

中文摘要   計畫執行期程自簽約日109年4月1日起至109年11月20日止,整體工作量完成度已達86.66%。本階段具體執行成果如下:(1)完成巡查臺中市電動汽車充電站125處次及電動二輪車充電站235處次;(2)實地勘查、訪查、輔導83家處設置電動車輛充電設施具高度潛勢或推動效益之公務機關(或單位)及民間經營場所;(3)審核及核銷18件電動車輛充電設施設置補助計畫申請案件;(4)協助公務電動車運行相關工作及資料收集暨建置分析;(5)拆除17站電動車充電站及搬遷6站電動車充電站;(6)協助臺中ㄅㄨㄅㄨ網頁更新、維護及擴充;(7)辦理1場教育訓練參訪活動;(8)規劃設計2式宣導文宣;(9)辦理低污染車輛宣導活動10場次;(10)撰寫19則新聞稿及回應稿;(11)辦理創意工作坊1場次;(12)召開推動無車區說明會議3場次;(13)辦理2處次無車區試辦工作;(14)無車區/無車日試辦區之空氣品質偵測調查工作及執行成果報告;(15)辦理2場次宣示活動籌備研商會議;(16)辦理臺中市響應國際無車日宣示活動;(17)辦理體驗大眾運輸工具抽獎活動;(18)辦理鼓勵民眾響應國際無車日宣導活動;(19)完成創意教案規劃並印製700本實體繪本;(20)辦理152場次教育宣導講習;(21)購置6,000份宣導品;(22)辦理蒐集環境議題新聞資料抽獎活動;(23)召開2場交流、聯繫、研商或說明會議;(24)完成2處次共乘實地訪查;(25)蒐集彙整電動公車運行成果,掌握營運業者、車輛數、實際行駛里程及污染減量成果;(26)國內外共乘及推動低污染交通運具及建置綠能交通環境之資料蒐集。
中文關鍵字 低污染交通工具、大眾運輸、綠色交通


專案計畫編號 P1090306024 經費年度 109 計畫經費 7700 千元
專案開始日期 2020/04/01 專案結束日期 2021/12/31 專案主持人 蕭伊琳
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 連乾閔 執行單位 創騏環境科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 05.期末成果報告摘要(詳細版).pdf 0MB 109年度低污染車輛推廣計畫期末報告

The promotion of low-pollution vehicle project in Taichung city, 2020.

英文摘要 The execution period of the plan is from April 1, 2009 to November 20, 2009, and the overall workload has reached 86.66%. The specific implementation results of this stage are as follows: (1) Complete inspections of 125 electric vehicle charging stations in Taichung City and 235 electric two-wheeler charging stations; (2) Field surveys, visits, and coaching 83 locations to install electric vehicle charging facilities with height Public agencies (or units) and private business establishments with potential or promoting benefits; (3) Review and reimburse 18 electric vehicle charging facilities installation subsidy program application cases; (4) Assist in the operation and data collection of official electric vehicles Cum construction analysis; (5) Dismantling 17 electric vehicle charging stations and relocating 6 electric vehicle charging stations; (6) Assisting in the update, maintenance and expansion of the Taichung website; (7) Conducting an educational training visit Activities; (8) Planning and design 2-type propaganda propaganda; (9) Handle 10 low-pollution vehicle propaganda activities; (10) Write 19 press releases and response drafts; (11) Handle 1 creative workshop; (12) ) Convene 3 meetings for the promotion of car-free zones; (13) Handle 2 trials of car-free zones; (14) Air quality detection and survey work and implementation results reports for car-free zones/car-free day trial zones; (15) Handle 2 announcement activities to prepare for the research and business meeting; (16) Handle the Taichung City’s announcement activities in response to the International Car-Free Day; (17) Handle the Lottery for Experiencing Public Transport; (18) Handle the Encouragement of the Public to Respond to the International Car-Free Day (19) Complete creative teaching plan planning and print 700 physical picture books; (20) Handle 152 educational publicity lectures; (21) Purchase 6,000 publicity materials; (22) Handle the collection of news materials on environmental issues Lottery; (23) Convene 2 exchanges, contacts, business discussions or explanation meetings; (24) Complete 2 ride-sharing field visits; (25) Collect and aggregate the operation results of electric buses, and grasp the operators, the number of vehicles, and the actual situation Driving mileage and pollution reduction results; (26) Collecting information on domestic and international ride sharing and promotion of low-pollution transportation vehicles and the establishment of green energy transportation environment.
英文關鍵字 low-pollution vehicle, public transportation, green transportation