

中文摘要 本計畫將設計導入夜市空間場域,考量夜市自治會、攤商、清潔人員、使用者及地方政府管理單位…等利害關係人使用需求與管理模式,以設計導入創造台灣環保夜市新的形象與應用示範。 本計畫共協助4處夜市進行環保夜市形象改造;分別為「台北市寧夏環保夜市、嘉義市文化路夜市、新北市樹林興仁花園夜市、新北市汐止觀光夜市」。經設計研究與各夜市需求訪談、釐清使用痛點,針對路邊型夜市與專區型夜市進行設計解決方案之導入,以期創造以使用者為核心之良好體驗。 本案執行過程中適逢疫情2次疫情高峰,因此針對後疫情時代下之夜市管理與消費需求之「共食區、洗手台、多功能防疫站、路檔、分類垃圾桶、警示錐、入口形象、植栽牆、識別指引…等」,進行設計導入示範。將夜市與環保之間的關聯進行研析,擬定相關夜市形象之設計指引,以提供我國其他夜市未來辦理環保導入設計形象之示範參考。 為讓設計導入夜市,協助設計團隊能理解夜市管理單位之使用痛點與實際執行時會發生之情勢樣態;期透過設計導入後,為傳統夜市帶來新的意象,吸引新世代觀光客逛夜市,進而激發與提升夜市自治會、攤商與消費大眾對環境保護、愛惜資源的素養,透過設計美學改變環境,誘發使用者自律行為,讓夜市環境能更整齊、明亮、乾淨、具綠意與永續。
中文關鍵字 環保夜市、循環設計、使用者體驗設計、模組化設計


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 7700 千元
專案開始日期 2020/12/04 專案結束日期 2022/06/30 專案主持人 吳於軒
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 林雯妤 執行單位 財團法人台灣設計研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 109A340. DOC.pdf 59MB

ECO Night Market Design Project

英文摘要 In this project, we introduce our design to the night market space, taking into consideration the needs of and management model suitable for the stakeholders, including the night market committee, the vendors, the cleaning staff, the users, and the administrative agencies of the local government. Hopefully, by introducing our design to the night markets, we can create a new image as well as set a new benchmark for Taiwan’s ECO night markets. There are 4 night markets, including Ningxia Night Market in Taipei City, Wenhua Road Night Market in Chiayi City, Shu Ling Sing Ren Garden Night Market, and Xizhi Night Market in New Taipei City that we specify the needs and pain points for users through interviews and design the solutions for the specifically night markets by the road and night markets in a designated specific area. Our goal is to create wonderful experience for night market visitors with our user-oriented designs. Since we were implementing this project during the outbreak of Covid-19, we had to consider administration of night markets and customers’ needs when designing and introducing facilities as “dining areas, mobileable handwashing stations, walk-through screening station, road blocker, entrance signs, garbage bins, plant walls, direction signs…etc.” which can serve as a night market design model. This can serve as examples for the other night markets that are renovating their images and facilities. Examples from this project can also help the designing staff to understand the pain points of administrative agencies at the night market as well as the actual situations of implementing the renovating plans. If the design introducing model works well, it can inspire and motivate the “night market committee, vendors, and visitors” to have higher awareness of protecting the environment and cherishing resources. Then, the behaviors and patterns of visitors can be changed for creating a cleaner, brighter greener, more orderly, and more sustainable night market.
英文關鍵字 Eco Night Market, Circular Design, Modulable Design, User Experience Design