution fee quantities and amount of mobile sources are updated to Jun. 2018. Operators’ fuel quantity and data of air pollution fee application from Mar. 2017 to Jun. 2018 has been reviewed and deemed correct by the accountant. The 200 checking operations had been completely finished in Jun.2018. According to analysis, only 7 filling stations and fuel shops of CPC exceeded the standard of RVP volume. After the second check, 2 filling stations still exceeded the standard, and relevant penalties shall be carried out; others meet the requirement of “Standards for the Composition of Automobile Gasoline and Diesel Fuels”. For oil refinery, storage station, and sale station, tracing and sampling for the same batch were conducted, and the results of composition inspection were all meet the requirements of current regulations. In addition, spectrum of graph of fuel products is drawn out to compare the difference between FPG and CPC by the oil refineries. The analysis of the graph receives the same results as the data analysis in 1997. In terms of the regulations of gasoline and diesel in our country, the priority goal is to make the standard for benzene in gasoline and PAH in diesel. According to the fuel quality specification of other countries, the maximum volume for benzene in gasoline is 1% (v/v) for EU, 0.8% (v/v) for the U.S.A., and 0.7% (v/v) for South Korea; the maximum volume for PAH in diesel is 8% (v/v) for EU and Singapore. In order to improve the regions where fuels fail to meet the requirements of national air quality standard, the Environmental Protection Agency of the U.S.A. stipulates that these regions must use gasoline of new formula or use oxi-fuels in winter. The oxygen concentration in the gasoline shall be 2.0 to 2.7 wt%, the added MTBE concentration shall be 11 to 15 vol%, and the MTBE in gasoline from Japan shall not exceed 7% (v/v); the MTBE from Australia shall not exceed 1% (v/v). For the sulfur in aviation fuels, the checked average sulfur content per year of CPC and FPG is much lower than the current standard for sulfur in aviation fuels of 0.3% (v/v) in our country. Based on this as the reference for the standard for composition of aviation fuels, the maximum volume of sulfur in aviation fuels is additionally stipulated as 0.2% (v/v). The other goal is to aim at the standard for vessel fuels. Therefore, based on MARPOL and the standards for sulfur in vessel fuels of nearby countries, the maximum volume of sulfur in vessel fuels is additionally stipulated as 0.5% (m/m).
英文關鍵字 air pollution control fee, Fuel specifications, sampling and analyzing, bio-fuel