

中文摘要 本年度輔導並協助8家業者,其中3家業者,共12件產品已完成申請並取得環保標章。預計可於下年度的機關綠色採購績效評核作業評分方法中增列滅火器的規格進入指定項目,提高環保產品的市場份額。另外,藉由座談會辦理(共2場次),讓業者能了解環保標章制度與環保署推動環保標章等措施,鼓勵企業共同推廣綠色消費、提升業者社會責任,並蒐集業者意見。針對產品推廣,完成製作環保標章形象功能。也用於後續環保標章推廣,提高民眾的認知度。針對歷年環保標章產品申請資料,已提出相關統計結果與未來推廣建議,並提供視覺化資訊內容,呈現於綠色生活資訊網。 整體而言,本年度透過輔導作業,完成綠色產品開拓,蒐集業者的意見並提出未來推廣之建議,進一步推展國內綠色消費,營造永續的生活環境。
中文關鍵字 環保標章、機關綠色採購、綠色產品


專案計畫編號 經費年度 108 計畫經費 1950 千元
專案開始日期 2019/10/16 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 溫永利
主辦單位 管考處 承辦人 邱慈娟 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告-108-109年度低污染綠色產品拓展第1年(2年計畫)專案工作計畫.pdf 31MB

The 1st Year Project for Low Pollution's Green Products Expansion (2018-2019, Two-Year Project)

英文摘要 This project began on October 16th, 2019, aiming to expand the amount of Green Mark’s products. 8 manufacturers join the consulation service for Green Mark application. Overall, 12 products from 3 manufacturers were certified through our Green Mark products' application consultation service. The fire extinguisher might be listed as the priority procurement products for the government sector in 2020, aim to increase the market share for Green Mark. Green Products’ forums have been held to promote the policy of Green Mark and collect opinions of manufacturers. For promotional purpose, “image-enhancing-products” for Green Mark has been made as souvenirs for publics. Analytical report for Green Mark’s products was completed with suggestions for the future promotion of Green Mark. Also, visualized information on Green Mark was published on the Green Living Information Platform for public to browse through. Overall, throughout the efforts to expand the Green Mark’s products, and collects opinions from the private sector, help to promote the green procurement and sustainability in Taiwan.
英文關鍵字 Green Mark、Government Green Procurement、Green Product