

中文摘要 本計畫執行成果說明如下: (一)配合國際廢棄物管理趨勢與國內實際運用情形,研擬廢棄物輸出入管理法規修正建議;持續關注廢紙、廢塑膠強化管理後之變化,並透過訪查及電訪中國大陸第三批禁廢令對應產業用料種類之廢木材、廢鋼及廢單一金屬(鎢、鎂、鈦)主要輸入者,了解實際運用情形,研提後續管理建議。並辦理五場次專家座談會及三場次法規宣導說明會,以提升利害關係人之參與。 (二)研析廢清法第38條修正後,有害廢棄物僅限輸往OECD國家之影響,發現有害事業廢棄物(E類)轉為國內處理,再利用率有所提升。另協助環保署辦理有害事業廢棄物輸出(入)案件相關審查作業。 (三)蒐集評析中國大陸禁廢令進展,並研析東南亞各國之調整管制要件及增設限制資格等因應作為,以研提國內管理建議。 (四)完成108年5月兩人參與巴塞爾公約第14次締約方大會。主要重點為強化廢塑膠管理,於2021年起僅乾淨且不具環境危害風險之廢塑膠可排除公約管轄範圍;同步蒐集研析電子廢棄物、廢塑膠管理方式、公約附件修正案、巴塞爾禁令修正案、與世界海關組織之合作等相關議題,以供國內後續管理參考。並維護更新巴塞爾公約中英文宣導網頁。
中文關鍵字 巴塞爾公約、事業廢棄物輸出入管理、產業用料


專案計畫編號 108A068 經費年度 108 計畫經費 6300 千元
專案開始日期 2019/01/18 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 曹美慧
主辦單位 廢管處 承辦人 黃相維 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 廢棄物越境管理及國際政策調整因應計畫(公開版).pdf 13MB 結案報告公開版

Management of Waste Transboundary Movement and International Policy Adjustment Program

英文摘要 The results of this program include: (1)In response to global trends in waste management and current situation in Taiwan, this program made suggestions for amendments to the Management Regulations for the Import and Export of Industrial Waste, and kept watch on the development of waste paper and plastic after their management of importation was tightened. To better understand how waste wood, waste steel and waste metals (tungsten, magnesium and titanium), which are on China’s waste import ban list, are used domestically and to make management suggestions, this program performed on- site visits and telephone survey of the main importers of such wastes. Also, five expert meetings and three workshops were held to enhance stakeholders’ participation. (2)After amending Article 38 of the Waste Disposal Act, the export of hazardous waste is limited to the OECD member countries. To better understand how this amendment influenced Taiwan’s waste flow, research and analysis were made and found that, hazardous industrial waste (class E waste) were turned to be disposed of domestically, and its recycling rates went up as well. This program also assisted in reviewing application documents for the exportation of hazardous industrial waste. (3)Information and data regarding China’s waste import ban were compiled and analyzed. Domestic management suggestions were made through analyzing corresponding measures and management policies from Southeast Asian countries. (4)This program has fulfilled the requirement to participate in the fourteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention by a delegation of 2 people in May, 2019. Key discussing points included plastic waste strengthening. As of 2021, only plastic waste which is clean and poses no risks to the environment can be excluded from the scope of waste to be controlled under the Basel Convention. Besides, information about electronic waste, plastic waste management, amendments to Annexes to the Basel Convention, Ban Amendment and issues concerning cooperation with the World Customs Organization was compiled for the reference of domestic management. This program continues the maintenance and update of the website, Taiwan’s Action to the Basel Convention.
英文關鍵字 Basel Convention, Industrial Waste Import and Export Management, Industrial Raw Material