

中文摘要 自「土壤及地下水污染整治法」(下稱土污法)公布實施以來,至今年度已滿十餘年,土壤及地下水之污染調查管制及查證工作日漸步入軌道。新北市政府環境保護局(下稱本局)秉持土污法之精神及遵行大署之政策,除進行污染調查及查證工作外,亦積極推動加強宣導污染預防、污染源頭查緝及末端污染改善等工作,以多管齊下之具體作為,完備整體污染防治及整治工作。 本市土地面積達2,052平方公里,人口超過400萬,工商業發達,工廠登記證數量超過1萬8,000家,人口密度高,工商住宅比鄰,其中污染潛勢較高地區分佈於新莊、中和、樹林等區,由於本市轄內土地利用率高,若一旦發現污染,恐對民眾造成衝擊,本局除配合大署施政主軸,以土地永續利用為願景,以加強污染預防、污染調查查證及強化管制措施之策略,以達減少污染發生及降低民眾健康風險,並提供安全無虞之生活環境。 本市土壤污染調查工作早在民國71年就已著手進行,其調查對象以農地土壤為主,調查物種則以重金屬為標的。近年來隨著時空變遷及工商業迅速成長,本市多數農地已依都市計畫變更為其他用地,調查方向亦因經濟發展型態之改變而逐漸調整,從原來之農地土壤重金屬調查轉為工廠廢水、廢棄污泥或其他有害固體液體廢棄物場址、地下儲槽及非法棄置場址等高污染群進行調查,統計至108年4月底止,共有7處污染整治場址,40處控制場址,1處地下水受污染使用限制地區,另有1處場址將進行公告,列管面積逾149萬餘平方公尺,污染場址類型仍以廢棄工廠及加油站居多,為確保場址確實改善,本市亦積極辦理污染場址改善監督查核及驗證,並加強營運中工廠污染查核及污染防治宣導工作,目前工作內容日趨繁瑣而多元。 而在地下水污染調查方面,除配合大署相關計畫展開每年之定期監測,另於污染潛勢較高之地區設置地下水監測井,統計至108年4月底止,本市目前所管理之區域性監測井持續監測31口、場置性監測持續監測137口〔含由污染改善單位監測36口、由環保局監測96口,已規劃廢井5口〕。 上述監測井皆由大署例行性補助計畫進行轄內地下水井巡查維護及水質監測工作,並遵照大署訂定之規範進行採樣及維護,並建立本市地下水污染物濃度長期變化趨勢,以達預警功能。隨著民眾對生活環境的日益關切,土壤及地下水污染問題逐漸受到重視,為確保國民健康及環境安全,污染事件的發生在第一時間應變處理,攸關民眾健康及其對環保機關的信任,故除例行性之土壤及地下水監測工作外,緊急應變暨查證工作亦為目前推動土壤及地下水污染調查之重要一環。為配合大署施政策略,除加強業者及民眾之教育宣導,提升環境保護意識,避免污染發生,另外針對即時發生之污染事件進行查證工作及緊急應變處理,仍為本年度重點工作。 由於污染管制日益趨向多元而複雜,面對接踵而至之業務,為提升整體行政效能、服務品質及解決專業及人力資源不足所面臨之窘境,實有委託專業顧問公司專責協助本局辦理土壤及地下水污染調查及查證等相關作業之必要性。於此研擬「109年度土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫」(下稱本計畫),提陳大署審核,以展本局推動土壤及地下水污染管制之決心及維護環境品質之用心。
中文關鍵字 土壤及地下水、污染調查、查證


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 1363 千元
專案開始日期 2019/12/04 專案結束日期 2020/11/15 專案主持人 范康登
主辦單位 新北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳必祥 執行單位 傑美工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 109新北土水計畫期末定稿(Open).pdf 18MB

109 Soil and Groundwater Pollution Survey and Verification Project - New Taipei City

英文摘要 This project continues work in “Soil and Groundwater Investigation and Verification Project” of New Taipei City. Work contents include regular soil and groundwater monitoring work, monitoring well external appearance patrol, maintenance and repeal, gas station online declaration and on-site inspection, soil and groundwater pollution site supervision, verification and inspection, scope of pollution site broadening investigation, pollution verification on prosecutors care and public nuisance dispute and emergency response, advocacy and administrative work. 28 groundwater samples were sampled, with work achievement of 100 % in groundwater sampling work category in project contract. Among all groundwater samples, the F00057 show higher concentration of VC (0.0659 mg/L), the F00134, F00189 and F00224 are still contaminated by CIS-1,2DCE (0.477 ~ 1.86 mg/L), the results showed that no pollutants had not spread out in the Shulin Industrial Park. The F00370 Mercury concentration (0.12 ~ 2.2 mg/L) still exceeds control standards. A total of 272 monitoring wells have carried out monitoring well external appearance patrol and maintenance. The project maintained 26 groundwater monitoring wells, abolished 5 monitoring wells, and maintained 11 wells internal functions.On regular declared and modified monitoring document of gas station, 739 documents were examined. 11 gas stations on-site verification work were carried and all field records were uploaded to “Soil and Groundwater Information Management System”. Each pollution Control Site is patrolled at least once a month, and the pollution Remediation Site is patrolled twice a month, 687 Sites were patrol and supervised, all field records were uploaded to “Soil and Groundwater Information Management System”.4 Control Sites were verified, 4 repopulation soil site were verified, 16 sites were investigated and 1 site were monitored. Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act Article 8 and 9, 43 on-site inspections and 54 cases reviewed. Held 4 regulatory symposiums, and handle them online in response to COVID-19, and cooperate with the 20th anniversary environmental exhibition. Soil and groundwater pollution incidents will still occur, and subsequent pollution investigation and verification work is necessary. Regarding the scope of pollution in this city, follow-up work shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act to effectively control the pollution situation and avoid deterioration.
英文關鍵字 Soil and groundwater, pollution investigation, verification