

中文摘要 移動污染源係造成都會區空氣品質劣化的原因之一,也是環保機關及交通主管單位加強管制之重點,其中又以柴油車排放黑煙最令民眾所詬病,本計畫為有效管制柴油車輛,配合環保局柴油車管制策略運作,加強針對「高污染柴油車輛」為目標,而非「老舊柴油車輛」,藉由車輛取得「柴油車自主管理標章」到檢合格外,更要透過專案管制及教育宣導,建立車主正確之車輛保檢合一觀念,期使高污染車輛均可已完成改善修復,達成污染減量的成效與目的,計畫期末報告各工作項目統計自109年1月3日起至109年12月2日止,相關執行內容說明如下: 動力計排煙檢測5,884輛柴油車,到檢原因以自主管理為主;其中第一階段有24輛次不合格,不合格率為0.4%;馬力不足退驗率為4.7%。並且依108年度品保數據,每月進行一次同車品管測試,製作109年品管圖,以確保檢測品質。 稽查管制作業中,路邊攔檢執行83場次稽查作業,共計完成攔檢作業1,266輛次,不合格188輛次,不合格率為14.8%;在目測稽查部份,已完成柴油車目測判煙稽查4,052輛,經複篩後認定有污染之虞2,535輛,符合寄發規定1,958件,其中以二、三期車所佔比例最高;動力計排煙檢測站到檢車輛油品進行篩選5,884件,檢驗硫含量26件;路邊攔檢進行抽查共1,266件,檢驗硫含量22件,其送驗結果均符合標準。惟6輛柴油車油品檢驗結果大於9 mg/kg,並召回再次檢驗並檢附購油證明,其檢驗結果仍符合油品使用標準。 本市於特定區域管制上,透過交通排放路網及車輛密度分析,顯示柴油車密度以臺北港每平方公里達1.3萬輛最高,且鄰近八里市區內有住宅區、醫療照護中心、學校等環境敏感區域,因此優先規劃將臺北港劃設為本市空氣品質維護區,並依照環保署空氣品質維護區移動污染源管制措施之擬訂及審查作業規範辦理,評估管制必要性、管制合理性、執行可行性、效益及衝擊評估及預期成果分析等措施,報請中央主管機關進行審查,於109年6月17日由環保署召開會商會議,針對本市劃設臺北港為空氣品質維護區之管制措施進行審查,經審查結果為無牴觸憲法、法律或基於法律授權之法規;109年8月28日取得環保署核定准予公告;109年9月25日新北市政府正式公告臺北港為本市第一處空氣品質維護區。 焚化廠實施門禁管制措施,管制進出本市廠區之一、二期車輛需檢附一年內合格排氣檢驗紀錄,透過本局廢棄物處理規劃科提供進出廠區車號,共153輛進行列管並分析排煙檢驗紀錄,顯示實施門禁管制後實際進廠之廢棄物清運車輛一、二期柴油車,相較於管制前,行駛進入焚化廠車輛減少102輛,仍繼續行駛之51輛全數檢測合格,PM2.5預估減量5.5(噸/年)。 透過企業減量協商,協調南亞公司(樹林、林口廠)制定進出車輛管理辦法,對於契作廠商車輛,出廠滿五年車輛,需領有一年內檢驗合格紀錄方可進廠,透過車牌辨識列管3,574輛車,皆取得一年內取得檢驗合格紀錄證明,並對於不符合進出管理辦法規定之10輛車進行追蹤,透過強制到檢及開放即時查詢系統,整體納管率已達100%。 除加強特定區域稽查及門禁管制外,在推動自主管理部份,本市自主管理車隊共計80家,車輛總數為7,245輛,取得標章納管率為89.6%,另針對已領有自主管理標章之車輛進行稽查,今年度優先針對上年度場站不合格、目測判煙、民眾檢舉比例較高或特定車型(金龍汽車KL6120、KL6112)之車隊實施抽驗,結果基隆客運仍有5輛不合格,其中1輛連續三年稽查都呈現不合格,嗣後持續追蹤;尾隨稽查有中興大業巴士等12家業者,共計68輛有污染之虞車輛,並寄發通知到檢,其複驗情形皆為合格。 配合中央政策推動保檢合一,並為有效嚇阻擅調之行為,本計畫已將疑似擅調保養廠稽查作業納入專案稽查,透過行政管制、加強稽查與尾隨目測,已有效降低馬力比退驗率,經封鎖保養廠周邊道路稽查成功攔查到2輛於排煙檢驗站內檢驗合格(目測判煙通知),又立即進入保養廠疑似進行擅調,檢測為不合格情形,現場立即告發,嚇阻保養廠擅調行為。 推動輔導認證保養廠工作,針對永德福認證保養廠進行黑煙檢測設備查驗比對,確保使用煙度檢測設備,協助維修調整車輛排煙狀況取代擅調行為,並分析近三年保養維修、檢驗資料,透過勾稽篩選比對,累積三年數據顯示永德福保養廠具備黑煙保養維修能力,永德福已完成與廠商洽談後續軟體、並購置轉速計及硬體主機等費用,並規劃於109年底前完成認證作業,授權核發自主管理標章。
中文關鍵字 移動污染源、空氣品質維護區、疑似擅調


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 12960 千元
專案開始日期 2020/01/03 專案結束日期 2020/12/02 專案主持人 胡欣
主辦單位 新北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 林子暘 執行單位 瑩諮科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 109年新北市柴油車污染稽查管制計畫 (上傳版本).pdf 17MB
英文摘要 Mobile pollution sources (MPS) are one of the causes of air quality deterioration in metropolitan areas. One of the focal points of the authorities for environmental protection and transportation has been reinforcing control mechanisms for these sources, of which black smoke from diesel vehicles is the most publicly denounced. This project’s objectives are to control diesel emissions, in cooperation with the Department of Environmental Protection, with particular attention given to high-polluting diesel vehicles. Car owners can be given a proper approach to maintenance and inspection through obtaining, by inspection, a “diesel vehicle self-management mark,” a well as through project controls and educational promotion. The intent of such efforts is to upgrade and improve high-polluting vehicles and reduce their pollution emissions. The end-of-term report of each work item of the plan accounted for the period beginning January 3, 2020 and ending December 2, 2020. The relevant details of implementation are as follows: 5,884 diesel vehicles were inspected by dynamometer, the main reason for which was self-management; of those inspected, 24 vehicles were found to be unqualified in the first stage, and the failure rate was 0.4%; the rejection rate for insufficient horsepower was 4.7%. In addition, according to the quality assurance statistics for 2019, the same vehicle quality control test was carried out once monthly, and the 2020 quality control map was produced to ensure test quality. During inspection and control, 83 roadside inspections were performed, and a total of 1,266 inspections were completed; 188 vehicles were found to be unqualified, and the failure rate was 14.8%. 4,058 diesel vehicles were subjected to visual smoke inspection. After re-screening, 2,535 vehicles were found to be suspected of pollution, and 1,958 were issued compliance documentation, of which phase-2 and phase-3 vehicles accounted for the highest proportion. 5,884 oil samples from vehicles stopped at smoke emissions testing stations were screened, and testing for sulfur content was performed in 21 cases. Random roadside testing was performed in a total of 1,266 cases, and testing for sulfur content was performed in 21 cases; all samples sent for testing met standards. However, the results of oil inspection from 6 diesel vehicles were greater than 9 mg/kg; those vehicles were recalled for re-inspection and attached with fuel-purchase certificates. Among those vehicles, the inspection results of 5 vehicles still met oil use standards. A sample from 1 vehicle was sent back for inspection, which is still in progress; and one is in the process of being notified. In terms of specific regional control, the city's traffic emission road network and vehicle density analysis show that the density of diesel vehicles is the highest in the Port of Taipei at 13,000 vehicles/km2; there are also sensitive areas, such as residential areas, medical care centers, and schools in the nearby Bali District. Therefore, priority planning designates the Port of Taipei as the city’s air quality maintenance zone and will proceed in accordance with the Environmental Protection Administration’s drafting and review specifications for air quality maintenance zone MPS control measures, and measures for the assessment of the necessity for control, rationality for control, feasibility of implementation, benefit and impact assessment, and expected result analysis have been submitted to the central competent authority for review. The Environmental Protection Administration convened a meeting on June 17, 2020 to review the city’s measures designating the Port of Taipei as an air quality maintenance zone, and the results of that review found no violation of the constitution, laws, or regulations authorized by the law; on August 28, 2020, obtained the approval letter from the Environmental Protection Administration for announcement; on September 25, 2020, the New Taipei City Government officially announced that the Port of Taipei is the city's first air quality maintenance zone. Incineration plants implement access control measures. Phase-1 and phase-2 vehicles entering and exiting plants must have exhaust gas inspection records that are qualified within one year. The waste disposal planning section of the Bureau provides smoke emissions analysis records by license plate number, and these records show that there were 102 fewer phase-1 and phase-2 diesel waste removal vehicles entering incineration plants after the implementation of access controls as compared to before such controls were in place; all 51 vehicles that continued to drive passed testing. The PM2.5 estimates a reduction of 5.5 (tons/year). Coordinated with Nanya Corporation (its Shulin and Linkou plants), through enterprise reduction negotiation, to formulate management measures for vehicle access. Vehicles from contracted manufacturers that have been out of the factory for five years must have a qualified inspection record within the past year before entering the factory. By use of license plate identification for the control of 3,574 vehicles, 10 vehicles more than 5 years old had been found to not have obtained a qualified inspection record within the past year.Through compulsory inspection and open real-time inquiry system, the overall management rate has reached 100%. In addition to strengthening inspections and access controls in specific regions, to promote self-management, the city has a total of 80 self-managed vehicle fleets, consisting altogether of 7,245 vehicles, and whose mark obtainment and management rate was 89.6%. In addition, vehicles that have obtained self-management marks are inspected. In the current year, random inspections are prioritized for vehicles found to be unqualified at stations in the previous year, for high proportion of visual inspection (public) reporting, or for fleets of specific vehicle types (such as King Long Motor vehicles). Keelung Bus was found to have 5 unqualified vehicles, of which 1 was found to have failed inspections for three consecutive years. Complied with the policy of the central government to promote the integration of maintenance and inspection, and included inspections for suspected unauthorized modifications at service shops into project inspection to deter such actions. Through administrative controls, inspections and follow-up visual inspections were strengthened, and the horsepower rejection ratio has been effectively reduced. Two vehicles were successfully stopped and tested that had passed testing at smoke emissions inspection stations (visual smoke inspection notice) and immediately entered the service shop suspected of unauthorized modification. After the closure of the roads surrounding the service shop for inspections, there were unqualified items discovered, which were immediately reported, thus strengthening the deterrence of unauthorized modification behavior of service shops. Promoted guidance and certification of service shops; black smoke detection equipment in Scania-certified service shops were inspected and compared. The aim was to ensure that smoke detection equipment was being used to assist in the maintenance and adjustment of emissions as a replacement for unauthorized modification behavior, and the maintenance and repair and inspection data over the past two years was analyzed. Through cross-checking, screening, and comparison, accumulated data over two years shows that Scania-certified service shops are capable of black smoke maintenance and repair. Scania has completed negotiations with the manufacturer for follow-up software, and has acquired funding for tachometers and hardware servers. It plans to complete certification work before the end of 2020 and authorize the issuance of the self-management mark.
英文關鍵字 Mobile pollution sources, air quality maintenance zone, suspected unauthorized modifications