

中文摘要 本計畫延續歷年土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫之工作內容,進行臺南市轄區內土壤定期監測、地下水定期監測、監測井巡查維護、地下儲槽系統審查及調查作業、公告事業土壤污染評估調查及檢測資料申報審查與查核輔導及查證作業、污染場址監督查核及驗證作業、緊急應變作業、教育宣導及行政配合事項。 本計畫完成38筆地號土壤定期監測,有2筆地號超過土壤污染管制標準;地下水定期監測54口次,監測井地下水質與歷年監測結果相似;烏山頭區域監測井R00552之砷持續超過第一類地下水污染管制標準,106年度已透過地質取樣分析結果,顯示砷超標與環境地質有關。 監測井外觀巡查維護數量共計542口次,依據監測井巡查結果完成監測井外觀修復97口次,井體修繕11口次;針對已無監測用途之16口監測井完成廢井作業;並完成44口次井況評估及22口內部功能維護作業。 地下儲槽網路申報率均為100%,現場稽查作業完成27處地下儲槽系統之測漏管功能測試及油氣檢測,今年度並無進行地下儲槽系統土壤及地下水調查。 公告事業提送之土壤污染評估調查及檢測資料,審查案件分別有新提送68件及補正76件,審查主要缺失為合理性,大多為資料誤植、不完整或前後不一致;審(備)查通過之建檔案件58件,皆於審查通過後30日內完成建檔;亦執行15家公告事業採樣查核作業及5家評估人員現勘查核,評估人員皆有確實到場現勘及會同採樣作業;另完成200家事業之查核及輔導作業,查核結果有60家有應改善之缺失項目,已全部改善完成。 場址巡查已執行501場次,並召開27場次污染場址改善推動小組會議。場址驗證執行10處,其中8處場址可解除列管,2處場址仍超過法規標準;另4處查證場址,均無超過管制標準情形。緊急應變共執行2件,均無超過管制標準情形。 本計畫協助環保局執行場址報告審查共110件、地下儲槽管理辦法文件共21件,另協助環保局舉辦校園教育宣導相關活動21場次、宣導說明會6場次、交流研討會議2場次、全國土壤及地下水污染整治業務檢討會1場次及縣市交流活動1場次。
中文關鍵字 地下水、土壤


專案計畫編號 經費年度 108 計畫經費 14.555 千元
專案開始日期 2019/02/27 專案結束日期 2019/12/20 專案主持人 吳芳鈴
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 朱盈蓁 執行單位 環虹錕騰科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末成果報告.pdf 97MB 期末成果報告

Investigation and Verification of Soil and Groundwater Pollution in Tainan City

英文摘要 Project Accomplishment The project, Investigation and Verification of Soil and Groundwater Contamination, had continued the works over the past few years of Tainan District. Work contents of the project include soil and groundwater regular monitoring; monitoring well external appearance patrol, maintenance and repeal; review and on-site inspection of underground storage tank; supervision, verification and inspection of soil and groundwater contaminated site; investigation of soil contaminated assessment, declaration review of analysis results, examination counseling and verification of regulated enterprise; emergency response and educational promotion and administrative assistance. Soil and Groundwater Monitoring There had 38 lots of soil sampling finished which lower than soil Pollution Control Standards and 2 of 38 will be stopped monitoring next year. There had 54 groundwater sampling of monitoring well finished and the results are to which past few years. Also the groundwater arsenic(As) results of monitoring well R00552 which locate in Wu Shan Tou region had continuous exceeded the first category groundwater contaminated control standard. According to the results in 2017, it shows that the fact of exceeding standard arise from geological deposit. Well Management, Storage Tank Declaration and Site Regulation 542 of Patrol and maintenance of monitoring well appearance had finished, include 97 appearance repair, 11 main body repairing of monitoring well, 16 nonfunctional well repealing, 44 well condition assessment and 22 intra-well repairing. Declaration of underground storage tank reach 100%, 27 stations on-site inspection; no station soil and groundwater investigation. The soil contamination investigation and analysis information submitted by regulated enterprise should be reviewed which include 68 new cases and 76 incomplete cases. It had implement 15 sampling and examination of regulated enterprises. Also, 200 enterprises had been finished the contaminated examination and counseling which 60 enterprises had error been already improved. 501 sites patrol had finished and 27 contaminated site improvement meeting had hold. 8 of 10 contaminated site had deregulated, 2 of 10 still regulated because of exceeding the control standard. In 4 investigate sites, no sites had been regulated and administrative processing. In 2 emergency response sites, no sites had been regulated and administrative processing. Report Reviewing and Conference The project had review 110 site reports, 21 documents of underground storage tank management; holding 6 regulation seminar, 2 experience sharing conferences, one major conference, 21 campus educational promotion, 1 national conference for soil and groundwater pollution remediation and 1 cross-county technical tour.
英文關鍵字 Groundwater, Soil