

中文摘要 澎湖縣『108年度澎湖縣逸散污染源稽查管制暨低碳島抑制逸散揚塵專案計畫』年度預訂執行期程為108年2月22日起至108年12月31日止,本年度計畫延續上年度「逸散污染減量及高陳情污染稽查管制行動計畫」,期末報告統計自計畫執行日起至12月31日止,時間雖然短暫,但在執行人員努力及環保局長官協助及督導下,大多執行順利,除了努力達成量化目標,並在實質的管制效益上精進,以期能達成預期目標,本計畫之成果量化如表一所示,以下針對各項工作項目逐項摘要說明。 一、餐飲業管制 (一) 執行期間進行餐飲業個別輔導協談並追蹤改善共計487件次(「餐飲業加裝有效油煙防制設備比率」方面,列管之377家餐飲業者的有效油煙防制設備加裝比率,已逐步從105年度之9%設置率,逐步提升106年度的13%、107年度的15%及目前108年21%。 (二) 依據環保署TDES10.0排放係數、各家防制設備種類及油煙處理效率推估,年度約可減少8.4公噸TSP及71.8 THC公噸排放量,削減率分別為57%(TSP)及55%(THC);另陳情案件近三年有逐漸提升趨勢,尤其是露天燒烤業,108年度被陳情比例為47%,本年度裝設空污處理設備後反而比往年無裝防制設備時,被陳情次數反而更高,分析原因主要為縣府增加1999陳情專線後,民眾更便於及時陳情反應,且對生活環境品質要求越來越高;同時亦發現屢遭陳情案件大多同一人,疑為民眾個人夾怨報復,致陳情案件持續增加。 (三) 近年來民眾環保教育及環保意識提升,再加上陳情管道增加及暢通,致使近年民眾陳情案件數增加,扣除民眾間的私人恩怨陳情案,本年度陳情重點管制類別為露天燒烤業,縣長亦要求縣府各單位依權責及法令進行要求,不符合者不得營業,業者為此已投入大筆改善資金,亦成為全國其它縣市效法目標,業者營業期間亦持續配合跨局處聯合稽查,確保業者防制設備落實操作。 (四) 108年3月與縣府各局處合作特成立「營業場所公共安全聯合稽查小組」,除要求業者於營業前,務必先行符合地目、建築及食品衛生等之合法性外,最後再由環保局進行空污標準檢測作業,各項合法通過才能營業;目前13家營業中之店家皆已增設油煙防制設備,且經檢測後皆符合空氣品質限值,如無煙紅外線烤爐、吸引式及氣罩、靜電機、水洗機、異味吸附棉裝置。故實際營業之露天燒烤業者,增設油煙防制設備比率達100%。並於其營業期間,每月進行異味防制措施操作情形巡檢及輔導作業。另針對屢遭陳情店家,自108年6月起,從每星期2~3次的熱點周遭異味巡查,增加到8月每日(含假日)與警察局聯合稽查,讓業者有警惕之心,確實開啟並維護油煙異味處理設備的正常運作,也使得來用餐的民眾、遊客安心享受炭烤之樂。 (五) 本縣是全國唯一露天燒烤BBQ加裝設油煙處理防制設備的縣市,共計露天燒烤業空氣污染物減量為PM10 0.72公噸/年、PM2.5 0.5公噸/年、NMHC 2.84公噸/年,減量比率從107年5%大幅成長至108年75%,列管業者防制設備裝設率更達65%,較107年增加10倍以上。 (六) 執行期間本計畫已針對本縣13家大型露天燒烤業及1家屢被陳情業中式餐飲共執行25件次異臭味污染物採樣分析(10點次合約工作量,15點次環保局自費),未符合異味排放標準店家共5家,由於各家未通過檢測標準合格不得營業,故檢測結果僅作為空污設備改善成效之依據,停業後持續改善空污處理設備,再進行第二次檢測,目前經改善設備檢測皆符合周界空氣標準限值,開始營業; (七) 另營業期間,環保局持續監控露天燒烤空氣品質狀況,目前屢被陳情業者主要為市區4家露天燒烤業;為有效提升管制成效,已將這幾處列為「陳情熱區」每日於尖峰時段巡檢異味逸散情形,如發現異樣時則則要求業者立即改善,並不定期安排異味檢測,確保其符合空品標準,本年度共執行8次檢測複查共針對4家屢被陳情業者進進行周界異味污染物採樣複檢,其中1家南海燒烤超過標準告發處分,目前皆已改善完成;另為精進防制設備處理效果,亦邀請專家學者現場功能評鑑,提供店家更多改善細節,作為後續改善依循參考;後續持續監督中,仍要求業者增強處理設備及維護保養,避免屢遭陳情情事發生。 (八) 為有效提升本縣露天燒烤業油煙異味處理效率減少民眾陳情,於9月11日邀請工研院專家張寶額博士至馬公市燒烤陳情熱區7家店進行油煙異味處理設備功能評鑑,找出問題並現場提供建議改善事項,做為其未來精進改善依循參考方向。 (九) 為強化露天燒烤管制成效,已擬定「澎湖縣露天燒烤業空氣污染防制設置管理自治條例(草案)」,待109年初縣府議會審查通過後執行,主要針對防制設備規範、維護頻率、監控設備及自主管理規範條件等皆有明確規定,除嚴格要求業者裝設空污處理設備外,亦可避免業者裝設處理設備後,無持續維護保養而影響處理效率。 二、露天燃燒管制 (一) 執行期間列管之好發地點每月進行30處次巡查作業,統計計畫執行期間,共巡查300處次,累計列管之好發點位共計有39處,持續更新及新增點位來嚇止露天燃燒情事發生;露天燃燒陳情案件則共接獲21件,年度燃燒物質以樹葉枯枝佔50%最高,其次為一般生活垃圾40%,最後為農業廢棄物10%,經輔導管制作業撲滅火源約有4 m2及7.2 m3,進一步推估可減少0.0158公噸之TSP排放量,研判原因為行為人貪圖一時之便及心存僥悻之心態,而就地燃燒處理,再加上多年來持續的宣導,民眾環保意識提升、對環保通報系統熟悉,致使本年度露天燃燒情事較往年增加,而本年度亦將相關地點列入好發點巡查名單加強巡查作業,藉以有效降低露天燃燒行為發生,透過好發點加強巡查、現場告示牌插立、行為人立即警告輔導等動作,相關地點未再發現露天燃燒情事,建議新年度計畫可再針對附近居民進行宣導作業,並把相關地點列為加強巡查之地點。 (二) 協請村(里)辦公室協助向社區民眾宣導禁止露天燃燒並張貼宣導看板於社區公佈欄加強宣導,已完成70處社區宣導及建立宣導看板。 (三) 為減少一般及農業廢棄物露天燃燒,特別結合本縣學校基礎教育辦理1場次宣導活動,讓學校師生了解廢棄物可利用,透過堆肥方式可讓一般農業廢棄物再利用變成土壤養分,創造永續循環生生不息系統,校方也將利用清掃後樹枝葉進行對堆肥實驗,做為後續植栽土壤養分之用,為學童做出一個最佳環境教育示範。讓每個師生都能成為綠色種子,期藉由每顆種子向親朋好友宣導勿有露天燃燒之行為。 三、民俗紙錢宣導及減量 (一) 執行期間針對69間廟宇宣導紙錢減量使用,其中有26願意配合販售紙錢單位重量減量,推估目前年度紙錢減量約31,473.9 公斤,依據環保署TEDS10.0面源推估手冊得知,約可減少47,210.9 Kg-CO2及4,311.9 Kg的其他污染物排放量。 (二) 本年度輔導本縣代表性廟宇馬公市天后宮完成環保金爐設置,目前既有燃燒減量成效良好之環保金爐廟宇合計共有11處,年度合計焚燒紙錢量約31.09公噸,約可削減97.03公斤TSP、85.75公斤PM10、75.59 公斤PM2.5。 (三) 裝設環保金爐之廟宇,108度僅1家環保金爐因旅客夜間燃燒,無開啟設備導致遭民眾陳情外,其餘皆無被陳情情形。 (四) 於本縣郊區辦理1場次環保廟宇紙錢減量宣導會,包含節能措施、環保禮炮車、環保金爐、封爐、不燒紙錢、單位紙錢減量、減少紙錢攜帶量、米金紙及功德狀等,提供本縣廟宇及信徒參考及學習,加深其對於紙錢及焚香減量的重要性,逐步教導廟宇及信徒改變傳統祭祀的習慣。 四、裸露地調查及改善 (一) 持續追蹤列管已改善裸露地共有32處,合計列管面積達38,613 m2另依據環保署TEDS10.0面源推估手冊得知,一般裸露地TSP排放系數為0.354公噸/公頃/年,推估原未防制裸露地之TSP排放量為1.367 公噸/年,經輔導植生改善後之平均防塵效率約96%,共可削減1.31公噸TSP減量,近年來持續透過持續現況查核後,未發現植栽生長不佳情形。 (二) 本計畫年度新增列管2處裸露地,分別為”湖西鄉湖西村天后宮後方裸露地”及 ”馬公市民族路88號旁裸露地”,年度新增列管裸露地面積合計2,021 m2,透過現場巡查及地籍資料查詢,並掌握該筆土地目前閒置,等待時機再進行開發,已建議輔導地主未開發期間先讓裸露地自然長草,避免裸露地揚塵而影響鄰近空氣品質及造成附近居民困擾。另依據環保署TEDS10.0面源推估手冊得知,預估產生0.072公噸TSP污染物,0.036公噸PM10污染物及0.016公噸PM2.5污染物,目前植生面積已達2,021 m2,裸露地改善率達100%,後續持續追蹤目前2筆裸露地植生改善情形。 五、其他辦理事項 (一) 執行期間並鎖定易造成污泥拖出之砂石場附近路段,累計執行40趟次及120件次之逸散污染物易發源巡查及清掃作業。 (二) 為提供民眾之環保資訊,年度執行期間共提供22則媒體宣導新聞供環保局發佈,以提升宣導成效及能見度。 (三) 針對108年「澎湖縣空氣污染防制計畫書」所訂定之各項指標及目前成效,108年度計畫執行至今,已達年度預期目標及減量,後續將持續加強管制,提昇餐飲油煙防制設施設置率,加強露天燒烤加裝油煙防制設備比率。
中文關鍵字 餐飲業管制、露天燒烤、裸露地改善、環保金爐、紙錢減量


專案計畫編號 經費年度 108 計畫經費 2980 千元
專案開始日期 2019/02/22 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 黃文龍
主辦單位 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 洪朝傳 執行單位 上境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 108年度「澎湖縣逸散污染源稽查管制暨低碳島抑制逸散揚塵專案計畫」.pdf 12MB

108 Years "Penghu County Inspection and Control of Emission Pollution Sources and Low-Carbon Island Emission Control Project"

英文摘要 Penghu County's "108 Annual Penghu County Emissions Pollution Source Audit Control and Low Carbon Island Emission Emissions Dust Reduction Project" annual reservation execution period is from February 22, 108 to December 31, 108, and this year's plan continues Last year's "Emission Pollution Loss Reduction and Highly Aged Pollution Inspection and Control Action Plan", the final report statistics from the implementation date of the plan to December 31, although the time is short, but the efforts of the executive staff and the assistance and supervision of environmental protection officials In most cases, the implementation is smooth. In addition to striving to achieve quantitative goals and improving on the actual regulatory benefits, in order to achieve the expected goals, the results of this plan are quantified as shown in Table 1. A summary of each work item is described below. 1. Catering industry regulation (1) During the implementation period, we conducted individual mentoring consultations for the catering industry and tracked and improved a total of 487 cases ("Ratio of Effective Fume Control Equipment Installation in the Catering Industry"). It has gradually increased from the 9% setting rate in 105 years, to 13% in 106 years, 15% in 107 years, and 21% in 108 years. (2) Based on the EPA's TDES10.0 emission coefficient, various types of control equipment and oil fume treatment efficiency, the annual emissions of TSP and 71.8 THC metric tons can be reduced by about 8.4 metric tons and the reduction rates are 57% (TSP) and 55 respectively. % (THC); In addition, there has been a gradual increase in the number of cases in the past three years, especially in the open-air barbecue industry. In 108, the proportion of being exposed in 108 was 47%. This year, after installing air pollution treatment equipment, it was On the contrary, the number of submissions is higher. The main reason for analysis is that after the county government increased the 1999 submission line, it is easier for people to respond in time, and they have higher and higher requirements for the quality of living environment. Personal complaints and revenge led to an increasing number of cases. (3) In recent years, the environmental protection education and environmental awareness of the public have increased, and the increase and unblocking of the channels of public sentiment have led to an increase in the number of public sentiment cases in recent years. After deducting the private grievances sentiment among the public, the key control category of this year's public sentiment is the outdoor barbecue industry. The chief also requested the units of the county government to carry out requirements in accordance with their rights and responsibilities and laws and regulations. Those who do not meet the requirements shall not operate. The industry has invested a large amount of improvement funds for this purpose. It has also become the goal of other counties and cities in the country. Audit to ensure that operators prevent the implementation of equipment. (4) In March 108, the “Joint Inspection Team for Public Safety in Business Places” was established in cooperation with the bureaus of the county government. In addition to requiring the operators to comply with the legitimacy of the site, construction and food hygiene, etc. The Environmental Protection Agency conducts air pollution standard testing operations, and all of them can pass through legally. At present, 13 shops have added fume prevention equipment, and all of them have met the air quality limit after testing, such as smokeless infrared ovens, suction type And air hood, electrostatic machine, washing machine, odor adsorption cotton device. Therefore, the actual open-air barbecue operators have added 100% of fume prevention equipment. During its business period, it conducts inspections and counseling operations on the operation of odor control measures every month. In addition, since June 108, the shop has been inspected from 2 to 3 times a week for hot smells and odors to the joint inspections by the police station every day (including holidays). The normal operation of the fume odor treatment equipment is indeed opened and maintained, so that people and tourists who come to dine can enjoy the charcoal grilling peace of mind. (5) This county is the only county and city in the country to be equipped with soot processing and prevention equipment. The total air pollutant reduction in the outdoor barbecue industry is PM10 0.72 metric tons per year, PM2.5 0.5 metric tons per year, and NMHC 2.84 metric tons In the year, the reduction ratio increased sharply from 5% in 107 to 75% in 108, and the installation rate of preventive equipment of the plumbers reached 65%, an increase of more than 10 times compared to 107. (6) During the implementation of the plan, a total of 25 sampling and analysis of odorous pollutants were conducted for 13 large open-air barbecues in the county and 1 Chinese restaurant that has been repeatedly used by the industry (10 times contract workload, 15 times environmental protection) (At its own expense), there are 5 stores that do not meet the odor emission standards. Since each of them fails to pass the test standards and is not allowed to operate, the test results are only used as a basis for improving the effectiveness of air pollution equipment. Secondary inspections. Currently, the improved equipment inspections are in compliance with the perimeter air standard limits and are open for business. (7) During the other business hours, the Environmental Protection Bureau continuously monitors the air quality of open-air barbecues. At present, there are four open-air barbecues in the urban area that are frequently reported by the industry; in order to effectively improve the effectiveness of the control, these areas have been listed as "Creative Hot Zones". Daily inspection of odor emission during peak hours. If abnormality is found, the operator is required to immediately improve it. Occasionally, odor detection is arranged to ensure that it meets the standards for empty products. This year, a total of 8 inspections were performed and a total of 4 inspections were conducted. Chen Qingye entered the perimeter odor pollutant sampling re-inspection. One of the South China Sea barbecues exceeded the standard reporting and punishment, and all of them have been improved. In addition, in order to improve the treatment of advanced control equipment, experts and scholars are also invited to perform on-site function evaluations to provide shoppers with more Many improvement details are used as a reference for follow-up improvement; in the follow-up continuous supervision, the operator is still required to enhance the processing equipment and maintenance to avoid repeated incidents. (8) In order to effectively improve the fume odor treatment efficiency of the county's open-air barbecue industry, and reduce public sentiment, on September 11th, Dr. Zhang Baoer, an expert from the Industrial Research Institute, was invited to conduct a functional evaluation of the fume odor treatment equipment at 7 stores in the barbecue hot area of Magong City. To identify problems and provide suggestions for improvement on the spot, as a reference direction for future improvements. (9) In order to strengthen the effectiveness of open-air barbecue control, the Autonomous Regulations (Draft) on Air Pollution Prevention and Set-up Management in the Open-Air Barbecue Industry in Penghu County has been drafted. It will be implemented after review and approval by the county council in early 109, mainly aimed at the prevention and control of equipment standards. The frequency, monitoring equipment, and independent management specifications are all clearly specified. In addition to strictly requiring operators to install air pollution treatment equipment, they can also prevent the operators from affecting the treatment efficiency without continuous maintenance after installing the treatment equipment. 2.Control of open burning (1) During the implementation period, 30 inspections will be conducted every month. During the implementation of the statistical plan, a total of 300 inspections will be conducted. There will be a total of 39 inspection sites, which will be continuously updated and added. Point to stop the occurrence of open-air burning; 21 cases of open-air burning were received. The annual burning matter was 50% of the dead leaves, followed by 40% of general domestic waste, and finally 10% of agricultural waste. There are about 4 m2 and 7.2 m3 of fire extinguishing sources under guidance and control. It is further estimated that the TSP emissions can be reduced by 0.0158 metric tons. Coupled with the continuous publicity over the years, the public's awareness of environmental protection and their familiarity with the environmental notification system have increased the number of open-air burning events this year compared with previous years. This year, relevant sites have also been included in the inspection list of good points to strengthen inspections, thereby effectively reducing the open-air situation. The burning behavior occurred. Through inspections at good starting points, the insertion of on-site bulletin boards, and immediate warning and counseling by the actors, no open-air burning incidents were found in the relevant locations. The new annual plan can be further advocacy work for nearby residents, and the associated locations as sites for enhanced inspections it. (2) The village (li) office was requested to assist the community in publicizing the prohibition of burning in the open air and posting an announcement board on the community bulletin board to strengthen the announcement. 70 community announcements and the establishment of the announcement board were completed. (3) In order to reduce the open burning of general and agricultural waste, a publicity event was specially conducted in conjunction with the basic education of the county school to let the teachers and students understand that the waste is available. Through the composting method, the general agricultural waste can be reused into soil. Nutrients, to create a sustainable cycle of endless life system, the school will also use the cleaned branches and leaves to conduct composting experiments for subsequent planting soil nutrients, to make an optimal environmental education demonstration for school children. Let every teacher and student become a green seed, with the hope that each seed will tell relatives and friends not to open fire. 3. Promotion and reduction of folk paper money (1) During the implementation period, 69 paper temples were used to reduce the use of paper money. Among them, 26 were willing to cooperate with the sale of paper money to reduce the weight of the unit of money. , Can reduce 47,210.9 Kg-CO2 and 4,311.9 Kg of other pollutants. (2) This year, the county ’s representative temple Magong City ’s Tianhou Palace completed the installation of environmental protection golden furnaces. At present, there are a total of 11 environmental protection golden furnace temples with good combustion reduction results. The total annual amount of paper burning is about 31.09 metric tons, which can reduce about 97.03. Kg TSP, 85.75 kg PM10, 75.59 kg PM2.5. (3) Temples with environmentally friendly golden furnaces. Only one environmentally friendly golden furnace at 108 degrees was burned by passengers at night and no devices were turned on. (4) To conduct one environmental protection temple paper money reduction conference in the suburb of the county, including energy saving measures, environmental salute cars, environmentally friendly gold stoves, sealed furnaces, non-burning paper money, unit paper money reduction, reducing paper money carrying amount, rice paper and Merit certificates, etc., provide reference and study for the temples and believers in the county, deepen their importance for paper money and incense reduction, and gradually teach temples and believers to change the traditional sacrifice habits. 4.Investigation and improvement of bare land (1) Continuously tracking the pipelines has improved a total of 32 bare areas, with a total pipeline area of 38,613 m2. According to the Environmental Protection Agency TEDS10.0 non-point source estimation manual, it is learned that the TSP emission coefficient of general bare areas is 0.354 metric tons / ha / year. The TSP emissions from the original unprotected bare land were estimated to be 1.367 metric tons / year, and the average dust-proof efficiency after the improvement of the coaching plant was about 96%, which could reduce the TSP reduction by 1.31 metric tons. Poor plant growth was found. (2) Two new bare lands are planned for the project each year, namely “the bare lands behind the Tianhou Palace in Huxi Village, Huxi Township” and “the bare lands beside No. 88 Minzu Road, Magong City”. A total of 2,021 m2. Through on-site inspections and cadastral data query, and grasp that the land is currently idle and wait for the opportunity to develop. It has been suggested to counsel the landlord to allow the bare land to grow grass naturally during the undeveloped period to avoid dust from the bare land and affect the neighboring air quality and Cause distress to nearby residents. According to the Environmental Protection Agency's TEDS10.0 non-point source estimation manual, it is estimated that 0.072 metric tons of TSP pollutants, 0.036 metric tons of PM10 pollutants and 0.016 metric tons of PM2.5 pollutants are estimated to be produced. At present, the vegetation area has reached 2,021 m2, and the improvement rate of the bare land Up to 100%, follow-up continued to follow the current improvement of the two bare field vegetation. 5. Other matters (1) During the implementation period, the sections near the gravel pits that are likely to cause sludge dragging out will be locked, and a total of 40 times and 120 times of fugitive pollutant-prone inspection and cleaning operations will be performed in total. (2) In order to provide the public with environmental protection information, during the annual implementation period, a total of 22 media propaganda news were provided by the Environmental Protection Agency for the purpose of improving the effectiveness and visibility of the propaganda. (3) Aiming at the indicators and current results set out in the 108 Penghu County Air Pollution Prevention Plan, the implementation of the 108 plan so far has reached the annual expected targets and reductions, and it will continue to strengthen controls and improve catering Installation rate of oil fume prevention facilities, and strengthen the ratio of outdoor fume prevention equipment.
英文關鍵字 Catering industry regulation, Outdoor barbecue, Improve barely, Environmental protection gold stove, Paper money reduction