

中文摘要 本項「2019年土壤及地下水國際交流合作計畫」,延續歷年環保署致力於土壤與地下水環境保護相關國際交流工作的推動理念,籌劃與執行多項國際交流工作,期間雖受新冠肺炎疫情影響,仍以多元的會議辦理方式,完成各項國際交流業務的推動與辦理,相關重要成果摘述如下: (一)臺美技術講習會於2020年11月17日至18日於台南市辦理完成,主題為「土壤及地下水高解析場址 調查」。本次講習會整合視訊及實體會議,活動歷時二日,現場共計266人參與,網路直播累積226次觀看,與會人員對於講習會議題的新穎性、授課內容的實用性皆有良好評價。 (二)以視訊辦理第9次亞太土壤及地下水污染整治工作小組(ReSAG)事務會議,共有8個國家參與。會議中經各國代表選舉同意,由我國連任第六屆(2019年至2020年)ReSAG工作小組主席國,副主席國則由泰國出任。 (三)「臺韓MOU第10次指導委員會會議」於2019年12月17日於臺北市舉行,我國代表團由產官學界代表共計15人參與,韓方則由環境部司長率團參與。 在產學交流方面,我方執行單位於2019年12月提出英文摘要,並於2020年1月15日至18日產學3人受邀赴韓針對產學交流合作計畫「地下水資源與水質之智慧管理策略」議題交流。由於新冠肺炎疫情影響,後續產學合作交流議題雙方邀請參訪行程取消辦理,而原訂2020年舉行之「臺韓MOU第11次指導委員會會議」則雙方協議延後辦理。台韓雙方於2021年1月亦同意,於2021年續簽下一期合作備忘錄,持續深化雙方的合作關係。 (四)臺越合作協定交流於2020年12月16日以線上視訊方式舉辦,包含: 1.「臺越土壤及地下水保護技術論壇」,邀請臺越雙方土壤及地下水污染場址整治領域之專家學者,針對「土壤及地下水污染監測與整治技術」、「健康風險評估」及「土壤及地下水法規」等議題進行交流; 2.完成「臺越土壤及地下水保護技術暨科學合作協定」續約,開展未來為期5年之合作; 3.完成辦理第3次指導委員事務會議,將雙方產學合作計畫延長為5年,訂定交流合作議題及下次指導委員事務會議於2021年9月份辦理。
中文關鍵字 亞太土水工作小組、臺韓土水合作備忘錄、臺越土水合作協定


專案計畫編號 108A383 經費年度 108 計畫經費 9197.385 千元
專案開始日期 2019/11/14 專案結束日期 2021/02/13 專案主持人 黃智
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 洪豪駿;劉美玲 執行單位 社團法人台灣土壤及地下水環境保護協會


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期末報告 108A383.pdf 9MB 2019年土壤及地下水國際交流合作計畫

International Cooperation on Soil and Groundwater Remediation 2019

英文摘要 The project “2019 International Exchange of Technical Experiences on Remediation for Soil and Groundwater Pollution” has been carried out to fulfill the concept of the original idea for the international exchange on the issue of soil and groundwater by executing the plans in detail. Although the related events have been influenced by the pandemic of COVID-19, the project team has accomplished the project missions through diverse conferencing tools, including on-line meeting, videoconferencing, and physical meeting. The major outcomes of this project are briefly summarized as below: 1.The Taiwan-US technical workshop on the topic of “High-Resolution Site Characterization of Soil and Groundwater” was held in Tainan on the 17th and 18th of November 2020. The two-day workshop was mediated by combining virtual and physical meetings with 266 participants in-person and 226 participants on-line. According to the results of post-workshop survey, participants were highly satisfied with the workshop topic selected, workshop organization, and content of the workshop. 2.The 9th Steering Committee Meeting of Working Group on Remediation for Soil and Groundwater Pollution of Asian and Pacific Region (ReSAG) was held via videoconferencing on the 19th of November, 2020. There were representatives from 8 member countries attending the meeting. Taiwan was elected as the chair country of the ReSAG for the 6th term (2021-2022) and Thailand was elected as the vice chair country. 3.The 10th Taiwan-Korea Soil & Groundwater Steering Committee Meeting has been held in Taipei on 17 December, 2019. There were 15 officers and experts from industry, government, and academia in Taiwan as the representatives. On the other hand, the delegates from South Korea were led by the Director General of the Ministry of Environment of South Korea attending the steering committee meeting. The Joint Research Projects (JRPs) took oint ReOperational Strategies for Groundwater Resources and Water Qualityes and“Redevelopment Policy for Contaminated Landg committee meeting. Enviros The institutes in charge of “in charge of Policy for Contaminated Landg committee meeting. Enviros beemet at South Korea on 15-18 January, 2020 to exchange the research achievement and share the thoughts. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the activities of the 11th Korea-Taiwan Soil & Groundwater Steering Committee Meeting and joint research project visiting tours in 2020 were put on halt indefinitely. 4.The activities related to the 3rd Steering Committee Meeting of Agreement between Taiwan EPA and Vietnam MONRE have been carried out via video conferencing on 16 December 2020. The event consisted of: (1)“Vietnaming consisted ofto the 3rd Steering C Protection” , with experts and scholars specializing in soil and groundwater contamination site remediation from Taiwan and Vietnam, was held to exchange knowledge and experience on " Technologies for Soil and Groundwater Contamination Remediation ", "Health Risk Assessment" and " Regulations on Soil and Groundwater " from both countries; (2)Completed the 3rd Steering Committee Meeting and the meeting concluded to extend the Taiwan-Vietnam industry-academia collaboration projects to 5 years, set up topics for information exchanges and cooperation, and schedule the next steering committee meeting on September 2021.。
英文關鍵字 Working Group on Remediation for Soil and Groundwater Pollution of Asian and Pacific Region, Memorandum of Understanding on Technical Cooperation in Soil and Groundwater Protection between the Taipei Mission in Korea and Korean Mission in Taipei, Agreement on Technical and Scientific Copporation in Soil and Groundwater Protection between Taiwan and Vietnam