

中文摘要 為改善連鎖早餐店油煙排放情形、維護早餐店員工及鄰近民眾健康,本計畫以連鎖早餐店為目標,規劃藉由彙整國內連鎖早餐店空氣污染物排放現況及管制相關資料、執行連鎖早餐店重點輔導對象排放特性調查及減量輔導工作;以及建立連鎖早餐店空污排放減量機制及配套工具,推動連鎖早餐店排放油煙污染管制作業。 本計畫執行期間,已建立輔導對象篩選機制與對象清單,以及評比對象候選名單,並研提建立空污排放減量輔導作業程序、輔導紀錄表單與示範店家評分表,針對110家連鎖早餐店進行油煙改善輔導,以及完成16家連鎖早餐店之評比訪視,並針對部分店家進行排放特性量測調查,以掌握連鎖早餐店油煙排放特性與污染防制成效,並研擬「早餐店油煙排放減量技術手冊」。此外,亦完成辦理1場次專家諮詢會議2 場次研商、討論或說明會議,以蒐集專家與相關單位之意見,做為後續連鎖早餐店油煙管制作業之參考;同時辦理1場次示範成果發表會,以展現本計畫推動連鎖早餐店排放油煙改善輔導作業之成果。
中文關鍵字 連鎖早餐店、示範店家 、自主管理


專案計畫編號 EPA-108-FA12-03-A403 經費年度 108 計畫經費 5188 千元
專案開始日期 2019/10/08 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 沈克鵬
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 guangming.lin 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-108-FA12-03-A403.pdf 19MB 期末報告

Implementing control of oily smoke from breakfast chain stores

英文摘要 To control oily smoke from breakfast chain stores and protect the health of employees and neighbors, the major tasks of this project include (1)collecting the information about pollution emissions from breakfast chain stores and the relevant control strategies; (2)conducting field research and counselling of breakfast chain stores; and (3)establishing the control tool for cooking oil fumes from breakfast chain stores. During the project period, field research and counselling of 110 breakfast chain stores and performance evaluation of 16 breakfast chain stores have been conducted and the guidebook for controlling cooking oil fumes from breakfast stores has been compiled. Pollutant concentrations of cooking oil fumes were monitored to acquire the characteristics of cooking oil fumes and to evaluate the efficiencies of the installed control devices. In addition, one advisory consultation meetings and 2 discussion meetings have been held to collect opinions and advises on air pollution control strategies. One presentation has been held as well to promote the effectiveness of field research and counselling of breakfast chain stores.
英文關鍵字 Breakfast chain stores, Exemplary store, Autonomous management