

中文摘要 《巴黎協定》代表全人類對抗全球暖化的問題得以落實,另外碳定價已成為各國政府為達成低碳經濟的重要政策工具之一。由企業在市場機制下,進行總量管制排放交易所衍生之全球碳市場已快速成長至2019年的4千5百多億美元,藉由國際間交易體系彼此間之連結,可預期碳市場在未來亦將快速發展,對產業而言,具有高流動性的排放權,更可增加操作的彈性與便利性,運作良好的排放交易機制,可達到環境與經濟雙贏的目的。 我國2015年通過《溫室氣體減量及管理法》設定明確的減量目標,到2050年溫室氣體排放量降為2005年排放量50%以下,並且將參酌聯合國氣候變化綱要公約與其他協議或相關國際公約決議事項,依據溫管法將推動溫室氣體總量管制、抵換、拍賣、配售、交易制度。 2018年6月,臺德雙邊也正式簽訂「臺德合作協議」,總量管制與排放交易機制正式展開長期的合作;隔年的2019年6月環保署組團參與德國排放交易管理局安排的碳市場能力建構研習課程。於全球跨國合作愈趨緊密之際,唯有透過參與相關國際組織,加強我國溫室氣體管制政策經驗學習與國際接軌,並在國際場域有效發揮,提升我國能見度,與各國際組織發展策略夥伴關係,始能促進我國參與全球溫室氣體減量治理,並促使低碳轉型產業。 因此本計畫的目的為協助環保署:(一)推動臺德碳市場雙邊合作,促進溫室氣體管理減量技術及制度交流;(二)維持國際交流管道,並向國際展現我國推動溫室氣體減量管理工作成效;(三)研提我國碳市場價格訂定檢討機制;(四)建立我國實施溫室氣體排放總量管制導致碳洩漏可能性及對國家競爭力造成影響之評估與認定機制。
中文關鍵字 碳市場、碳定價、碳洩漏


專案計畫編號 109A273 經費年度 109 計畫經費 6018.42 千元
專案開始日期 2020/07/13 專案結束日期 2021/12/31 專案主持人 石信智
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 葉惠芬 執行單位 永智顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 1110103_期末報告定稿本F.pdf 10MB

Research and Cooperation on International Greenhouse Gas Management and Reduction SchemesResearch and Cooperation on International Greenhouse Gas Management and Reduction Schemes

英文摘要 The Paris Agreement represents mankind’s joint effort to mitigate climate change. In addition, carbon pricing has become one of the important policy tools for governments to achieve a low-carbon economy. The global carbon market derived from the emission trading among enterprises under market mechanisms has rapidly grown to more than US$450 billion in 2019. Through the potential linkage among international trading systems, the global carbon market is expected to develop rapidly in the future. For industries, a high liquidity in emissions trading can increase the flexibility of operation, as well as achieve mutual benefit for the environment and the economy. In 2015, Taiwan adopted the "Greenhouse Gas Reduction Act" to set a clear reduction target. By 2050, the greenhouse gas emissions will be reduced to less than 50% of the 2005 emissions. Taiwan EPA will consider UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and other relevant international agreements and convention resolution, in order to establish a domestic cap-and-trade, offset, auction, allocate and sales system for greenhouse gases. In June 2018, Taiwan and Germany formally signed the "Taiwan-Germany cooperation agreement", which officially launched the bilateral long-term cooperation on emissions trading system. The following year in June 2019, Taiwan EPA led a delegation to participate in the carbon market capacity building course organized by the German Emissions Trading Authority. By participating in relevant international organizations, Taiwan can strengthen its greenhouse gas management policy, with experience learning and international linkage, and effectively play in the international arena to enhance our visibility, and develop strategic partnerships with international organizations. Such partnerships can promote Taiwan's participation in global greenhouse gas reduction management and promote low-carbon transformation of domestic industries. The main purposes of this project are to: (1) promote bilateral cooperation in the carbon market between Taiwan and Germany, and exchange in greenhouse gas reduction technologies and systems; (2) maintain international channels and demonstrate to the international community the effectiveness of Taiwan's efforts to promote greenhouse gas emission reduction management; (3) assess the review mechanism of Taiwan's carbon market pricing; and (4) establish a mechanism for assessing the potential of carbon leakage and its impact on national competitiveness.
英文關鍵字 carbon market, carbon pricing, carbon leakage